Reflecting both enduring professional considerations and the most pressing contemporary issues facing the nursing profession, Professional Issues in Nursing: Challenges ...
Reflecting both enduring professional considerations and the most pressing contemporary issues facing the nursing profession, Professional Issues in Nursing: Challenges and Opportunities, 6th Edition, equips students with proven, expert insight essential to success in today’s nursing practice. This straightforward, engaging text challenges students to critically analyze issues and form their own assessments about the state of nursing and their role as a professional nurse, building the critical thinking and clinical judgment to effectively manage workplace considerations, workforce issues, legal and ethical concerns, nursing education challenges, and issues related to professional power and advancing the nursing profession.
New and updated content throughout the 6th Edition instills a practical understanding of emerging trends in healthcare, including nursing implications of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the latest considerations in workplace safety, changing population demographics and nursing workforce projections, global perspectives on healthcare, and the rapidly evolving healthcare environment.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
7 x 9
Publication Date
April 18, 2022
Carol Huston
I Furthering the Profession
Chapter 1 Entry Into Practice
Chapter 2 Bridging the Academic-Practice Gap in Nursing
Chapter 3 Developing Effective Leaders to Meet Today’s Health Care Challenge
Chapter 4 Advanced Practice Nursing: Evolving Roles and Striving for Autonomy
Chapter 5 Evidence-Based Practice
II. Workforce Issues
Chapter 6 Is There A Nursing Shortage?
Chapter 7 Foreign Nurse Migration
Chapter 8 Unlicensed Assistive Personnel and the Registered Nurse
Chapter 9 Diversity in Nursing Workforce
Chapter 10 Disaster Planning: Are We Prepared?
III. Workplace Issues
Chapter 11 Mandatory Minimum Staffing Ratios
Chapter 12 Mandatory Overtime in Nursing
Chapter 13 Promoting Civility and Healthy Work Environments in Nursing and Health Care
Chapter 14 The Use of Social Media in Nursing
Chapter 15 Medical Errors
Chapter 16 Resilience and Self Care in Nursing
IV. Legal and Ethical Issues
Chapter 17 Whistleblowing in Nursing
Chapter 18 Substance Use Disorder in Nursing Practice
Chapter 19 Academic Integrity in Nursing Education
Chapter 20 Assuring Provider Competence Through Licensure, Continuing Education and Certification
Chapter 21 Technology In Health Care
Chapter 22 Health Care Reform: Is the Affordable Care Act the Answer?
V. Professional Power
Chapter 23 The Nursing Profession's Historic Struggle to Increase Its Power Base
Chapter 24 Professional Identity and Image
Chapter 25 Health and Public Policy: The Influence and Power of Nursing
Chapter 26 Professional Nursing Associations
NEW! Chapters acquaint students with important considerations in disaster planning and resilience and self-care in nursing.
NEW! Content updates throughout the text reflect the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on workforce shortages, nurse migration, whistleblowing, academic integrity, and shifting healthcare policy.
UPDATED! Healthcare Reform chapter keeps students current on the most recent changes with the Affordable Care Act.
UPDATED! Coverage of emerging trends ensures practice-ready perspectives on workplace safety, population demographics, workforce evolution, nursing in a global context, technology in human-centric practice, the latest recommendations from the National Academy of Medicine, and challenges and opportunities students will encounter in a rapidly changing healthcare environment.
Learning Objectives keep students focused on essential concepts.
Discussion Points encourage critical reflection for individual study or group discussions.
Consider This features challenge students to think critically and form their own assessments of important practice considerations.
Research Fuels the Controversy profiles strengthen students’ ability to critically analyze current, evidence-based research.
Conclusions reinforce critical takeaways on each issue presented.
For Additional Discussion questions test students’ retention and foster valuable peer discourse.
Figures, boxes, and tables in each chapter clarify information and emphasize key concepts.
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