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The ASAM Principles of Addiction Medicine: eBook with Multimedia

Edition: 7
Publication Date:
February 15, 2024
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Your instant access VST eBook comes with eight (8) e-only appendices covering ASAM approved terminology, screening and assessment instruments, DSM-V ...
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  • Your instant access VST eBook comes with eight (8) e-only appendices covering ASAM approved terminology, screening and assessment instruments, DSM-V criteria, ICD-10 coding, Federal schedules for controlled drugs, policies from the Federation of State Medical Boards.

    Why purchase an enhanced VST eBook?  It includes a full suite of study tools on any device—both online and offline:
    • Immediate access – get the information you need now, not in days or weeks
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    Principles of Addiction Medicine, 7th ed. is a fully reimagined resource, integrating the latest advancements and research in addiction treatment. Prepared for physicians in internal medicine, psychiatry, and nearly every medical specialty, the 7th edition is the most comprehensive publication in addiction medicine. It offers detailed information to help physicians navigate addiction treatment for all patients, not just those seeking treatment for SUDs. Published by the American Society of Addiction Medicine and edited by Shannon C. Miller, MD, Richard N. Rosenthal, MD, Sharon Levy, MD, Andrew J. Saxon, MD, Jeanette M. Tetrault, MD, and Sarah E. Wakeman, MD, this edition is a testament to the collective experience and wisdom of 350 medical, research, and public health experts in the field.
    The exhaustive content, now in vibrant full color, bridges science and medicine and offers new insights and advancements for evidence-based treatment of SUDs. This foundational textbook for medical students, residents, and addiction medicine/addiction psychiatry fellows, medical libraries and institution, also serves as a comprehensive reference for everyday clinical practice and policymaking. Physicians, mental health practitioners, NP, PAs, or public officials who need reference material to recognize and treat substance use disorders will find this an invaluable addition to their professional libraries.
    • Fifteen sections comprised of 128 fully updated or new chapters provide in-depth content on Basic Science and Core Principles of SUDs, Pharmacology, Diagnosis/Intervention, Non-Substance Addictions, Children and Adolescents, Withdrawal Management, Pharmacological Treatment, Psychological Treatment, Mutual Help, Co-Occurring Disorders, Pain and Addiction, and Ethical, Legal, and Liability Issues.
    • Addresses SUDs and complications for cardiology, gastroenterology, hepatology, endocrinology, pulmonology, obstetrics, nephrology, emergency medicine, immunology, surgery.
    • Includes all new content, including a full section on Epidemiology and Prevention, and chapters covering digital health interventions, all forms of psychologically-based interventions, collaborative care, cannabis used as treatment, electronic drug delivery devices, neuromodulation, emerging substances, climate change, industry influences on addiction, spirituality and mutual help, disorders associated with technology and social media, virtual care, reducing inequalities through changes in practice, OTP leadership, treatment considerations for LGBTQ patients, neurobiological determinants of addiction in children and adolescents, as well as race, ethnicity, and social determinants of health, disparities, and access to care.
