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The perfect exam prep resource for students or practicing physician assistants seeking certification or recertification, The JAAPA QRS Review for PAs delivers an innovative approach that’s proven to boost test-taking skills and confidence with positive outcomes on the PANCE and PANRE.
Using the popular JAAPA Quick Recertification Series (QRS) format developed by PAs for PAs, this unique review presents up-to-date coverage of all certification and recertification topics, including preventive medicine, identification and treatment of illness, and diagnostic testing, accompanied by pre-and post-tests that help readers easily assess their knowledge and target areas for further study. This approach, designed by learning experts in partnership with leading clinicians and PA faculty, has been used successfully for more than a decade and is tailored for PAs. Combined with hands-on study tools and proven techniques to maximize learning and test-taking, this resource not only prepares students and PAs for success on the PANCE and PANRE but helps users self-assess their baseline knowledge and save time in preparation for any exam.
NCCPA-specific approach to exam prep reflects the latest PANCE/PANRE blueprint.
Popular JAAPA Quick Recertification Series (QRS) format makes essential disease information accessible and engaging.
Pre-test questions at the beginning of key sections and a Post-test assess and reinforce understanding and retention for better PANCE prep.
Guidance from learning experts provides study and test-taking techniques and offers an efficient approach to self-assess and target learning for exam success.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
8.5 x 11
Publication Date
December 10, 2021
Reamer L. Bushardt PharmD, RPh, PA-C
Dawn M. Colomb-Lippa
Amy M. Klinger
Harrison Reed
NCCPA-specific approach to exam prep reflects the latest PANCE/PANRE blueprint.
Popular JAAPA Quick Recertification Series (QRS) format makes essential disease information accessible and engaging.
Pre-test questions at the beginning of key sections and a Post-test assess and reinforce understanding and retention for better PANCE prep.
Guidance from learning experts provides study and test-taking techniques and offers an efficient approach to self-assess and target learning for exam success.
Lippincott® Connect features:
Full access to the digital version of the book with the ability to highlight and take notes on key passages for a more personal, efficient study experience.
Carefully curated resources, such as interactive diagrams, audio and video tutorials, and self-assessment, all designed to facilitate further comprehension.
Lippincott® Connect also allows users to create Study Collections to further personalize the study experience. With Study Collections you can:
Pool content from books across your entire library into self-created Study Collections based on discipline, procedure, organ, concept or other topics.
Display related text passages, video clips and self-assessment questions from each book (if available) for efficient absorption of material.
Annotate and highlight key content for easy access later.
Navigate seamlessly between book chapters, sections, self-assessments, notes and highlights in a single view/page.
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