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SOAP for Family Medicine

Edition: 3
Publication Date:
January 9, 2024
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Offering step by step guidance on how to properly document patient care, the Third Edition of SOAP for Family Medicine ...
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  • Offering step by step guidance on how to properly document patient care, the Third Edition of SOAP for Family Medicine presents 90 of the most common clinical problems encountered on the wards and clinics in an easy-to-read, two-page layout, using the familiar "SOAP" note format. Emphasizing the patient’s clinical problem, not the diagnosis, this pocket-sized quick reference teaches both clinical reasoning and documentation skills and is ideal for use by medical students, PAs, and NPs during the Family Medicine rotation.
    • Introduction offers templates, tips, and guidelines for writing SOAP notes.
    • Clear, well-written example SOAP notes for a wide range of diagnoses focus on the most important information for patient documentation.
    • Now with an improved format that consolidates each SOAP note on two facing pages, the portable, pocket-sized format makes practical information quickly accessible.
    • The widely used SOAP format provides an ideal starting point for students learning to document patient notes.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Publication Date
    January 9, 2024
  • Daniel Maldonado
    Cynthia Zuniga M.D.
  • o the Reader ix
    Acknowledgments x
    Abbreviations xi
    Normal Lab Values xiv
    How to Write a SOAP Note xviii
    1. Adult History and Physical, Preventive Maintenance 2
    2. Allergic Rhinitis 6
    3. Anemia, Iron Deficiency 8
    4. Appendicitis 10
    5. Asthma 12
    6. Bronchitis/Pneumonia 14
    7. Chest Pain 16
    8. Cholelithiasis/Cholecystitis 18
    9. Conjunctivitis 20
    10. Constipation 22
    11. Delirium/Dementia 24
    12. Diabetes Mellitus 26
    13. Dizziness 28
    14. Epididymitis/Prostatitis 30
    15. Fibromyalgia 32
    16. Gastritis/Gastroesophageal Reflux/Peptic Ulcer Disease 34
    17. Gastrointestinal Bleed 36
    18. Headache 38
    19. Hyperlipidemia 40
    20. Hypertension 42
    21. Hyperthyroidism 44
    22. Hypothyroidism 46
    23. Nephrolithiasis 48
    24. Obesity 50
    25. Osteoarthritis 52
    26. Pharyngitis/Tonsillitis 54
    27. Sinusitis 56
    28. Urinary Incontinence 58
    29. Urinary Tract Infection 60
    30. Well Woman Exam, Preventive Maintenance 64
    31. First Trimester Visit 66
    32. Second Trimester Visit 68
    33. Third Trimester Visit 7035. Amenorrhea 74
    36. Bleeding During Pregnancy 76
    37. Dysmenorrhea/Pelvic Pain 78
    38. Family Planning 80
    39. Infertility 82
    40. Mastalgia 84
    41. Menopause 86
    42. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 88
    43. Postpartum Visit 90
    44. Premenstrual Syndrome/Dysphoric Disorder 92
    45. Sexually Transmitted Infections 94
    46. Newborn Exam 98
    47. Well Child Exam (2–12 Months) 100
    48. Well Child Exam (13–24 Months) 102
    49. Well Child Exam (25 Months-Preadolescence) 104
    50. Well Child Exam (Adolescence) 106
    51. Abdominal Pain 108
    52. Acute Gastroenteritis 110
    53. Acute Otitis Media/Otitis Externa 112
    54. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder 114
    55. Fever 116
    56. Heart Murmurs 118
    57. Nocturnal Enuresis 120
    58. Rash/Viral Exanthems 122
    59. Respiratory Infection 124
    60. Urinary Tract Infection 126
    61. Acne 130
    62. Atopic Dermatitis 132
    63. Basal Cell Carcinoma 134
    64. Bites (Animal/Human) 136
    65. Burns 138
    66. Cellulitis 140
    67. Lyme Disease 142
    68. Melanoma 144
    69. Molluscum Contagiosum/Verruca 146
    70. Psoriasis 148
    71. Scabies 150
    72. Squamous Cell Carcinoma/Actinic Keratosis 152
    73. Tinea 154
    74. Urticaria 156THOPEDIC CONDITIONS 159
    75. Sports Medicine Screening Exam 160
    76. Ankle/Foot Pain 162
    77. Back Pain 164
    78. Elbow Pain 166
    79. Knee Pain 168
    80. Neck Pain 170
    81. Shoulder Pain 172
    82. Wrist/Hand Pain 174
    83. Alcoholism 178
    84. Anxiety/Panic Attacks 182
    85. Bipolar Disorder 184
    86. Child Abuse 186
    87. Depression 188
    88. Domestic Violence 190
    89. Drug Abuse 192
    90. Older Adult Abuse 196
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SOAP for Family Medicine

SOAP for Family Medicine

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975216481
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