    • Eight (8) appendices in the VST ebook cover ASAM approved terminology, screening and assessment instruments, DSM-V criteria, ICD-10 coding, Federal schedules for controlled drugs, policies from the Federation of State Medical Boards 
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    February 15, 2024
  • Shannon Miller
  • Contents
    Section Editors iv
    Contributors vi
    Preface xxiii
    Acknowledgments xxv
    Tributes xxvi
    1 Substance Use Disorders: The Neurobiology of Motivation
    Gone Awry 2
    Nora D. Volkow, George F. Koob, and Ruben Baler
    2 Recommended Use of Terminology in Addiction
    Medicine 27
    Shannon C. Miller, Richard N. Rosenthal, Jeanette M. Tetrault,
    Sarah E. Wakeman, Andrew J. Saxon, and Sharon Levy
    3 The Anatomy of Addiction 34
    Michael J. Wesley, Colleen A. Hanlon, and Thomas J. R. Beveridge
    4 Clinical Trials in Substance-Using Populations 48
    Frank Vocci
    5 Addiction Medicine Physicians and Collaborative Care
    Clinicians as Change Agents for Prevention and Public
    Health 64
    Warren Yamashita, Kevin Kunz, and Omari Hodge
    6 Climate Change and Addiction Medicine 76
    Shannon C. Miller and John W. Sullenbarger
    7 The Cigarette Industry’s Role in Promoting Tobacco Use
    Disorder 89
    K. Michael Cummings
    8 The Impact of the Alcohol Industry on Alcohol Use
    Disorder 105
    Thomas F. Babor
    9 The Impact of the Cannabis Industry on Cannabis Use
    Disorder 116
    David H. Jernigan, Jih-Cheng Yeh, Connor Kubeisy, and Kevin A. Sabet
    10 Pharmacokinetic, Pharmacodynamic, and
    Pharmacogenomic Principles 129
    Lori D. Karan, John G. McNutt, and Anne Zajicek
    11 The Pharmacology of Alcohol 148
    John J. Woodward
    12 The Pharmacology of Nonalcohol Sedative Hypnotics 165
    Carolina L. Haass-Kof? er and Elinore F. McCance-Katz
    13 The Pharmacology of Opioids 178
    Daryl Shorter, Coreen B. Domingo, and Thomas R. Kosten
    14 The Pharmacology of Stimulants 191
    David A. Gorelick and Michael H. Baumann
    15 The Pharmacology of Caffeine 217
    Laura M. Juliano, Sergi Ferré, Darian Weaver, and Roland R. Griffi ths
    16 The Pharmacology of Nicotine and Tobacco 230
    John A. Dani, Thomas R. Kosten, and Neal L. Benowitz
    17 The Pharmacology of Cannabinoids 248
    Justin Matheson, Katrina Mark, Daniele Piomelli, David A. Gorelick,
    and Bernard Le Foll
    18 The Pharmacology of Hallucinogens 269
    David B. Yaden, David S. Mathai, Michael P. Bogenschutz,
    and David E. Nichols
    19 The Pharmacology of Dissociatives 293
    Nicholas Denomme, Hamilton Morris, Jason Wallach,
    and Shannon C. Miller
    20 The Pharmacology of Inhalants 308
    Robert L. Balster and Silvia L. Cruz
    21 The Pharmacology of Anabolic-Androgenic
    Steroids 317
    Scott E. Lukas
    22 Electronic Drug Delivery Devices 337
    Gideon St.Helen and Shannon C. Miller
    23 Novel Psychoactive Substances 357
    Kathryn Hawk, Barbara M. Kirrane, and Gail D’Onofrio
    24 The Epidemiology of Substance Use Disorders 367
    Silvia S. Martins, Megan E. Marziali, and Pia M. Mauro
    Sidebar Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Prevention 385
    James C. Anthony
    25 Preventing Substance Use Among Children and
    Adolescents 390
    Kenneth W. Griffi n and Gilbert J. Botvin
    26 Environmental Approaches to Prevention: Communities
    and Contexts 399
    Mallie J. Paschall, Joel W. Grube, Robert F. Saltz, and Paul J. Gruenewald
    27 Prevention of Prescription Medication Misuse 408
    Beth Han, Christopher M. Jones, and Wilson M. Compton
    28 The Harm Reduction Approach to Caring for People Who
    Use Substances 423
    Alexander Y. Walley, Sharon Stancliff, and India Perez-Urbano
    29 College Student Drinking 437
