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Psychiatric Case Studies for Advanced Practice

Edition: 1
Publication Date:
May 11, 2018
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Selected as a 2023 Doody’s Core Title!  “This book will help students and clinicians gain a complete understanding of psychiatric ...
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  • Selected as a 2023 Doody’s Core Title! 

    “This book will help students and clinicians gain a complete understanding of psychiatric assessment, become familiar with the symptoms that make up the major DSM-5 diagnoses, and formulate treatment planning by using actual clinical situations. It transforms difficult clinical concepts into clear examples, illustrating the process of assessment, diagnosis, and treatment planning.” —Candice Knight, PhD, EdD, APN, PMHNP-BC
    “For practitioners who see patients of all ages for psychiatric care and/or primary care, this book is a wonderful desk resource.”—Elizabeth Bonham, PhD, RN, PMHCNS-BC, FAAN

    Get much-needed exposure to real-world clinical scenarios and psychiatric evaluations, with this invaluable guide to positive, effective psychiatric advance practice nursing care.

    For an expert guide to providing patient-centered, evidence-based psychiatric care, keep Psychiatric Case Studies for Advanced Practice by your side.
    Practical and easy-to-follow, these more than 50 case scenarios clearly display the complaints, diagnoses, and treatments of the most common psychiatric disorders, supporting the critical decision-making skills of nurses practicing in a broad range of settings. Psychiatric, family, emergency, and general practice nurse practitioners of all experience levels will find this an invaluable aid for creating an informed, holistic practice.
    Follow the real-life cases and expert analysis of psychiatric patients of a wide variety of ages, backgrounds, and conditions . . .
    • Real-world child, adolescent, adult, and geriatric inpatient and outpatient psychiatric case studies that emphasize problem-based learning and an evidence-based practice
    • Current diagnostic content from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , 5th Edition (DSM-5), that includes DSM-5’s newer diagnoses—gender dysphoria, binge eating disorder, and autism spectrum, plus current treatments for alcohol and opiate addiction
    • Sample routine screening tools that offer convenient checklists and handouts to support patient treatment
    • Content presented in a simple format —organized by age and indexed by diagnostic category for quick reference
    • Each case presented in a standard format: chief complaint, history, mental status, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment plan, and rationale for treatment prescribed—with questions at the end that guide you to create a diagnosis using the DSM-5
    • Cases addressing a wide range of disorders and supporting all experience levels in a variety of treatment settings—counseling centers, correctional facilities, homeless shelters, inpatient psychiatric units, and hospital consultation and liaison services
    • Treatments and rationales that represent current, evidence-based research —treatment sections divided into psychopharmacology, diagnostic tests, referral, psychotherapy, and psychoeducatio
    • Supplemental teaching tool for graduate psychiatric nurse practitioner/APN programs
    About the Authors
    Kathleen M. Prendergast, MSN, RN, APN, PMHNP-BC, is a former Instructor in Clinical Nursing, Columbia University School of Nursing, New York; a Psychiatric Consultant at Seton Hall University Counseling and Psychological Services; and a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner at Caldwell University Counseling Center in Caldwell, New Jersey.

