The gold standard resource in the field, Rehabilitation of the Spine: A Patient-Centered Approach provides a practical overview of all aspects of spinal rehabilitation. The 3rd Edition has been completely revised, with new information and new videos to bring you up to date. Comprehensive and easy to read, this reference is invaluable for chiropractors and physical therapists, as well as spine surgeons, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners involved in the care of patients with spine problems.
The most current and significant spinal rehab information made easy to understand with full-color charts, graphs, tables, illustrations, algorithms throughout.
Written by spine experts from the areas of chiropractic, orthopaedics, and physical therapy.
New information on assessment triage for spinal pain, psychosocial risk factors for chronic pain, conservative care, and the clinical audit process, plus new videos that demonstrate key therapies and procedures.
Extensive references at the end of every chapter provide suggestions for further reading.
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Rehabilitation of the Spine: A Patient-Centered Approach
ISBN/ISSN: 9781496339430
USD $174.99 Quantity :
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