    Lauren McClain, Frank J. Schwebel, Ursula Whiteside, Jason R. Kilmer,
    Ty W. Lostutter, and Mary E. Larimer
    30 Policy and Leadership: Impact on Primary, Secondary,
    and Tertiary Prevention of Substance Use Disorders
    in Military Personnel and Beyond 453
    Kenneth Hoffman and Janet H. Lenard
    Sidebar Challenges of Reintegration for Military Personnel
    and Their Families 464
    Joan E. Zweben and Susan StortiSECTION 4
    31 Screening and Brief Intervention 472
    Kenneth W. Verbos II, Alice Zhang, Ahyeon Cho, Suena H. Massey,
    and Aleksandra E. Zgierska
    Sidebar 1 Screening and Brief Intervention in
    Pregnancy 496
    Nicolas Bertholet
    Sidebar 2 Screening and Brief Intervention in Trauma
    Centers, Hospitals, and Emergency
    Departments 504
    Arthur F. Weissman and Richard D. Blondell
    Sidebar 3 Implementation of Screening and Brief
    Intervention in Clinical Settings Using Quality Improvement
    Principles 506
    Emily C. Williams and Katharine A. Bradley
    Sidebar 4 Screening for Unhealthy Alcohol and Drug Use
    in Older Adults 510
    Jennifer McNeely and Benjamin Han
    32 Laboratory Assessment 515
    Sacha N. Uljon, Eugene Lambert, and Eric Lott
    33 Assessment 526
    Deirdre O’Sullivan and Abenaa Jones
    Sidebar 1 Hospital-Based Addiction Care 535
    Honora Englander, Jennifer McNeely, and Zoe M. Weinstein
    Sidebar 2 Prevention and Early Treatment in the
    Workplace Setting 542
    Marianne Cloeren, Jodi J. Frey, and Indira G. Jetton
    34 Addiction Among Physicians and Physician Health
    Programs 551
    Paul H. Earley and Chris Bundy
    Sidebar Health care Professional Wellness After Patient
    Overdose Death 575
    Amy M. Yule and Frances Rudnick Levin
    35 Addiction Medicine in America: Its Birth, Early History,
    and Current Status (1750-2022) 580
    Kevin Kunz, Hoover Adger, William L. White, Timothy K. Brennan,
    Annie Lévesque, and Jacqueline Deanna Wilson
    36 The Treatment of Substance Use Disorders: An
    Overview 594
    Lawrence S. Brown Jr, Andrea G. Barthwell, and Ana Ventuneac
    37 Identification and Treatment of High-Risk Alcohol Use
    and Alcohol Use Disorder: An Overview 609
    Mark Willenbring
    38 Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Social Determinants of
    Health, Disparities, and Access to Care 621
    Oluwole O. Jegede, Myra L. Mathis, Richard Youins, Kimberly Guy,
    Skylar Gross, and Ayana Jordan
    39 Cultural Issues in Addiction Medicine 627
    Andrea G. Barthwell
    40 Substance Use and Co-occurring Conditions
    in Women 635
    41 Treatment of Substance Use Disorders in Older
    Adults 653
    Frederic C. Blow, Kristen J. Barry, and Angela M. Tiberia
    42 Treatment Considerations for LGBTQ Patients 666
    Timothy M. Hall, Maliha Khan, and Steven Shoptaw
    43 Military Sexual Trauma 680
    Joan E. Zweben
    44 Traumatic Brain Injury and Substance Use Disorders 685
    David L. Pennington, Amy A. Herrold, and Angela M. Mueller
    45 Integrated Care for Substance Use Disorder 701
    Emma E. McGinty, Rachel H. Alinsky, and Mark McGovern
    46 Substance Use–Related Care—Interprofessional
    Collaborative Practice 713
    Deborah S. Finnell, Jeffrey Bratberg, and Lisa K. Berger
    47 The ASAM Criteria and Matching Patients to
    Treatment 725
    David R. Gastfriend and R. Corey Waller
    48 Linking Addiction Treatment With Other Medical and
    Psychiatric Treatment Systems 740
    Alyssa F. Peterkin, Karran A. Phillips, Peter D. Friedmann,
    and Jeffrey H. Samet
    49 Reducing Inequities of Care Through Changes in
    Practice 758
    Kimberly Sue, Amanda Latimore, and India Perez-Urbano
    50 Quality Improvement for Addiction Treatment 768
    James H. Ford II, Kim A. Hoffman, Kimberly Johnson, and Javier Ponce
