Home/Nursing/Stedman's Plus 2025 Medical/Pharmaceutical Spellchecker (Single User Download)
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Stedman's Plus 2025 Medical/Pharmaceutical Spellchecker (Single User Download)
Stedman's Plus Version 2025 Medical/Pharmaceutical Spellchecker contains nearly 500,000 medical, pharmaceutical, and bioscience terms, including brand new updates to ...
Stedman's Plus Version 2025 Medical/Pharmaceutical Spellchecker contains nearly 500,000 medical, pharmaceutical, and bioscience terms, including brand new updates to thousands of terms to ensure users the most current, comprehensive, and reliable content on the market. Compatible with a broad range of word processing systems, Stedman's Plus Spellchecker is convenient for every user who creates or edits medical documentation. The Single-User version is available as a Windows® and Macintosh downloadable file via thePoint website: https://thepoint.lww.com.The 2025 version includes medical and equipment terms introduced in 2024 and updated drug terminology drawn from Lexi-Comp, Inc. (Lexi-Drugs) and the Nursing2024 Drug Handbook!
If you are a current user of the Stedman’s Plus Spellchecker (having purchased within the last two versions) please call 1-800-638-3030 with your registration information to get special upgrade pricing.
Stedman’s Plus Version 2025 will work with the following applications:
Microsoft Word/Office 2016, 2019, 2021, and 365 (includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook, Publisher, and Project).
Microsoft Word/Office 2021, and 365 (includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Entourage).
Product Format
Web Download
Publication Date
January 1, 2025
Authoritative medical content provider: Stedman's Plus Spellchecker has been providing medical, pharmaceutical, and bioscience terms to medical language specialists for over 30 years!
Stedman's Plus Spellchecker integrates with the user's existing spellchecking program. After installing Stedman's Plus, the user simply spellchecks the document normally, with no need to run a separate application.
Nearly half a million medical, pharmaceutical, and bioscience terms
Medical and Pharmaceutical in one product.
Up-to-date medical equipment, surgical procedures, diagnostic tests, and trade, generic, and OTC drug names.
Stedman's Plus 2025 Medical/Pharmaceutical Spellchecker (Single User Download)
ISBN/ISSN: 9781975255688
USD $99.95 Quantity:
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