Developed by 149 experts in the field, The International Consensus Classification of Myeloid and Lymphoid Neoplasms provides key information for use at the microscope to assist in arriving at a swift and accurate diagnosis. Drs. Daniel Arber, Michael J. Borowitz, James Cook, Laurence de Leval, John Goodlad, Robert Hasserjian, Rebecca L. King, Hans-Michael Kvasnicka, and Attilio Orazi lead a team of authors who focus on diagnostic criteria and the clinical significance of each disease entity.
Offers up-to-date information developed through a Clinical Advisory Committee (CAC) process that included the authors and editors of the former 3rd, 4th, and revised 4th edition World Health Organization (WHO) classification of hematopoietic and lymphoid tumors
Focuses on diagnostic criteria and includes guidelines as to the clinical significance of each disease authored by a clinician expert
Provides essential information for pathologists and hematopathologists in practice and in training, as well as oncologists and hematologists who want to better understand the many disease categories that they encounter
The International Consensus Classification of Myeloid and Lymphoid Neoplasms
ISBN/ISSN: 9781975222598
USD $179.99 Quantity:
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