The revised, updated Fifth Edition of this pocket book is a handy reference to consult when making bedside interpretations of clinical data. Remarkably complete for its small size, the book lists nearly 200 symptoms, physical signs, laboratory test results, and radiologic findings and their differential diagnoses.
This edition has a new, more user-friendly two-color design, tabs indicating sections, and shortened lists of the most common diagnoses. An expanded section on HIV infection covers new manifestations, including immune reconstitution syndrome. The infectious disease chapter has been revised to reflect its increasing importance in clinical medicine, the emergence of multi-drug resistant bacteria, and the threat of bioterrorism.
Gastrointestinal System Wendell K. Clarkston, Patricia Sanchez-Fermin, and Bruce R. Bacon
Genitourinary System Mildred Lam
Hematologic System Kyung-Whan Min
Infectious Disease Debra Adler-Klein
Integument Dianne B. Gasbarra
Musculoskeletal System Dianne B. Gasbarra
Nervous System Stephen N. Adler
Respiratory System Dianne B. Gasbarra
HIV Infection Debra Adler-Klein
--Lists nearly 200 symptoms, physical signs, laboratory test results, and radiologic findings and their differential diagnoses --Organized by organ system, with additional chapters on acid-base and electrolyte disorders and infectious diseases -- FIFTH EDITION HIGHLIGHTS :
New, more user-friendly two-color design
Tabs indicating sections
Shortened lists of the most common diagnoses
Expanded section on HIV infection covers new manifestations, including immune reconstitution syndrome
Infectious disease chapter revised to reflect its increasing importance in clinical medicine, the emergence of multi-drug resistant bacteria, and the threat of bioterrorism
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