This exhaustive reference includes new chapters and pedagogical features, as well as—for the first time—content on managing fragility factures. To facilitate fast, easy absorption of the material, this edition has been streamlined and now includes more tables, charts, and treatment algorithms than ever before. Experts in their field share their experiences and offer insights and guidance on the latest technical developments for common orthopaedic procedures, including their preferred treatment options.
New videos—accessible via the eBook—offering instruction and guidance on clinical procedures.
New chapters on caring for obese patients, preoperative planning, and pain management.
Deep-dive discussion and up-to-date content on how to manage fragility fractures.
Easy-to-read tables outlining nonoperative treatments, adverse outcomes, and operative techniques.
Time-saving preoperative planning checklists, as well as key steps for each surgical procedure.
Potential pitfalls, preventive measures, and common adverse outcomes highlighted for all procedures.
Numerous diagnostic and treatment algorithms for common orthopaedic procedures.
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Trim Size
8 3/8 x 10 7/8
Publication Date
May 10, 2019
Paul Tornetta
William Ricci MD, FAAOS
Professor Chief, Orthopaedic Trauma Service Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis, Missouri
Charles M. Court-Brown MD, FRCS Ed (Orth)
Professor of Orthopaedic Trauma, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Margaret M. McQueen MD
Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon, Part-Time Senior Lecturer, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Michael D. McKee MD,FRCS (C)
Professor, Upper Extremity Reconstructive Service, Division of Orthopaedics, Department of Surgery, St. Michael's Hospital and the University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
New videos—accessible via the eBook—offering instruction and guidance on clinical procedures.
New chapters on caring for obese patients, preoperative planning, and pain management.
Deep-dive discussion and up-to-date content on how to manage fragility fractures.
Easy-to-read tables outlining nonoperative treatments, adverse outcomes, and operative techniques.
Time-saving preoperative planning checklists, as well as key steps for each surgical procedure.
Potential pitfalls, preventive measures, and common adverse outcomes highlighted for all procedures.
Numerous diagnostic and treatment algorithms for common orthopaedic procedures.
Enhance Your eBook Reading Experience
Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
As an orthopedic surgeon, it is an honor to review a book that for 45 years has been the leading go-to textbook for orthopedic surgeons across the globe. Rockwood and Green's is considered a fundamental textbook for every resident in training and a must-have reference for every on-call orthopedic surgeon who is responsible for basic and complex fracture care in the ER on clinic. This ninth edition is a wonderful update to keep every orthopedic surgeon in the world current on fracture care.
Paul Tornetta and his colleagues believe this edition is a significant step forward while maintaining continuity with preceding editions. This edition includes electronic access, offers bonus videos and depth, and, for the first time, partners with the Orthopaedic Trauma Association with bonus materials and publications.
Beyond the obvious scope of orthopedic residents in training, orthopedic trauma fellows, and every orthopedic surgeon in the world, this is a common go-to reference for nonsurgical musculoskeletal specialists and emergency room physicians who care for patients with fractures. This edition remains true to form as the standard by which all other fracture books are measured.
This two-volume book is clearly designed and confidently serves as THE go-to reference for fracture care. For a large majority of orthopedic surgeons, this book was the foundation of their education and is the first reference that we turn to when addressing fracture care. This edition continues to include the popular authors' preferred technique section and each chapter is consistently formatted with convenient checklists for preoperative planning, tables of pitfalls that serve as a quick review before performing surgery, and easy access to critical information. New chapters in this already full-breadth reference ensure it stays comprehensive and complete.
If there are just five orthopedic books that need to be part of every institutional library and on the shelf for every orthopedic surgeon, Rockwood and Green's is absolutely one of them. I love this updated version and the depth that it provides. The new chapters cover material that the eighth edition did not, making it a valuable update, but an absolute MUST BUY if the seventh or an earlier edition is on the shelves. This book continues to be foundational reading for every orthopedic surgeon, especially for those in training.
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