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Rector's Community and Public Health Nursing

Promoting the Public's Health
Edition: 11
Publication Date:
February 5, 2025
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Approachable, timely, and tailored to today’s active learners, Rector’s Community and Public Health Nursing: Promoting the Public's Health, 11th Edition, ...
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  • Approachable, timely, and tailored to today’s active learners, Rector’s Community and Public Health Nursing: Promoting the Public's Health, 11th Edition, provides an engaging introduction to population-focused care, broadening students’ viewpoints from the client–nurse relationship to encompass a community healthcare focus and highlighting the critical role of public health nursing in protecting and promoting care for vulnerable populations.
    This highly visual, student-friendly text incorporates a plethora of meaningful real-life examples and case studies to facilitate a foundational understanding of public health principles and evidence-based practice. Reflecting an integrated emphasis on the NCSBN’s Clinical Judgment Measurement Model, content and learning features throughout the 11th Edition encourage critical thinking and foster the clinical judgment capabilities students need to excel in their courses and to confidently apply concepts to nursing practice. 
    The 11th Edition prepares students for modern healthcare challenges by focusing on community and value-based care models. Updated content throughout addresses current issues—including the opioid crisis, mental health, natural disasters, and healthcare reform—while emphasizing social determinants of health and cultural sensitivity in nursing.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    8 3/8 x 10 7/8
    Publication Date
    February 5, 2025
    Charlene Niemi
  • Unit 1     Foundations of Community/Public Health Nursing 
    Chapter 1       Introduction to Community Health Nursing 
    Chapter 2       Public Health Nursing in the Community 
    Chapter 3       History and Evolution of Public Health Nursing 
    Chapter 4       Research, Evidence-Based Practice, Quality Improvement, and Ethics 
    Chapter 5       Transcultural Nursing 
    Unit 2     Community/Public Health Essentials 
    Chapter 6       Structure and Economics of Community/Public Health Services 
    Chapter 7       Epidemiology in the Community 
    Chapter 8       Communicable Disease 
    Chapter 9       Environmental Health and Safety 
    Unit 3     Community/Public Health Nursing Toolbox 
    Chapter 10   Communication, Collaboration, and Technology 
    Chapter 11     Health Promotion Through Education 
    Chapter 12     Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating Community/Public Health Programs 
    Chapter 13     Policymaking and Advocacy 
    Unit 4     The Health of Our Population 
    Chapter 14     Family as Client 
    Chapter 15     Community as Client 
    Chapter 16     Global Health Nursing 
    Chapter 17     Disasters and Their Impact 
    Chapter 18     Violence and Abuse 
    Unit 5     Aggregate Populations 
    Chapter 19   Maternal–Child Health 
    Chapter 20     School-Age Children and Adolescents 
    Chapter 21     Adult Health 
    Chapter 22     Older Adults 
    Unit 6     Vulnerable Populations 
    Chapter 23     Working with Vulnerable People 
    Chapter 24     Clients with Disabilities 
    Chapter 25     Behavioral Health in the Community 
    Chapter 26     Unsheltered Populations 
    Chapter 27     Rural, Migrant, and Urban Communities 
    Chapter 28   Veterans Health 
    • NEW! Chapter on veterans' health helps students bridge the military/civilian divide in healthcare.
    • NEW! Case Studies foster clinical judgment as students work through applying the NCSBN’s Clinical Judgment Measurement Model (CJMM) to real-world community and public health situations.
    • UPDATED! C/PHN Use of the Nursing Process/Clinical Judgment boxes highlight key concepts and interventions to help students confidently translate the nursing process and the CJMM to public health nursing situations.
    • Evidence-Based Practice boxes train students to apply current research to public/community health nursing practice for optimal client/aggregate outcomes.
    • Stories From the Field boxes engage students with compelling narratives that strengthen familiarity with real-life healthcare situations and relevant interventions.
    • UPDATED! Active Learning Exercises, now mapped to chapter objectives according to Bloom’s taxonomy alignment, challenge students to apply concepts and higher-level learning skills to solve community health problems.
    • UPDATED! Spotlight on Essential Nursing Competencies boxes help students understand that quality and safety are important not only in acute care but also in the public health setting. 
    • Levels of Prevention Pyramid features, with their complexity and comprehensiveness, enhance students’ understanding of the levels of prevention concepts. 
    • Healthy People 2030 boxes highlight pertinent goals and objectives to promote health. 
    • Perspectives features immerse students in various viewpoints to promote critical thinking, dispelling commonly held misconceptions and emphasizing the link between skills learned in specialty practice and other practice settings.
    • What Do You Think? boxes highlight current topics and common dilemmas encountered in public health.
    • Population Focus boxes enhance students’ ability to consider chapter concepts from a population-focused perspective. 
    • Additional assessment tools reinforce students’ assessment capabilities with individuals, families, or aggregates/populations.
    • References for each chapter expand students’ knowledge through current research and a broad base of authoritative information sources.
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Rector's Community and Public Health Nursing

Rector's Community and Public Health Nursing

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975238933
USD $140.99 Quantity :
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