    Sidebar Delivery of Addiction Medicine Care via Video or
    Phone 780
    Christopher M. Jones and Yngvild Olsen
    51 Understanding Nonsubstance
    Addictions 788
    Luis C. Farhat, Sarah W. Yip, and Marc N. Potenza
    52 Gambling Disorder: Clinical Characteristics and
    Treatment 812
    Jon E. Grant and Brian L. Odlaug
    53 Compulsive Sexual Behaviors 826
    Timothy M. Hall, Anya Bershad, and Steven Shoptaw
    54 Disorders Associated With Technology and Social
    Media 842
    Richard N. Rosenthal and Jon E. Grant
    55 Management of Intoxication and Withdrawal: General
    Principles 860
    Tara M. Wright, Jeffrey S. Cluver, and Hugh Myrick
    56 Management of Alcohol Intoxication and Withdrawal 868
    Alan A. Wartenberg, Hannan M. Braun, and Cara Zimmerman
    57 Management of Sedative-Hypnotic Intoxication and
    Withdrawal 888 58 Management of Opioid Intoxication and Withdrawal 908
    Kenneth L. Morford, Julia M. Shi, Patrick G. O’Connor, and
    Jeanette M. Tetrault
    59 Management of Stimulant, Hallucinogen, Cannabis,
    Phencyclidine, and Other Drug Intoxication and
    Withdrawal 923
    Jeffery N. Wilkins, David A. Gorelick, Itai Danovitch, Nicholas
    Athanasiou, and Steven Allen
    60 Pharmacological Interventions for Alcohol Use
    Disorder 946
    Norah Essali, Hugh Myrick, and Andrew J. Saxon
    61 Pharmacological Interventions for Sedative-Hypnotic Use
    Disorder 961
    Alyssa Braxton, Jeffrey S. Cluver, Tara M. Wright, and Hugh Myrick
    62 Pharmacological Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder 969
    David Kan and Joan E. Zweben
    Sidebar Medical Director Stewardship of Opioid Treatment
    Programs 994
    Kenneth B. Stoller
    63 Special Issues in Office-Based Opioid Treatment
    (OBOT) 999
    Amy J. Kennedy and Andrew J. Saxon
    64 Pharmacological Treatment of Stimulant Use
    Disorders 1014
    David A. Gorelick and Jeffery N. Wilkins
    65 Pharmacological Interventions for Nicotine and Tobacco
    Use 1030
    Randi M. Williams, Frank T. Leone, and Robert Schnoll
    66 Pharmacological Interventions for Other Substances and
    Multiple Substance Use Disorders 1045
    Jeffery N. Wilkins, Mark Hrymoc, Manjit Bhandal, and David A. Gorelick
    67 Complementary and Integrative Interventions for Substance
    Use Disorders 1052
    Ripal Shah and David Spiegel
    68 Neuromodulation for Substance Use Disorders 1064
    Colleen A. Hanlon, Kaitlin R. Kinney, Miranda P. Ramirez,
    and Michael J. Wesley
    69 Enhancing Motivation to Change 1074
    James O. Prochaska and Janice M. Prochaska
    70 Motivational Interviewing 1085
    Cassandra L. Boness, Antoine Douaihy, and Karen S. Ingersoll
    71 Group Therapies 1094
    Dennis C. Daley, Antoine Douaihy, and Roger D. Weiss
    72 Individual Treatment 1107
    Edward V. Nunes and Kenneth M. Carpenter
    73 Contingency Management and the Community
    Reinforcement Approach 1128
    Sarah H. Heil, Tyler G. Erath, Roxanne F. Harfmann, and
    Stephen T. Higgins
    74 Behavioral Interventions for Tobacco Use Disorder 1143
    Joanna M. Streck, Angela Wangari Walter, Rachel L. Rosen,
    and Elyse R. Park
    75 Network Therapy 1164
    Marc Galanter
    76 Therapeutic Communities and Modified Therapeutic
    Communities for Co-occurring Mental and Substance
    Use Disorders 1175
    George De Leon and Stanley Sacks
    77 Aversion Therapies 1189
    Hanne Tonnesen, P. Joseph Frawley, and Richard Montgomery
    78 Family Involvement in Addiction, Treatment,
    and Recovery 1198
    Julianne C. Flanagan and Brandi C. Fink
    79 Twelve-Step Facilitation Approaches 1213
    Antoine Douaihy, Dennis M. Donovan, and Dennis C. Daley
    80 Relapse Prevention: Clinical Models and Intervention
    Strategies 1219
