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Porth's Essentials of Pathophysiology

Edition: 5
Publication Date:
October 28, 2019
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Vital Disease Information for Your Success in Nursing   Ready yourself for the realities of professional nursing practice with this proven ...
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  • Vital Disease Information for Your Success in Nursing
    Ready yourself for the realities of professional nursing practice with this proven approach to pathophysiology. Distilling need-to-know disease content in a clear, accessible format, Porth’sEssentials of Pathophysiology offers concise yet complete coverage of how the body works to help you establish the scientific foundation essential to success in your nursing career.
    • Approachable presentation builds understanding from basic to advanced concepts and defines key terms as you progress.
    • “Chunked” content--including Learning Objectives, Key Points boxes, and Summary Concepts sections--highlights critical points for reflection.
    • Full-color illustrations clarify the clinical manifestations of diseases and disease processes.
    • Review Exercises at the end of each chapter test your retention and identify areas for further study.
    • References provide fast, efficient access to normal laboratory values in both conventional and SI units, as well as a comprehensive glossary.
    • Narrated animations referenced by icons in the text and available online enhance your understanding of the most challenging and clinically relevant concepts.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    8 3/8 x 10 7/8
    Publication Date
    October 28, 2019
  • Tommie L. Norris
    • UNIT 1 - Concepts of Health and Disease
      • Chapter 1-- Concepts of Health and Disease
    • UNIT 2 - Cell Function and Growth
      • Chapter 2 -- Cell and Tissue Characteristics
      • Chapter 3 -- Cellular Adaptation, Injury, and Death
      • Chapter 4 -- Genetic Control of Cell Function and Inheritance
      • Chapter 5 -- Genetic and Congenital Disorders
      • Chapter 6 -- Neoplasia
    • UNIT 3 - Disorders of Integrative Function
      • Chapter 7 -- Stress and Adaptation
      • Chapter 8 -- Disorders of Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid–Base Balance
    • UNIT 4 - Infection, Inflammation, and Immunity
      • Chapter 9 -- Inflammation, Tissue Repair, and Wound Healing
      • Chapter 10 -- Mechanisms of Infectious Disease
      • Chapter 11-- Innate and Adaptive Immunity
      • Chapter 12 -- Disorders of the Immune Response, Including HIV/AIDS
    • UNIT 5 - Disorders of Neural Function
      • Chapter 13 -- Organization and Control of Neural Function
      • Chapter 14 -- Somatosensory Function, Pain, Headache, and Temperature Regulation
      • Chapter 15 -- Disorders of Motor Function
      • Chapter 16 -- Disorders of Brain Function
      • Chapter 17 -- Sleep and Sleep–Wake Disorders
      • Chapter 18 -- Disorders of Thought, Emotion, and Memory
    • UNIT 6 - Disorders of Special Sensory Function
      • Chapter 19 -- Disorders of Visual Function
      • Chapter 20 -- Disorders of Hearing and Vestibular Function
      • Chapter 21 -- Blood Cells and the Hematopoietic System
      • Chapter 22 -- Disorders of Hemostasis
      • Chapter 23 -- Disorders of Red Blood Cells
      • Chapter 24 -- Disorders of White Blood Cells and Lymphoid Tissues
    • UNIT 8 - Disorders of Cardiovascular Function
      • Chapter 25 -- Structure and Function of the Cardiovascular System
      • Chapter 26 -- Disorders of Blood Flow and Blood Pressure Regulation
      • Chapter 27 -- Disorders of Cardiac Function, and Heart Failure and Circulatory Shock
      • Chapter 28 -- Disorders of Cardiac Conduction and Rhythm
    • UNIT 9 - Disorders of Respiratory Function
      • Chapter 29 -- Structure and Function of the Respiratory System
      • Chapter 30 -- Respiratory Tract Infections, Neoplasms, and Childhood Disorders
      • Chapter 31 -- Disorders of Ventilation and Gas Exchange
    • UNIT 10 - Disorders of Renal Function
      • Chapter 32 -- Structure and Function of the Kidney
      • Chapter 33 -- Disorders of Renal Function
      • Chapter 34 -- Acute Kidney Injury and Chronic Kidney Disease
      • Chapter 35 -- Disorders of the Bladder and Lower Urinary Tract
    • UNIT 11- Disorders of Gastrointestinal Function
      • Chapter 36 -- Structure and Function of the Gastrointestinal System
      • Chapter 37 -- Disorders of Gastrointestinal Function
      • Chapter 38 -- Disorders of Hepatobiliary and Exocrine Pancreas Function
      • Chapter 39 -- Alterations in Nutritional Status
    • UNIT 12 - Disorders of Endocrine Function
      • Chapter 40 -- Mechanisms of Endocrine Control1
      • Chapter 41-- Disorders of Endocrine Control of Growth and Metabolism
