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The Johns Hopkins Manual of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Edition: 6
Publication Date:
May 7, 2020
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Portable and easy to consult, The Johns Hopkins Manual® of Gynecology and Obstetrics is a trusted on-the-spot reference for virtually ...
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  • Portable and easy to consult, The Johns Hopkins Manual® of Gynecology and Obstetrics is a trusted on-the-spot reference for virtually any issue you’ll encounter in obstetrics, high-risk obstetrics, gynecology, reproductive endocrinology, infertility, and gynecologic oncology. The updated 6th Edition has been reorganized for quick reference and contains thoroughly revised information culled from the collective expertise of residents and attending physicians at The Johns Hopkins University.
    • New sections on female pelvic medicine/reconstructive surgery and general surgery in obstetrics and gynecology.
    • New chapters cover multifetal pregnancy, substance abuse, psychiatric diseases, neoplastic diseases, hereditary cancer syndromes, and more.  
    • Easy-to-use outline format modeled after The Washington Manual® of Medical Therapeutics.
    • Used with confidence for nearly 20 years by house officers, medical students, and practitioners who deal with obstetric and gynecologic diseases and disorders.
    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    May 7, 2020
  • Jessica L. Bienstock MD, MPH
    Director, GYN/OB Residency Program, The Johns Hopkins Hospital Prenatal Diagnosis and Treatment Center, Baltimore, MD
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The Johns Hopkins Manual of Gynecology and Obstetrics

The Johns Hopkins Manual of Gynecology and Obstetrics

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975140229
USD $89.99 Quantity :
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