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The Direct Anterior Approach to Hip Reconstruction
In recent years, the direct anterior approach (DAA) has become a fundamental component of hip reconstruction in modern orthopaedic surgical practice. The Direct Anterior Approach to Hip Reconstruction, Second Edition is a comprehensive and highly practical guide that addresses patient anatomy, surgical techniques, and emphasizes risk avoidance when using the DAA. Continuing the pioneering work of Dr. Kristaps J. Keggi, this entirely new and expanded edition, offers the world’s most definitive single reference for surgeons aiming to improve patient care and enhance outcomes by expanding their technical capabilities for hip reconstructive surgery with the DAA.
Offers expanded coverage of key topics and numerous new chapters, newly reorganized and streamlined for ease of use with take-home points, tips and tricks, pearls and pitfalls, as well as abundant full-color photos
Includes a distinguished group of international experts assembled by the editors to reflect the global utilization of the DAA, capturing a diverse array of perspectives and insights
Highlights fundamental concepts and the unique perspectives of leading surgeons who converted their practices from posterior to anterior hip replacement, along with chapters on anatomy, patient selection, the learning curve, various approach techniques and use of the novel “bikini” incision
Covers intermediate concepts such as the use of image guidance, along with robotic and navigation technologies, understanding the hip-spine relationship, simultaneous bilateral total hip arthroplasty, complication avoidance, and unique instruments and devices, as well as advanced concepts such as using the DAA for bearing and liner exchanges, acetabular revisions, femoral component revisions, and much more
Addresses application of the DAA across specialties including in geriatric hip fracture care and orthopaedic trauma, pediatric orthopaedics and hip preservation, orthopaedic oncology, sports medicine, and physical therapy
Reflects outpatient total hip arthroplasty and operating room efficiency using the DAA in an all-new section, including multimodal analgesia protocols, the use of advanced anesthesia and nerve blocks, and self-retaining retractor systems
Focuses on literature and outcomes, emerging research trends, patient-reported outcomes, delivering on the patient experience, and understanding the economic impact
Includes future directions covering short-stem implant design, legal liabilities, and global perspectives from Australia, Costa Rica, and India
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The Direct Anterior Approach to Hip Reconstruction
ISBN/ISSN: 9781975221973
USD $219.99 Quantity:
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