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The NoteBook

Note Taking for Every Class, Lab/Sim, and Clinical
Edition: 3
Publication Date:
January 1, 2019
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NurseThink® for StudentsThe NoteBook 3rd Edition is a unique Clinical Judgment tool that can be used in class, independent study, ...
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  • NurseThink® for Students
    The NoteBook 3rd Edition is a unique Clinical Judgment tool that can be used in class, independent study, collaboration, and even clinical preparation. Updated with Lifespan, Skills, and Patient Safety Goals, this new edition is ready for Next Gen Learning. Designed to raise the level of cognitive learning in a shorter amount of time, it allows students to move from 'acquiring' knowledge into application for safe patient care. Note-taking for prioritization in nursing school is essential for future nurses. Emphasis is placed on helping nursing students clearly and consistently handle large volumes of information. Students will study with a conceptual approach as if they were a nurse focusing on NCLEX® and QSEN (quality and safety) related standards for nursing practice. From fundamentals to medical-surgical, mental health, community health, maternal-child, and even leadership, students using this tool will learn how to learn while taking notes. The NoteBook 3rd Edition will help with all exams, checkoffs, assignments, and most importantly, developing into a top-notch nurse.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Spiralbound
    NurseThink for Students
    Publication Date
    January 1, 2019
  • Tim J Bristol
    Karin J Sherrill
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The NoteBook

The NoteBook

ISBN/ISSN: 9780998734767
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