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Rubin's Pathology

Mechanisms of Human Disease
Edition: 8
Publication Date:
October 22, 2019
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With a simple approach to essential information, Rubin’s Pathology: Mechanisms of Human Disease​ establishes the foundation for medical training and ...
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  • With a simple approach to essential information, Rubin’s Pathology: Mechanisms of Human Disease​ establishes the foundation for medical training and practice and delivers the perfect balance of basic pathology and bedside perspective to confidently and efficiently equip students for clinical success.
    More accessible than ever, this eighth edition emphasizes the coverage students need most—disease mechanisms, integration of mechanisms into organ system pathology, and application of pathobiology to diagnostic medicine—in an approachable format with systems-based instruction techniques in mind. Comprehensively revised and updated content reflects the latest approaches to pathology from global leaders in the field and ensures a clinically relevant understanding of key pathology competencies.
    • Comprehensively revised coverage simplifies the essentials of pathology and ensures a clinically relevant understanding of key competencies and techniques.
    • Updated content reflects the international expertise of some of the most innovative authorities on pathology.
    • New systems-based instruction approach ensures a practical understanding of essential techniques. 
    • Approachable format makes learning engaging and efficient.
    • More than 1700 images—line drawings, micrographs, and gross pathology images—clarify concepts in stunning detail.
    • Bolded key terms and bulleted lists reinforce important information at a glance.
    • Online resources provide instant access to 29 virtual microscopy videos narrated by Dr. Emanuel Rubin, cases, and suggested readings.
    • eBook available. Fast, smart, and convenient, today’s eBooks can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and much more.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Hardcover Book
    Trim Size
    8 3/8 x 10 7/8
    Publication Date
    October 22, 2019
  • David S. Strayer MD, PhD
    Jeffrey E. Saffitz MD, PhD
    Emanuel Rubin MD
    • Comprehensively revised coverage simplifies the essentials of pathology and ensures a clinically relevant understanding of key competencies and techniques.
    • Updated content reflects the international expertise of some of the most innovative authorities on pathology.
    • New systems-based instruction approach ensures a practical understanding of essential techniques. 
    • Approachable format makes learning engaging and efficient.
    • More than 1700 images—line drawings, micrographs, and gross pathology images—clarify concepts in stunning detail.
    • Bolded key terms and bulleted lists reinforce important information at a glance.
    • Online resources provide instant access to 29 virtual microscopy videos narrated by Dr. Emanuel Rubin, cases, and suggested readings.
    • eBook available. Fast, smart, and convenient, today’s eBooks can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and much more.
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Rubin's Pathology

Rubin's Pathology

ISBN/ISSN: 9781496386144
USD $174.99 Quantity:
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