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Surgical Pathology of the Liver

Edition: 1
Publication Date:
December 5, 2017
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Written by surgical pathologists for surgical pathologists, Surgical Pathology of the Liver focuses on sharpening your skills and knowledge in ...
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  • Written by surgical pathologists for surgical pathologists, Surgical Pathology of the Liver focuses on sharpening your skills and knowledge in diagnostic histopathology, including laboratory and clinical findings that are directly useful when evaluating liver histology for clinical care. It offers comprehensive, superbly illustrated coverage of general liver pathology, as well as several chapters on topics that are not often included in liver pathology textbooks. Abundant high-quality illustrations have been carefully chosen to support and extend the information given in the text.
    • Reflects both the current literature and the extensive personal experience of the authors, all practicing GI/liver pathologists at the Mayo Clinic.
    • Integrates the use of immunohistochemical stains and other supporting studies into the morphological findings in every chapter.
    • Provides practical differential diagnoses, prioritized by likelihood.
    • Covers liver pathology terms, the use of immunohistochemistry and special stains in medical liver pathology, electron microscopy, cytopathology, molecular pathology, and hematopathology.

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  • Edition
    Product Format
    Hardcover Book
    Publication Date
    December 5, 2017
  • Michael Torbenson MD
    Roger Moreira MD
    Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
    Mayo Clinic
    Rochester, Minnesota
    Lizhi Zhang MD
    Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
    Mayo Clinic
    Rochester, Minnesota
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Surgical Pathology of the Liver

Surgical Pathology of the Liver

ISBN/ISSN: 9781496365798
USD $272.99 Quantity:
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