The gold standard on pharmaceutical calculations, this widely acclaimed text covers the full range of calculations pharmacy students must learn for successful pharmacy practice, including dosing, compounding, metric conversions and more. Thoroughly reviewed by practitioners and educators and extensively revised and updated, this 16th edition maintains high standards for both academic and basic practice requirements while offering the most comprehensive and in-depth coverage of pharmacy calculations available. A consistent, step-by-step approach makes it easy to work through the problems and gain a greater understanding of the underlying concepts, and new online access to calculation problems makes this the most engaging edition yet.
UPDATED! Revised content throughout, including full revision to the metric conversions, reflects the most current perspectives from leading pharmacy practitioners and educators.
NEW! Hundreds of new example problems strengthen your calculation capabilities and prep you for success on quizzes and tests.
Student-friendly learning features — including end-of-chapter practice problems, Case-in-Point features, Calculation Capsules, CalcQuiz problems and Comprehensive Review Problems — provide essential practice solving problems and demonstrate practical applications of math in pharmaceutical practice.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
7 x 10
Publication Date
July 26, 2021
Shelly J Stockton PhD, RPh
. ? unit mL mL units U =× = =× 100 1 100 45 035mLinthe PM =045mLint . CONTENTS Preface ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? v Acknowledgments ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? vii Introduction ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? xi 1 Fundamentals of Pharmaceutical Calculations ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 1 2 International System of Units ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 14 3 Pharmaceutical Measurement ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 31 4 Interpretation of Prescriptions and Medication Orders ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 50 5 Density and Specific Gravity ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 75 6 Percent Strength, Ratio Strength, and Other Expressions of Concentration ?????????????????? 88 7 Calculation of Doses: General Considerations ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 112 8 Calculation of Doses: Patient Parameters ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 132 9 Calculations Involving Units of Activity and Other Measures of Potency ?????????????????????? 160 10 Selected Clinical Calculations??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 171 11 Isotonic and Buffer Solutions ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 192 12 Electrolyte Solutions: Milliequivalents, Millimoles, and Milliosmoles ???????????????????????????????? 218 13 Intravenous Infusions, Parenteral Admixtures, Rate-of-Flow Calculations ????????????????????? 243 14 Assessment of Nutritional Status, Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition, and the Food Nutrition Label ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 274 15 Altering Product Strength, Use of Stock Solutions, and Problem Solving by Alligation??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 300 16 Reducing and Enlarging Formulas ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 321 17 Selected Calculations in Contemporary Compounding ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? 328 18 Selected Calculations Involving Veterinary Pharmaceuticals ??????????????????????????????????????????? 358 19 Selected Calculations Associated with Plant Extractives ???????????????????????????????????????????????? 367 20 Calculation of Active Drug Moiety ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 374 21 Selected Calculations Involving Radiopharmaceuticals ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? 379x Contents 22 Basic Pharmacokinetics ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 391 23 Cost Differential Calculations in Drug Therapy ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 404 Appendix A Common Systems of Measurement and Intersystem Conversion ????????????????? 411 Appendix B Glossary of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems ????? 417 Appendix C Table of Atomic Weights ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 421 Comprehensive Review Problems ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 424 Index ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 451
UPDATED! Revised content throughout, including full revision to the metric conversions, reflects the most current perspectives from leading pharmacy practitioners and educators.
NEW! Hundreds of new example problems strengthen your calculation capabilities and prep you for success on quizzes and tests.
Student-friendly learning features — including end-of-chapter practice problems, Case-in-Point features, Calculation Capsules, CalcQuiz problems and Comprehensive Review Problems — provide essential practice solving problems and demonstrate practical applications of math in pharmaceutical practice.
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