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Practical Approach to Neuroanesthesia

Publication Date:
June 12, 2013
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A Practical Approach to Neuroanesthesia is the latest addition in the Practical Approach to Anesthesiology series. This important volume provides ...
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  • A Practical Approach to Neuroanesthesia is the latest addition in the Practical Approach to Anesthesiology series. This important volume provides updated information on the approach and management for both adult and pediatric patients’ physiology dealing with neurosurgical conditions. The outline format with key concepts provides rapid access to clear diagnostic and management guidance for a broad range of neurosurgical and neuroanesthesiology procedures as well as neurocritical care problems.
    Each chapter provides a comprehensive review of clinical practice focusing on key points, clinical pearls, and key references. This new text provides expert recommendations on critical pre-operative, intra-operative and post-operative care for both adult and pediatric patients undergoing neurosurgical and neuroradiologic procedures.
    A Practical Approach to Neuroanesthesia is a concise, portable reference suitable for use by anesthesia residents and fellows, practicing anesthesiologists, nurse anesthetists, and anesthesiologist assistants.
    Inside You’ll find:
    · A focus on both adult and pediatric neuroanesthesiology and neuroradiological procedures, which is critical to providing the most comprehensive text available for neuroanesthesiology
    · Outline format with highlighted key references, key points, and clinical pearls makes important information easy to find
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    7 x 9
    Publication Date
    June 12, 2013
  • Paul Mongan MD
    Sulpicio G Soriano
    Tod B Sloan
    Glenn P. Gravlee MD
    Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, University of Colorado Denver and Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO
  • 1. Brain Metabolism, Cerebral Blood Flow, and Cerebrospinal Fluid.........................................................................1
    Chanannait Paisansathan and Verna L. Baughman
    2. Anesthetic Effects on Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism................................................................................11
    Mark F. Mueller and Verna L. Baughman
    3. Fluid Management During Neurosurgical Procedures...........................................................................................22
    Concezione Tommasino and Valentina Picozzi
    4. Routine Craniotomy for Supratentorial Masses.........................................................................................................37
    Eiman Rahimi and Pirjo H. Manninen
    5. Emergency Craniotomy......................................................................................................................................................53
    Michael V. Presta and Ricky B. Shah
    6. Posterior Fossa Tumor Surgery........................................................................................................................................62
    Audrice Francois
    7. Carotid Endarterectomy.....................................................................................................................................................68
    Chiranjeev Saha
    8. The Pituitary Gland—Considerations in the Adult...................................................................................................83
    Jeffrey J. Pasternak
    9. Intracranial Aneurysms.......................................................................................................................................................99
    Leslie Jameson
    10. Intracranial Arteriovenous Malformations (AVMs).................................................................................................115
    Sabin Caius Oana and N. Kurt Baker-Watson
    11. Neurosurgical Procedures and Chronic Pain............................................................................................................138
    Cuong Vu, Joseph Salama-Hanna, and Grace Chen
    12. Anesthesia for Spinal Cord Injury Surgery.................................................................................................................148
    Katherine S.L. Gil
    13. Anesthesia for Intramedullary Spinal Cord Tumors...............................................................................................192
    Stacie Deiner
    14. Functional Neurosurgery.................................................................................................................................................201
    Hélène G. Pellerin and Rosemary Ann Craen
    15. The Approach to the Pediatric Neurosurgical Patient...........................................................................................211
    Karen A. Dean and Rita Agarwal
    16. Pediatric Congenital Lesions..........................................................................................................................................229
    Michael Chen and Cynthia Tung
    17. Chiari Malformation...........................................................................................................................................................237
    Penny P. Liu, Krystal Tomei, and J. Brad Bellotte
    18. Craniofacial Surgery—Pediatric Considerations.....................................................................................................243
    Petra M. Meier and Susan M. Goobie
    19. Epilepsy Surgery .................................................................................................................................................................254
    Hubert A. Benzon, Craig D. McClain, and Heidi M. Koenig
    20. Pediatric Neurovascular Lesions....................................................................................................................................262
    Hubert A. Benzon, Edward R. Smith, and Craig D. McClain
    21. Sitting Position During Surgery.....................................................................................................................................270
    Antoun Koht and James P. Chandler
    22. Air Embolism........................................................................................................................................................................280
    Steven B. Edelstein
    23. Stroke and Brain Protection............................................................................................................................................290
    John Dunford
    24. Anesthetic-induced Neurotoxicity...............................................................................................................................307
    Andreas W. Loepke and Mary Ellen McCann
    25. Neurosurgery in the Pregnant Patient........................................................................................................................317
    Cristina Wood and Brenda Bucklin
    26. Electrophysiologic Monitoring (EEG and Evoked Potentials).............................................................................328
    Tod B. Sloan and Francesco Sala
    27. Intracranial Pressure Monitoring...................................................................................................................................351
    Jess W. Brallier
    28. Other Monitoring Techniques: Jugular Venous Bulb, Transcranial Doppler,
    and Brain Tissue Oxygen Monitoring..........................................................................................................................362
    Benjamin Scott
    29. Traumatic Brain Injury ......................................................................................................................................................377
    Monica S. Vavilala and Deepak Sharma
    30. Intensive Care of Spinal Cord Injury in Adults..........................................................................................................390
    Linda S. Aglio and Grace Y. Kim
    31. Coma and Brain Death......................................................................................................................................................404
    Avinash B. Kumar
  • Inside You’ll find:
    · A focus on both adult and pediatric neuroanesthesiology and neuroradiological procedures, which is critical to providing the most comprehensive text available for neuroanesthesiology
    · Outline format with highlighted key references, key points, and clinical pearls makes important information easy to find
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Practical Approach to Neuroanesthesia

Practical Approach to Neuroanesthesia

ISBN/ISSN: 9781451173154
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