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Selected as a Doody’s Core Title for 2023!
Now with additional review content and a larger page size, The MD Anderson Surgical Oncology Manual, Seventh Edition, focuses on multidisciplinary, cooperative management approaches to issues confronting today’s surgical oncologist. Lead editor Dr. Barry W. Feig is joined by recently graduated surgical oncology fellows Michael G. White, Cameron E. Gaskill, Anai N. Kothari, and Sandra R. DiBrito to bring you comprehensive yet concise information on the complete range of oncologic considerations needed to effectively understand cancer and all aspects of its treatment.
Walks you through epidemiology and etiology, pathology, staging, clinical presentation and diagnosis, surgical treatment, and adjuvant therapies for each disease site or system
Includes new case studies with multiple choice review questions at the end of each chapter
Features a new, larger page size, up-to-date information on the latest staging and protocols, and well-written, easy-to-read content throughout
Written by current and former MD Anderson surgical oncology fellows
The VST Ebook includes an additional 155 interactive Q&A questions and answers for self-assessment and review
Ideal for fellows in surgical oncology, general surgery residents, medical students facing a surgical/oncology rotation, and practicing surgeons
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
March 1, 2023
Barry W Feig MD
Professor of Surgery, Department of Surgical Oncology, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houton TX
The MD Anderson Surgical Oncology Manual: eBook with Multimedia
ISBN/ISSN: 9781975192624
USD $119.99 Quantity:
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