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Reflections on Nursing

80 Inspiring Stories on the Art and Science of Nursing
Edition: 1
Publication Date:
November 7, 2016
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Offering life- and career-changing moments in nurses’ lives, the 80 true stories in Reflections on Nursing reveal nursing at its ...
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  • Offering life- and career-changing moments in nurses’ lives, the 80 true stories in Reflections on Nursing reveal nursing at its most demanding and fulfilling.

    Written mainly by nurses offering care at home, hospital, or hospice, these first-person stories convey the professional burdens, personal growth, and inner realizations found in the course of patient care. Whether you are a new or experienced practitioner, or just fascinated by nursing care in action, these inspiring true stories show nursing as both professional and life experience, and often, as an inspired journey.
    Experience the challenges and hard-earned wisdom of these real-life nursing moments:

    · Written by or about nurses of all experience levels and in numerous care settings , including stories about memorable nurses written by patients, family members, and doctors
    · Dive into these engrossing short stories, and go on a journey with:
    • the nurse who inspires dignity and strength in a young soldier who is losing his wife
    • the young nurse who stands up to a bullying preceptor
    • the nurse who realizes her best friend, a fellow nurse, is stealing drugs from their unit
    • the nurse struggling to give adequate care to seven patients at once on an understaffed unit
    • the retired doctor who recalls the nurse who saved him, as a young intern, from mishandling a crucial situation with a dying patient
    • the nurse who takes on an angry patient with a challenging case, to offer special help and encouragement
    • nurses who become a patient
      • The nurse/administrator who pushes hard for administrative decisions that will support nurses and improve patient care
      the inspiring patients who help nurses remember why they became a nurse
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    6 x 9
    Publication Date
    November 7, 2016
  • American Journal of Nursing
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Reflections on Nursing

Reflections on Nursing

ISBN/ISSN: 9781496359063
USD $35.99 Quantity:
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