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Synthesizing Evidence from Narrative, Text and Opinion

Publication Date:
January 31, 2019
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While most health professionals have embraced the concept of evidence-informed clinical decision-making, it is true to say that clinical questions ...
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  • While most health professionals have embraced the concept of evidence-informed clinical decision-making, it is true to say that clinical questions are not always answered by systematic reviews of research evidence. This book explores different sources of knowledge for clinical decision-making. It is frequently the case that knowledge from different sources may be applicable (and/or available) to inform a particular procedure or intervention. In the absence of evidence derived from rigorous primary research studies, what are the options? And once this knowledge is identified, how can clinicians feel confident about it reliability and validity before utilising it in their practice?
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    January 31, 2019
  • Zoe Jordan BA, MA
    Rie Konno
    Pei Fan Mu
  • Section I: Narrative, Opinion and Text as Evidence
    1. Knowledge, Evidence and Wisdom in Clinical Decision Making
    2. Evidence-Informed Clinical Wisdom
    3. Narrative, Expert Opinion and Text as Sources of Evidence
    Section II: The Systematic Review of Narrative, Expert Opinion and Text
    4. Protocol Development
    5. Searching for the Evidence
    6. Appraising the Evidence
    7. Synthesizing the Evidence
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Synthesizing Evidence from Narrative, Text and Opinion

Synthesizing Evidence from Narrative, Text and Opinion

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975123680
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