Updated with details on the newest therapies and sporting a new full-color design, this latest edition of Radiation Oncology: Management Decisions continues to offer comprehensive guidance for residents as well as radiation oncologists already in professional practice. You’ll discover the latest treatment plans for numerous cancer sites and tumor types, including the mouth and sinus, gastrointestinal areas, lungs, bones, and blood. Concise, easy-to-read material you can use in a clinical setting immediately with patients!
Combines comprehensive overviews of basic concepts with the latest radiologic treatment regimens for a wide variety of tumor types and cancer sites.
Now in full color! Bursting with hundreds of illustrations, figures, and images to illuminate visually important and state-of-the-art techniques.
Heavily bulleted content format and to-the-point writing style makes content easy to digest and use with patients quickly.
Chapters that address tumor- or site-specific treatments cover screening, assessment, staging, therapeutic developments, and other key information.
Features an up-to-date list of commonly prescribed drugs—streamlined for easier reading—and coverage of the latest pain management and palliative treatments.
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Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
6 x 9
Publication Date
September 26, 2018
K.S. Clifford Chao MD
Professor and Vice President China Medical University Taichung, Taiwan
Carlos A. Perez MD
Tony J. C. Wang MD
Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology (in Neurological Surgery) at the Columbia University Medical Center Department of Radiation Oncology Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons New York, New York
Combines comprehensive overviews of basic concepts with the latest radiologic treatment regimens for a wide variety of tumor types and cancer sites.
Now in full color! Bursting with hundreds of illustrations, figures, and images to illuminate visually important and state-of-the-art techniques.
Heavily bulleted content format and to-the-point writing style makes content easy to digest and use with patients quickly.
Chapters that address tumor- or site-specific treatments cover screening, assessment, staging, therapeutic developments, and other key information.
Features an up-to-date list of commonly prescribed drugs—streamlined for easier reading—and coverage of the latest pain management and palliative treatments.
Enhance Your eBook Reading Experience
Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
"This is a moderately concise but comprehensive book on a range of basic concepts through site and tumor specific treatment considerations in radiation oncology. The purpose is to provide a resource with readily accessible information on the many facets of patient care required of radiation oncologists. This book is one of several with similar goals and it clearly addresses the needs of resident and practicing physicians.
The audience includes medical students, resident physicians in radiation oncology, and practicing radiation oncologists seeking a readily accessible review. The authors are preeminent authorities in the field who have recruited credible contributors for the individual chapters.
An initial chapter covers fundamentals of patient management, followed by chapters focused on issues pertaining to treatment planning and a valuable chapter on late effects and QUANTEC. These are followed by site and disease-specific chapters. A very useful appendix lists commonly prescribed drugs. Among the strengths of the book are the numerous high-quality figures and images. While this book has many attractive features, in comparison to other review books, its format is not as amenable to rapidly finding information about specific questions pertaining to treatment."
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