The most comprehensive reference available in this complex area, Sarrafian’s Anatomy of the Foot and Ankle, Fourth Edition, remains the anatomy reference of choice for foot and ankle orthopaedic surgeons and podiatrists. Edited by Drs. Armen S. Kelikian and Shahan K. Sarrafian and featuring original anatomical dissection photographs prepared by Armen Sarrafian, this classic text has been completely updated throughout, including newly restored dissection photographs.
Captures all of today’s clinical knowledge on the anatomy of the foot and ankle, including detailed coverage of functional anatomy, applied anatomy biomechanics, and cross-sectional anatomy.
Contains a new chapter on neurologic motor control of gait and its impact on the foot and ankle, as well as chapters on imaging of the foot and ankle portraying normal anatomy and variants.
Features more full-color photographs, new plain film and magnetic resonance images, and redrawn illustrations to accompany classic dissection photographs.
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Product Format
Hardcover Book
Trim Size
8 3/8 x 10 7/8
Publication Date
March 3, 2023
Armen S. Kelikian
Shahan K. Sarrafian MD, FACS
Northwestern University Medical School, Grant Hospital and Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL
Contents Foreword to the Fourth Edition vi Preface to the Fourth Edition x Contributors xv Anatomy 1 1 Development of the Foot and Ankle 1 Shahan K. Sarrafian and Armen S. Kelikian 2 Osteology 38 Shahan K. Sarrafian and Armen S. Kelikian 3 Retaining Systems and Compartments 119 Shahan K. Sarrafian and Armen S. Kelikian 4 Syndesmology 162 Shahan K. Sarrafian and Armen S. Kelikian 5 Myology 222 Shahan K. Sarrafian and Armen S. Kelikian 6 Tendon Sheaths and Bursae 294 Shahan K. Sarrafian and Armen S. Kelikian 7 Angiology 304 Shahan K. Sarrafian and Armen S. Kelikian 8 Nerves 383 Shahan K. Sarrafian and Armen S. Kelikian 9 Cross-Sectional and Topographic Anatomy 430 Shahan K. Sarrafian and Armen S. Kelikian 10 Functional Anatomy of the Foot and Ankle 509 Shahan K. Sarrafian and Armen S. Kelikian II Applied Anatomy 647 11 Neuro Control of Stance and Gait 647 Shahan K. Sarrafian 12 Angiosomes of the Calf, Ankle, and Foot: Anatomy, Physiology, and Implications 702 Gregory A. Dumanian 13 Diagnostic Imaging Techniques of the Foot and Ankle 713 Imran M. Omar 14 Ultrasound Anatomy of the Ankle and Foot 770 Thomas Grant 15 Arthroscopy of the Talocrural and Subtalar Joints 782 Armen S. Kelikian Index 805
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