    Kasey Jackman, PhD, RN, PMHNP-BC, is Postdoctoral Research Fellowin Nursing at Columbia University School of Nursing in New York City, and has taught courses in the psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner program. Dr. Jackman is a psychiatric nurse practitioner at a psychiatric hospital and has previously worked in out-patient, partial hospital, and private practices
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    6 x 9
    Publication Date
    May 11, 2018
  • Kathleen Prendergast
  • Section I Child and Adolescent Case Studies
    Case 1 Preschooler with Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties
    Beth Maletz
    Case 2 In Foster Care and Very Active
    Mary Askew
    Case 3 Aggression at a Young Age
    Kasey B. Jackman
    Case 4 Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Low Frustration Tolerance
    Tara J. Richardson
    Case 5 Attention and Behavior Problems
    Valeria Dworkowitz
    Case 6 Not Cooperating and Being Aggressive
    Barbara Ann Caldwell
    Case 7 Transgender Youth
    Kasey B. Jackman & Jordon D. Bosse
    Case 8 Self-Harm and Suicidality
    Kasey B. Jackman
    Case 9 Intrusive Thoughts
    Kasey B. Jackman
    Case 10 Depressed Adolescent
    Kasey B. Jackman
    Section II Adult Case Studies
    Case 11 Test Taking Anxiety
    Kathleen M. Prendergast
    Case 12 Stimulants and Mania
    Kathleen M. Prendergast
    Case 13 Depressed and Anxious in College
    Kathleen M. Prendergast
    Case 14 Depressed and Voices Say to Kill Myself
    Robert White
    Case 15 Not Doing Well in College
    Cathi Zillman and Barbara R. Sprung
    Case 16 Depressed and Anxious
    Kathleen M. Prendergast
    Case 17 Hates Everyone, Angry Everyday
    Kathleen M. Prendergast
    Case 18 Anxiety and Insomnia
    Kathleen M. Prendergast
    Case 19 Stressed and Biting Fingers More
    Kathleen M. Prendergast
    Case 20 Stressed and Cutting
    Kathleen M. Prendergast
    Case 21 Migraines and Impaired
    Suzanne Drake
    Case 22 Night Terrors
    Kathleen M. Prendergast
    Case 23 Still Has Auditory Hallucinations with Olanzapine
    Kathleen M. Prendergast
    Case 24 Out of Control Eating with a History of Depression
    Dorothy A. Borresen
    Case 25 Depressed and Anxious Postpartum
    Kathleen M. Prendergast
    Case 26 Opiates Are Ruining My Life
    Laura G. Leahy
    Case 27 Blacking Out
    Mary Santorelli
    Case 28 Back in School and Cannot Focus
    Kathleen M. Prendergast
    Case 29 Feeling more Anxious and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Is Worse
    Kathleen M. Prendergast
    Case 30 Unsteady after Being on Risperidone
    Kathleen M. Prendergast
    Case 31 Thinks He May Be Depressed
    Christina E. Jacobs
    Case 32 Manic with Psychotic Features
    Donna D. Templeton
    Case 33 Depression Post Brain Tumor
    Kathleen M. Prendergast
    Case 34 Feeling Paranoid
    Kathleen M. Prendergast
    Case 35 Pregnant and Anxious
    Kathleen M. Prendergast
    Case 36 Panic Attacks after Traumatic Incident
    Kathleen M. Prendergast
    Case 37 Depressed and Worried about Drinking
    Kathleen M. Prendergast
    Case 38 Telepsychiatry
    Richard H. Broach
    Case 39 Incarcerated and Substance Use Problems
    Brigitte Gordon
    Case 40 Worried about a Brain Tumor
    Laura Cannito
    Case 41 Still Crying about Her Father’s Death
    Kathleen M. Prendergast
    Case 42 Treatment after Rehab for Opiate Addiction
    Kathleen M. Prendergast
    Case 43 Depressed and Fatigued
    Kathleen M. Prendergast
    Case 44 Homeless and Problems with Alcohol
    Krystyna de Jacq
    Case 45 Renal Function Decreasing
    Kathleen M. Prendergast
    Case 46 Very Tired and Cannot Sleep
    Kathleen M. Prendergast
    Section III Older Adult Case Studies
    Case 47 Withdrawn after Surgery
    Kathleen M. Prendergast
    Case 48 Lithium and the Older Adult
    Kathleen M. Prendergast
    Case 49 Worried about Father Dying
    Mellen Lovrin
    Case 50 Older and Depressed
    Kathleen M. Prendergast
    Case 51 Seeing Dead People
    Kelly Gardiner
    Case 52 Agitated and Clapping Hands
    Robin H. Starr
    Index by Diagnostic Category
    List of Medications Referred to in the Cases
    Clinical Practice Tools List
  • "This book will help students and clinicians gain a complete understanding of psychiatric assessment, become familiar with the symptoms that make up the major DSM-5 diagnoses, and formulate treatment planning by using actual clinical situations. It transforms difficult clinical concepts into clear examples, illustrating the process of assessment, diagnosis, and treatment planning." --Candice Knight, PhD, EdD, APN, PMHNP-BC
    Doody’s 4 Star! Review
    “This is a compilation of psychiatric case studies that represent the complaints, diagnoses, and treatments of the most common psychiatric disorders that nurse practitioners working in a broad range of settings are likely to encounter.
    Each case is displayed in the same way -- with an extensive description, mental status examination, differential diagnosis, and treatment plan. The cases include rationales for each diagnosis and tools to assist in patient assessment.
    This is an excellent addition to a psychiatric assessment course. It will be quite useful for programs using simulation, as it provides a foundation for cases as well as resources for students.”
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Psychiatric Case Studies for Advanced Practice

Psychiatric Case Studies for Advanced Practice

ISBN/ISSN: 9781496367822
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