    Antoine Douaihy, Dennis C. Daley, and Dennis M. Donovan
    81 Mindfulness-Based Treatment of Addiction 1236
    Eric L. Garland and Anna Parisi
    82 Digital Health Interventions for Substance Use Disorders:
    The State of the Science 1250
    Smita Das
    83 Medical Management Techniques and Collaborative
    Care: Integrating Behavioral With Pharmacological
    Interventions 1261
    Richard N. Rosenthal, Richard K. Ries, and Joan E. Zweben
    SECTION 10
    84 Twelve-Step and Other Programs in Addiction
    Recovery 1279
    Edgar P. Nace
    85 Recent Research Into Twelve-Step Programs 1289
    John F. Kelly
    86 Spirituality in the Recovery Process 1308
    Marc Galanter
    SECTION 11
    87 Medical Care of Patients With Unhealthy Substance
    Use 1314
    Darius A. Rastegar
    88 Cardiovascular Disorders Related to Substance
    Use 1335
    Andi Shahu, Steven E. Pfau, and Samit M. Shah
    89 Liver Disorders Related to Substance Use 1355
    Paul S. Haber and Emily Nash
    90 Renal and Metabolic Disorders Related to Substance
    Use 1376
    Sarah Gilligan and Naveen Rathi 91 Gastrointestinal Disorders Related to Substance Use 1389
    Paul S. Haber and Nicholas C. Kortt
    92 Pulmonary Disorders Related to Substance Use 1402
    Tessa L. Steel, Corey Sadd, and Majid Afshar
    93 Neurological Disorders Related to Substance Use 1420
    Emmanuelle A. D. Schindler, Mona Al Banna, Brian B. Koo,
    Darren C. Volpe, Hamada Hamid Altalib, and Jason J. Sico
    94 Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Tuberculosis, and Other
    Infectious Diseases Related to Substance Use 1444
    Carol A. Sulis, Ayesha Appa, and Simeon D. Kimmel
    95 Sleep Disorders Related to Substance Use 1463
    Sanford Auerbach
    96 Traumatic Injuries Related to Alcohol and Other Drug
    Use 1482
    Edouard Coupet Jr, Deepa R. Camenga, Gail D’Onofrio, and Federico E. Vaca
    97 Endocrine and Reproductive Disorders Related to
    Substance Use 1490
    Priya Jaisinghani and Gwendolyne Anyanate Jack
    98 Substance Use During Pregnancy 1509
    Michael F. Weaver, Hendrée E. Jones, and Martha J. Wunsch
    99 Perioperative Management of Patients With Substance
    Use 1530
    Zoe M. Weinstein, Megan E. Buresh, and Daniel P. Alford
    SECTION 12
    100 Substance-Induced Mental Disorders 1545
    Mark H. Duncan, R. Jeffrey Goldsmith, Matthew Iles-Shih,
    and Richard K. Ries
    101 Co-occurring Mood Disorders and Substance
    Use Disorders 1559
    Edward V. Nunes and Jungjin Kim
    102 Co-occurring Substance Use, Anxiety Disorders,
    and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders 1589
    Alyssa Braxton, Eric T. Dobson, and Karen J. Hartwell
    103 Co-occurring Psychosis and Substance Use Disorders 1601
    Douglas Ziedonis, Xiaoduo Fan, Snehal Bhatt, and Stephen A. Wyatt
    104 Co-occurring Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    and Substance Use Disorders 1622
    David Saunders and Frances Rudnick Levin
    105 Co-occurring Personality Disorders
    and Substance Use Disorders 1643
    Stephen Ross, Adam Demner, Daniel Roberts, Petros Petridis,
    and Michael Torres
    106 Co-occurring Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Substance
    Use Disorders 1658
    Tanya C. Saraiya, Sudie E. Back, Michael E. Saladin,
    Therese K. Killeen, and Kathleen T. Brady
    107 Co-occurring Eating Disorders and Substance Use
    Disorders 1678
    Lisa J. Merlo, Nicole Avena, Ashley N. Gearhardt, and Mark S. Gold
    SECTION 13
    108 The Pathophysiology of Chronic Pain and Clinical Interfaces
    With Substance Use Disorder 1691
    Laura Morgan Frankart and Michael F. Weaver
    109 Psychological Issues in the Management of Pain 1708
    Martin D. Cheatle
    110 Assessing and Mitigating Risk of Suicide in Patients
