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Synthesizing Qualitative Evidence

Publication Date:
January 31, 2019
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Practitioners and patients are called upon to make numerous health care decisions and, in doing so, need to weigh various ...
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  • Practitioners and patients are called upon to make numerous health care decisions and, in doing so, need to weigh various types of information before taking action. This information comes from a myriad of sources, including the results of well-designed research; information related to the preferences of patients/clients and their relevant others; the practitioner’s own experiences; and the nature and norms of the setting and culture in which the care is being delivered. Methods to synthesize qualitative evidence are now emerging and this text examines the methodological bases to qualitative synthesis and describes the processes involved in the conduct of a rigorous synthesis of qualitative evidence, with a particular focus on Meta-Aggregation.
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    January 31, 2019
  • Alan Pearson
    Suzi Robertson-Malt
    Leslie Rittenmeyer
  • Section I: The Synthesis of Qualitative Evidence
    1. The Nature of Qualitative Evidence
    2. The Role of Interpretation in the Synthesis of Qualitative Evidence
    3. The Synthesis of Qualitative Evidence Using Meta Aggregation
    4. Developing a Protocol for an Aggregative Review of Qualitative Evidence
    Section II: Conducting a Systematic Review of Qualitative Evidence Using Meta-Aggregation
    5. Searching for Qualitative Evidence
    6. Selecting and Critically Appraising Studies
    7. Data Extraction
    8. Data Synthesis
    9. Developing a Systematic Review Report
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Synthesizing Qualitative Evidence

Synthesizing Qualitative Evidence

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975123673
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