Now includes Step 2 practice Questions and Answers, with explanations, for each chapter!
Current, concise, and easy to use, the updated fifth edition of Step-Up to USMLE Step 2 CK makes essential information engaging and retainable, delivering the perfect exam prep for today’s busy medical student.
Access just what you need to ace the USMLE Step 2 CK and make a confident transition to clinical practice with this high-yield, system-based review. This updated fifth edition of Step-Up to USMLE Step 2 CK helps you quickly memorize essential information and gives you the realistic test-taking practice to succeed. Full-color illustrations, “Quick Hits,” and mnemonics clarify must-know information on causes, risk factors, history and physical exam, lab studies and radiology, treatment, and complications for the most common diseases and disorders. USMLE-style study questions for each chapter mimic those found on the Step 2 exams, accompanied by complete explanations for maximum comprehension and test preparation.
Revised and updated content reflects the current USMLE exam.
Succinct, Step-Up outline approach focuses on the core content students need to know for quick, efficient study.
New USMLE-style questions at the end of each chapter give students unparalleled test-taking practice.
“Quick Hits” in the margins highlight commonly encountered exam topics.
Easy-to-remember mnemonics help students ensure quick, efficient recall of essential clinical information on their exams.
“Next Steps” margin notes guide students through the workup of a patient with practical tips for success.
Easy-to-follow algorithms clearly demonstrate effective clinical reasoning, particularly for similar complaints.
eBook available. Fast, smart, and convenient, today’s eBooks can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and much more.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
8 3/8 x 10 7/8
Publication Date
July 31, 2019
Latha Ganti MD
CONTENTS Contributors v Preface vi 1 CARDIOVASCULAR DISORDERS I Rapid Review 1 II Hypertension 4 III Dyslipidemia 7 IV Ischemic Heart Disease 8 V Arrhythmias 12 VI Heart Failure 18 VII Cardiomyopathies 20 VIII Valvular Diseases 22 IX Pericardial Diseases 24 X Myocardial Infections 25 XI Shock 26 XII Vascular Diseases 27 2 GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS I Oral and Esophageal Conditions 33 II Gastrointestinal Infections 37 III Gastric Conditions 41 IV Intestinal Conditions 44 V Pancreatic Disorders 54 VI Biliary Disorders 56 VII Hepatic Disorders 59 3 HEMATOLOGY AND ONCOLOGY I Anemias 66 II Genetic Disorders of Hemoglobin 72 III Leukocyte Disorders and Hypersensitivity 76 IV Clotting Disorders 77 V Hematologic Infections 80 VI Hematologic Neoplastic Conditions 85 VII Oncologic Therapy 89 4 SELECTED TOPICS IN EMERGENCY MEDICINE, CRITICAL CARE, AND SURGERY EMERGENCY MEDICINE 93 I Accidents and Injury 93 II Toxicology 97 III Cardiovascular Emergencies 98 IV Traumatology 101 V Abuse and Sexual Assault 105BASIC CRITICAL CARE 106 I Issues in the Intensive Care Unit 106 II Hemodynamic Stability 106 BASIC SURGICAL CONCERNS 108 I Pre- and Postoperative Issues 108 II Surgical Emergencies 111 III Transplantation 112 5 MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS I Common Adult Orthopedic Conditions 117 II Spine 121 III Metabolic Bone Diseases 125 IV Infection 127 V Rheumatologic Diseases 128 VI Neoplasms 132 6 PULMONARY DISORDERS I Measures of Pulmonary Function 138 II Respiratory Infections 140 III Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 146 IV Obstructive Airway Diseases 146 V Respiratory Neoplasms 148 VI Interstitial Lung Diseases and Other Lung Diseases 151 VII Vascular and Thromboembolic Pulmonary Conditions 153 VIII Pleural Diseases 154 IX Sleep Apnea 156 X Pulmonary Surgical Concerns 157 7 GENITOURINARY DISORDERS I Disorders of the Kidney 160 II Glomerular Diseases 163 III Renal Failure 165 IV Acid–Base Disorders 167 V Electrolyte Disorders 169 VI Bladder and Ureteral Disorders 171 VII Male Reproduction 173 8 ENDOCRINE DISORDERS I Disorders of Glucose Metabolism 177 II Thyroid Disorders 182 III Parathyroid Disorders 185 IV Pituitary and Hypothalamic Disorders 187 V Adrenal Disorders 190 VI Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (MEN) 193 9 DERMATOLOGY I Infections 196 II Inflammatory Skin Conditions 201 III Bullous Diseases 205 IV Neoplasms 206 V Plastic Surgery 209 10 PEDIATRICS I Pediatric Cardiology 212 II Pediatric Pulmonary Concerns 215 III Pediatric GI Disorders 219 IV Pediatric Genitourinary Concerns 221 V Pediatric Endocrine Concerns 222 VI Pediatric Hematologic and Oncologic Concerns (Not Addressed in Other Sections) 223 VII Pediatric Neurologic Issues 224 VIII Pediatric Orthopedics 227 IX Development and Health Supervision 231 X Immune Disorders 237 XI Genetic Disorders (Chromosomal Pathology) 239 XII Pediatric Infectious Disorders 241 XIII Pediatric Psychiatric Disorders 242 11 NEUROLOGIC DISORDERS I Normal Neurologic and Neurovascular Function 246 II Neurologic Infection 249 III Headache 251 IV Cerebrovascular and Hemorrhagic Diseases 251 V Seizure Disorders 256 VI Degenerative Neurologic Disorders 258 VII Peripheral Motor and Neuromuscular Disorders 260 VIII Neoplasms 261 IX Sleep and Loss of Consciousness 262 X Ophthalmology 264 XI Audiovestibular Disorders 268 XII Dementia and Delirium 269 12 GYNECOLOGIC AND BREAST DISORDERS I Menstrual Physiology 273 II Contraception 277 III Menstrual Disorders and Issues 279 IV Common Gynecologic Infections 282 V Sexually Transmitted Infections 283 VI Gynecologic Neoplasms 286 VII Disorders of the Vulva and Vagina 289 13 OBSTETRICS I Normal Pregnancy Physiology 295 II Assessment of Gestational Age 296 III Prenatal Care 296 IV Medical Complications of Pregnancy 299 V Obstetric Complications of Pregnancy 305 VI Labor and Delivery 310 VII Gestational Trophoblastic Disease 315 14 PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS I Psychotic Disorders 319 II Mood Disorders 321 III Anxiety Disorders 323 IV Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders 324 V Stress- and Trauma-Related Disorders 325 VI Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders 326 VII Eating Disorders 327 VIII Personality Disorders 327 IX Substance Abuse 329 15 EPIDEMIOLOGY AND ETHICS I Research Studies 333 II Biostatistics 334 III Ethics 337 Answers 341 Index 355
Revised and updated content reflects the current USMLE exam.
Succinct, Step-Up outline approach focuses on the core content students need to know for quick, efficient study.
New USMLE-style questions at the end of each chapter give students unparalleled test-taking practice.
“Quick Hits” in the margins highlight commonly encountered exam topics.
Easy-to-remember mnemonics help students ensure quick, efficient recall of essential clinical information on their exams.
“Next Steps” margin notes guide students through the workup of a patient with practical tips for success.
Easy-to-follow algorithms clearly demonstrate effective clinical reasoning, particularly for similar complaints.
eBook available. Fast, smart, and convenient, today’s eBooks can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and much more.
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