    • UNIT 13 - Disorders of Genitourinary and Reproductive Function
      • Chapter 42 -- Structure and Function of the Male Genitourinary System
      • Chapter 43 -- Disorders of the Male Reproductive System
      • Chapter 44 -- Structure and Function of the Female Reproductive System
      • Chapter 45 -- Disorders of the Female Reproductive System
      • Chapter 46 -- Sexually Transmitted Infections
    • UNIT 14 - Disorders of Musculoskeletal Function
      • Chapter 47 -- Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System
      • Chapter 48 -- Disorders of Musculoskeletal Function: Trauma, Infection, Neoplasms1
      • Chapter 49 -- Disorders of Musculoskeletal Function: Developmental and Metabolic Disorders, Activity Intolerance, and Fatigue
      • Chapter 50 -- Disorders of Musculoskeletal Function: Rheumatic Disorders
    • UNIT 15 - Disorders of Integumentary Function
      • Chapter 51 -- Structure and Function of the Skin
      • Chapter 52 -- Disorders of Skin Integrity and Function
    • Objectives: Objectives appear at the beginning of each chapter to provide a focus for your study.
    • Key Terms and Glossary: To enable you to better use and understand the vocabulary of your profession, throughout the text you will encounter key terms in bold purple.
    • “Key Points” Boxes: One of the ways to approach learning is to focus on the major ideas or concepts.  The “Key Points” boxes guide you in identifying the major ideas or concepts that form the foundation for truly understanding the major areas of content. When you understand the concepts in the “Key Points” boxes, you will have a framework for remembering and using the facts given in the text.
    • "Summary Concepts" Boxes: The "Summary Concepts" boxes at the end of each main section provide a review an a reinforcement of the important content that has been covered.  This feature breaks a process or phenomenon down into its component parts and presents it in a sequential manner, providing an insight into the many opportunities for disease processes to disrupt the sequence.
    • “Understanding” Boxes: “Understanding” boxes focus on the physiologic processes and phenomena that form the basis for understanding disorders presented in the text.
    • Tables and Charts: Tables and charts are designed to present complex information in a format that makes it more meaningful and facilitates recall of the information. Tables, which have two or more columns, are often used for the purpose of comparing or contrasting information. Charts, which have one column, are used to summarize information.
    • Illustrations and Photos: The detailed, full-color illustrations will help you to build your own mental image of the content that is being presented.  Some illustrations are used to help you picture the complex interactions of the multiple phenomena that are involved in the development of a particular disease; others can help you to visualize normal function or understand the mechanisms that enable the disease processes to exert their effects. In addition, photographs provide a realistic view of selected pathologic processes and lesions.  
    • Concept Mastery Alerts: Concept Mastery Alerts clarify fundamental nursing concepts to improve the reader’s understanding of potentially confusing topics, as identified by Misconception Alerts in Lippincott’s Adaptive Learning Powered by prepU.
    • Interactive Learning Resources: Interactive learning tools available online enrich learning and are identified with icons in the text.
      • Concepts in Action Animations bring physiologic and pathophysiologic concepts to life, explaining concepts that are difficult to understand.
      • Interactive Tutorials include graphics and animations and provide interactive review exercises.
    • Review Exercises: The Review Exercises at the end of each chapter are designed to help you integrate and synthesize material and to help you verify your understanding of the material presented. If you are unable to answer a question, reread the relevant section in the chapter. (Answers are available for instructors at http://thepoint.lww.com/ PorthEssentials5e.)
    • Appendix: The appendix “Lab Values” provides rapid access to normal values for many laboratory tests, as well as a description of the prefixes, symbols, and factors (e.g., micro, μ, 10−6) used for describing these values. Knowledge of normal values can help you to put abnormal values in context.
    • NOTE - PRACTICE AND LEARN INTERACTIVE CASE STUDIES EXCLUDED: The case studies from Porth Essentials 4e were deemed not to be relevant/appropriate for inclusion in Norris Essentials 5e due to the content revisions made by the author.
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Porth's Essentials of Pathophysiology

Porth's Essentials of Pathophysiology

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975107192
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