Preface vi
cLiNicAL MANiFeSt AtioNS
Wooin Ahn, Jai Radhakrishnan, Abdallah S. Geara, Yonatan Peleg,
Romina Wahab, Eric Siddall, Jonathan Hogan, Minesh Khatri,
Shayan Shirazian, Hilda Elena Fernandez
Proteinuria 1-1
Hematuria 1-3
Polyuria 1-5
Urinary Symptoms 1-8
Fluid Imbalance 1-11
Hypotension 1-16
edema 1-20
Nephrotic Syndrome (NS) 1-21
Glomerulonephritis (GN) 1-22
hrombotic Microangiopathy 1-23
Acute kidney Injury (AkI) 1-24
Chronic kidney Disease (CkD) 1-29
ransition of Care for Young Adults 1-33
S. Ali Husain, Anthony M. Valeri, Wooin Ahn, Jen-Tse Cheng,
David Bennett, Dominick Santoriello, Hila Milo Rasouly
Renal Function 2-1
Urine Study 2-2
Imaging 2-8
Renal biopsy 2-10
Renal Pathology 2-12
Genetics 2-17
tReA tMeNt AND t o xiN
Minesh Khatri, Hector Alvarado V erduzco, Wooin Ahn, Demetra Tsapepas,
Jai Radhakrishnan, Jacob Sam Stevens, Geoffrey K. Dube, Yorg Azzi,
Anthony M. V aleri
Nutrition 3-1
Fluid therapy 3-2
Pharmacology 3-6
RAAS Inhibitors 3-9
Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs 3-11
Diuretics 3-12
Immunosuppressive therapy 3-16
Prophylaxis 3-27
Illicit, Herbal, and environmental toxins 3-30
Plasma exchange (PLeX) 3-33
Intoxication and Poisoning 3-34valuation of Acid–base balance 4-3
Metabolic Acidosis 4-4
Metabolic Alkalosis 4-12
Respiratory Alkalosis 4-14
Respiratory Acidosis 4-15
otassium 4-15
Sodium and Water 4-21
Calcium 4-28
Phosphate 4-31
Magnesium 4-33
uLAR, iNteRStitiAL, AND cYStic DiSeASeS
Minesh Khatri, Jacob Sam Stevens, Jai Radhakrishnan,
Ahn, Krzysztof Kiryluk
tubular Necrosis (AtN) 5-1
Pigment Nephropathy 5-2
ystal Nephropathy 5-3
y Stone Disease 5-6
Interstitial Diseases 5-8
unoglobulin G4-Related Disease 5-10
Sporadic Cystic Diseases 5-11
editary Cystic Diseases 5-12
Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) 5-15
Hilda Elena Fernandez
y tract obstruction (Uto) 6-1
Reflux Nephropathy 6-2
y tract Infection (UtI) 6-3
Renu Regunathan-Shenk, Pietro Canetta, Rupali S. Avasare, Wailang Lau,
ald B. Appel, Jordan Gabriela Nestor
Minimal Change Disease (MCD) 7-1
ocal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis 7-2
Membranous Nephropathy (MN) 7-4
Pauci-Immune Glomerulonephritis 7-7
Anti-GbM Disease 7-10
unoglobulin A Nephropathy 7-11
Lupus Nephritis 7-13
ection-Related Glomerulonephritis 7-15
une Complex–mediated MPGN 7-17
C3 Glomerulopathy (C3G) 7-18
oglobulinemia 7-20
yloidosis 7-21Contents ix
Yelena Drexler, Andrew S. Bomback
General Hypertension 8-1
Hypertension in eSRD 8-4
Resistant Hypertension 8-5
Hypertensive emergencies 8-6
Antihypertensives 8-7
obstructive Sleep Apnea (oSA) 8-9
Renal Artery Stenosis (RAS) 8-10
Hyperaldosteronism 8-12
Pheochromocytoma 8-15
SPeciFic t oPicS
Russell J. Crew, Geoffrey K. Dube, Shayan Shirazian, Maria Berenice Nava,
Meghan E. Sise, Jordan Gabriela Nestor, Wooin Ahn, Andrew Beenken,
Maya K. Rao, Jai Radhakrishnan, Abdallah S. Geara, S. Ali Husain,
Rachel Arakawa, Thomas Nickolas, Minesh Khatri, Vasanthi Balaraman,
Jae Hyung Chang, Mark W. Kozicky
Cardiology 9-1
Pulmonology 9-6
extracorporeal Membrane oxygenation 9-9
Gastroenterology 9-10
Hepatology 9-13
Hepatitis b Virus (HbV) 9-16
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) 9-17
Hematology 9-19
Anticoagulation 9-24
Monoclonal Gammopathy (MG) 9-25
Hematopoietic Stem Cell transplantation 9-28
oncology 9-29
Infectious Diseases 9-34
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) 9-37
Diabetes Mellitus 9-39
Hyperlipidemia 9-42
obesity 9-43
CkD-Mineral and bone Disorder 9-44
osteoporosis 9-45
Primary Hyperparathyroidism 9-48
Uric Acid (UA) 9-49
Rheumatology 9-51
Pain Medicine 9-54
Psychiatry, Sleep Medicine, and Neurology 9-56
obstetrics 9-61
Radiology 9-66
Dermatology 9-68NAL RePLA ceMeNt tHeRAPY
Anthony M. Valeri, Wooin Ahn, Efren A. Chavez Morales, Sean D. Kalloo,
Sumit Mohan, Pascale Khairallah
General Concepts of RRt 10-1
Initiation 10-3
Modality Decision 10-4
Continuous Renal Replacement therapy 10-5
HD Initiation and Prescription 10-8
HD Adequacy 10-11
ater t reatment 10-13
HD Complication 10-14
ascular Access 10-19
PD Concepts 10-26
escription 10-27
PD Adequacy 10-30
PD Complication 10-31
PD Catheter 10-33
asanthi Balaraman, Jae Hyung Chang, Jeanne Kamal,
Sumit Mohan, Heather Morris, Akshta Pai, Russell J. Crew,
Dominick Santoriello, Yorg Azzi, Geoffrey K. Dube, Yelena Drexler,
w S. Bomback, Hilda Elena Fernandez
Recipient evaluation 11-1
Living Donor evaluation 11-3
unologic testing and Monitoring 11-5
y Allocation 11-7
Allograft Dysfunction 11-8
Acute Cellular Rejection (ACR) 11-13
Antibody-mediated Rejection (AMR) 11-14
ection after kt 11-16
Metabolic Complication after kt 11-19
tension after kt 11-21
Malignancy after kt 11-22
Renal Complication in other organ transplantation 11-24
o iNSetS
Jen-Tse Cheng, Dominick Santoriello
Urine Sediment Images P1-1
Renal Pathology Images P2-1
Units and Molecular Weights 12-1
BBReViAtioNS 13-1