Offering a complete review for radiology residents and radiologic technologists preparing for certification, Review of Radiologic Physics, 5th Edition, by ...
Offering a complete review for radiology residents and radiologic technologists preparing for certification, Review of Radiologic Physics, 5th Edition, by Dr. William F. Sensakovic, is a high-yield, efficient resource for today’s clinically focused exams. Now fully up to date, this edition covers x-ray production and interactions, projection and tomographic imaging, image quality, radiobiology, radiation protection, nuclear medicine, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance—all of the important physics information you need to understand the factors that improve or degrade image quality.
Covers the key information radiologists and radiologic technologists need to know to succeed on exams and perform their clinical duties
Provides a high-yield, bullet-point review of this challenging field, mirroring the content found on the certification exam
Includes 20 questions at the end of each chapter for immediate self-assessment, as well as two end-of-book exams with 100 questions each for a comprehensive review
Includes only essential information needed to understand how images are created, aspects that impact image quality, and factors that affect radiation risks and costs
Features full-color illustrations throughout, and helpful appendices such as summary of SI units, radiologic units, and photometric quantities
An ideal physics review meant to be used in conjunction with a comprehensive textbook on medical imaging
The VST Ebook contains all 360 questions and answers in an interactive Q&A module with 100 questions and answers each allocated into two practice exams.
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Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
7 x 10
Publication Date
October 4, 2023
William F. Sensakovic PhD, DABR, MRSC
Covers the key information radiologists and radiologic technologists need to know to succeed on exams and perform their clinical duties
Provides a high-yield, bullet-point review of this challenging field, mirroring the content found on the certification exam
Includes 20 questions at the end of each chapter for immediate self-assessment, as well as two end-of-book exams with 100 questions each for a comprehensive review
Includes only essential information needed to understand how images are created, aspects that impact image quality, and factors that affect radiation risks and costs
Features full-color illustrations throughout, and helpful appendices such as summary of SI units, radiologic units, and photometric quantities
An ideal physics review meant to be used in conjunction with a comprehensive textbook on medical imaging
Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Review of Radiologic Physics: Print + eBook with Multimedia
ISBN/ISSN: 9781975199043
USD $89.99 Quantity:
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