Home / Medicine / Safety in Spine Surgery: Transforming Patient Care and Optimizing Outcomes

Safety in Spine Surgery: Transforming Patient Care and Optimizing Outcomes

Edition: 1
Publication Date:
August 30, 2019
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An indispensable resource for spine surgery professionals at all levels of experience, Safety in Spine Surgery: Transforming Patient Care and ...
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  • An indispensable resource for spine surgery professionals at all levels of experience, Safety in Spine Surgery: Transforming Patient Care and Optimizing Outcomes addresses today’s key issues in this complex field. Editor, Michael Vitale, MD, Chief Quality Officer in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Columbia University Medical Center, leads an outstanding team of spine surgeons and other healthcare professionals who provide clear guidance in improving the care and safety of adult and pediatric patients undergoing surgery for disorders of the spine. Timely coverage includes using systems to improve safety and outcomes (such as adherence to process, open communication, team skills-building and training, creating urgency, and building consensus), with a focus on reducing infection, hemorrhage, and nerve injury.
    • Helps you avoid surgical complications, lower medical liability risk and cost of care, relieve pain, and restore function and quality of life for your patients. 
    • Incorporates step-by-step procedures throughout, highlighted by full-color illustrations.
    • Offers comprehensive coverage of three key areas of spine surgery safety: frequently encountered problems such as catastrophic intraoperative neurologic events and surgical site infection; counter measures to improve safety, such as optimizing pain management and using CUSP; and the systems approach to improve safety on a comprehensive level. 
    • Provides access to dozens of practical videos that cover implementing surgical unit safety programs, developing a dedicated spine team, combating physician burnout, avoiding blood loss, when and how to say "no" to high-risk patients, smarter opioid use, avoiding wrong site surgery, robotics in spine surgery, minimally invasive surgery, infection, safety checklists, and much more.
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  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    August 30, 2019
  • Michael Vitale
    • Helps you avoid surgical complications, lower medical liability risk and cost of care, relieve pain, and restore function and quality of life for your patients. 
    • Incorporates step-by-step procedures throughout, highlighted by full-color illustrations.
    • Offers comprehensive coverage of three key areas of spine surgery safety: frequently encountered problems such as catastrophic intraoperative neurologic events and surgical site infection; counter measures to improve safety, such as optimizing pain management and using CUSP; and the systems approach to improve safety on a comprehensive level. 
    • Provides access to dozens of practical videos that cover implementing surgical unit safety programs, developing a dedicated spine team, combating physician burnout, avoiding blood loss, when and how to say "no" to high-risk patients, smarter opioid use, avoiding wrong site surgery, robotics in spine surgery, minimally invasive surgery, infection, safety checklists, and much more.
    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
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Safety in Spine Surgery: Transforming Patient Care and Optimizing Outcomes

Safety in Spine Surgery: Transforming Patient Care and Optimizing Outcomes

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975103941
USD $229.99 Quantity:
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