President & Director, Clinical Operations
Wound Care Strategies, Inc.
Contents Preface iii Acknowledgments v PART I WOUND CARE PRODUCTS 1 Overview 2 Dressings and Devices 3 Alginates 4 AlgiSite M Calcium Alginate Dressing 5 AMERX ® Calcium Alginate Dressing 6 AQUACEL ® EXTRA Wound Dressing
N 7 AQUACEL ® Ribbon Hydrofiber ® Wound Dressing
N 8 AquaRite Extra CMC
N 9 Biatain ® Alginate Dressing and Biatain ® Alginate Rope 11 CalciCare TM Calcium Alginate Dressing 13 Calcium Alginate Dressing 14 CarboFLEX ® Odor Control Dressing
N 15 DermaGinate TM 16 Drawtex ® 17 Eclypse ® Adherent and Eclypse ®
N 33 Maxorb Extra CMC/Alginate Dressing 34 Melgisorb ® Plus Alginate Dressing 36 Mextra ® Super absorbent
N 37 Opticell
N 38 Optilock
N 39 Qwick
N 40 3M TM Tegaderm TM High Integrity and High Gelling Alginate Dressing 41 N New product O Online productN New product O Online product Antimicrobials 43 ACTICOAT 3
O ACTISORB TM Silver 220 Antimicrobial Binding Dressing
N 44 Algidex Ag 46 Algidex Ag I.V. Patch 48 Algidex Ag Packing Gauze 49 Algidex Ag Tracheostomy Dressing
N 50 AQUACEL TM Ag Advantage ?Ribbon Dressing
N AQUACEL TM Ag Advantage Wound Dressing
N AQUACEL ® Ag EXTRA TM Wound Dressing
N 51 AQUACEL TM Ag Foam Wound Dressing
N 52 AQUACEL ® Ag Ribbon Dressing
N 54 AQUACEL ® Ag Surgical Slim Profile (SP) Wound Dressing
N 55 AQUACEL ® Ag Surgical Wound Dressing
N 56 Biatain ® Ag Non-Adhesive Foam Dressing; Biatain ® Ag Adhesive Foam Dressing 57 Biatain ® Alginate Ag Dressing and Biatain ® Alginate Ag Rope 59 Bordered Foam with Silver 60 CalciCare TM Calcium Alginate, Silver 61 Calcium Alginate with Silver 63 ComfortFoam/Ag
N 64 ComfortFoam/Ag Border
N 65 DermaCol/Ag 66 DermaGinate/Ag 67 Dermanet Ag + 69 Dermanet Ag + Border 70 DermaSyn/Ag 71 Endoform ® Antimicrobial Dermal Template
N Exufiber ® Ag +
72 Hydrogel Ag
N Hydrogel Ag Saturated Gauze
N KALGINATE Thin Calcium Alginate Wound Dressing 74 Maxorb Extra Ag Antimicrobial Silver CMC/Alginate Dressing 75 Melgisorb ® Ag Antimicrobial Alginate Dressing 77 Mepilex ® Ag Antimicrobial Foam Dressing 78 Mepilex ® Border Ag Antimicrobial Bordered Foam Dressing 79 Mepilex ® Border Post-Op Ag with Safetac Technology
N 80 Mepilex ® Transfer Ag with Safetac ®
N 82 Mepitel ® Ag with Safetac ® Technology
N 84N New product O Online product Opticell Ag Gelling Fiber with Silver
N 408 Specialty Absorptives 412 Combine ABD Pads 413 EXU-DRY 414 Multipad Non-Adherent Wound Dressing 416 Sofsorb Wound Dressing 417 Super Absorbent Dressing 418 Super Absorbent Dressing Adherent 419 3M TM Tegaderm TM Superabsorber Dressing
N 420 Surgical Supplies, Miscellaneous 422 Eclypse ® Contour Super Absorbent Dressing
424 Transparent Films 425 BIOCLUSIVE TM Plus Transparent Film Dressing
N 426 DermaView 428 DermaView II 430 Mepore ® Film Transparent Film Dressing 431 MVP Transparent 432 Transeal Transparent Wound Dressing 433 3M TM T egaderm TM HP Transparent Film Dressing 3M TM Tegaderm TM Transparent Film Dressing 434 Wound Fillers 436 IODOFLEX 0.9% Cadexomer Iodine Pad
O IODOSORB 0.9% Cadexomer Iodine Gel
O Multidex Maltodextrin Wound 437 Other Products 438 Activon ® Manuka Honey Tube
N 439 Activon ® Manuka Honey Tulle
N 440 DxWound
N 442 Electrode Gel Pads and Connection Wires 443 Flexi-Seal TM PROTECT Fecal Management System 444 Flexi-Seal TM SIGNAL Fecal Management System 447 Heelmedix Advanced Heel Protector
N 450 InterDry ® 451N New product O Online product Large Body Tissue (Y) Electrode and Connection Wire 453 OWLS ® Custom Orthoses 454 PLUROGEL ® Burn and Wound Dressing
N 456 SensiLase PAD-IQ ® System 458 Tennant Biomodulator ® PLUS 460 Tennant Biomodulator ® PRO 463 Tennant Biotransducer ® CrystalWave and Connection Wire 466 UltraMIST ® Ultrasound Healing Therapy 467 PART II SKIN CARE PRODUCTS AND ADDITIONAL DRESSINGS AND PRODUCTS 469 Overview 470 Antifungals and Antimicrobials 470 Compression Bandage Systems 471 Conforming Bandages 473 Elastic Bandage Rolls 474 Gauze, Impregnated with Other Than Water, Normal Saline, or Hydrogel, Without Adhesive Border 475 Gauze, Impregnated with Water or Normal Saline, Without Adhesive Border 476 Gauze, Nonimpregnated, with Adhesive Border 476 Gauze, Nonimpregnated, Without Adhesive Border 477 Liquid Skin Protectants 477 Moisture Barriers 478 Skin Cleansers 480 Surgical Dressing Holder, Non-Reusable, Each 481 Tapes 482 Therapeutic Moisturizers 482 Wound Cleansers 484 Manufacturer Resource Guide 485 Index 486
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