    With Pain and Substance Use Disorders 1726
    Martin D. Cheatle
    111 Rehabilitation Approaches to Pain Management 1734
    Steven Stanos and Randy L. Calisoff
    112 Nonopioid Pharmacotherapy of Pain 1747
    Emily R. Casey and Tanya J. Uritsky
    113 Opioid Therapy of Pain 1761
    Peggy Compton and Friedhelm Sandbrink
    114 Co-occurring Pain and Substance Use Disorders 1791
    William C. Becker and Declan T. Barry
    115 Legal and Regulatory Considerations in Opioid
    Prescribing 1800
    David J. Copenhaver, Rohit Nalamasu, Wesley R. Prickett, Julia Megan
    Webb, and Scott M. Fishman
    SECTION 14
    116 Screening and Brief Intervention for
    Adolescents 1811
    Jessica B. Calihan and Lydia A. Shrier
    Sidebar 1 Neurobiological Determinants of Addiction
    in Children and Adolescents 1822
    Marisa M. Silveri, Andie Stallman, and Jennifer T. Sneider
    Sidebar 2 Governmental Policy on Cannabis Legalization
    and Use: Impact on Youth 1827
    Ziming Xuan, Lynsie Ranker, and Sion Kim Harris
    117 Assessing Adolescent Substance Use 1833
    Ken C. Winters, Randy Stinchfield, and Shelby Franklin
    118 Placement Criteria and Strategies for Adolescent Treatment
    Matching 1838
    Marc Fishman
    Sidebar 1 Confidentiality in Caring for
    Adolescents 1850
    Connor J. Buchholz and Scott E. Hadland
    Sidebar 2 Drug Testing Adolescents in School 1853
    J. Wesley Boyd and John R. Knight
    119 Treating Substance Use Disorders in Carceral-Involved
    Youth 1855
    Kevin M. Simon 120 Treatment of Addiction-Related Disorders in
    Adolescents 1862
    Steven L. Jaffe, Justine Welsh, and Peter R. Cohen
    121 Pharmacotherapy for Adolescents
    With Substance Use Disorders 1871
    Jacqueline Deanna Wilson and Paula Goldman
    122 Co-occurring Psychiatric Disorders in Adolescents With
    Addiction-Related Issues 1883
    Martha J. Ignaszewski and Oscar Bukstein
    SECTION 15
    123 Ethical Issues in Addiction Practice 1896
    Timothy K. Brennan and H. Westley Clark
    124 Consent and Confidentiality Issues in Addiction
    Practice 1904
    Louis E. Baxter Sr and Nan Gallagher
    125 Clinical, Ethical, and Legal Considerations in Prescribing
    Medications With Potential for Nonmedical Use and
    Addiction 1911
    James W. Finch, Theodore V. Parran Jr, and Steven Prakken
    Sidebar 1 Drug Control Policy: History and Future
    Directions 1927
    John J. Coleman and Robert L. DuPont
    Sidebar 2 Guidance on the Use of Opioids to Treat
    Chronic Pain 1933
    Steven Prakken and James W. Finch
    126 Therapeutic Effectiveness of Cannabis and
    Cannabinoids 1937
    Jag H. Khalsa, Gregory C. Bunt, Marc Galanter, Mahmoud A. El-Sohly,
    and Shyam Kottilil
    Sidebar Legal and Ethical Considerations for
    Clinicians Recommending Cannabis Used as
    Treatment 1954
    Nassima Ait-Daoud Tiouririne and Jeffrey Katra
    127 Practical Considerations in Drug Testing 1957
    Jennifer A. Collins
    Sidebar Workplace Drug Testing and the Role of the Medical
    Review Officer 1969
    James L. Ferguson and Robert L. DuPont
    128 Reducing Substance Use in Court-Leveraged
    Treatment 1975
    Douglas B. Marlowe
    Sidebar Reducing Disparities in Substance Use Services
    in Legal System Settings Among BIPOC and Minority
    Groups 1982
    Fred Rottnek
    Index 1989
    Appendix 1: Changes to ASAM Criteria Levels of Care
    Martha J. Wunsch
    Appendix 2: Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 and
    Buprenorphine Prescribing Requirements
    Martha J. Wunsch
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The ASAM Principles of Addiction Medicine: eBook with Multimedia

The ASAM Principles of Addiction Medicine: eBook with Multimedia

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