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Designed for portability and quick reference, Pocket Cardiology, Third Edition, provides the essential information needed by practitioners and trainees on ...
Designed for portability and quick reference, Pocket Cardiology, Third Edition, provides the essential information needed by practitioners and trainees on a daily basis, and is an excellent resource for clinical board review. Written and edited by Dr. Marc S. Sabatine and a team of cardiologists from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, this fully updated volume provides a concise and focused review of all areas of cardiology in one easy-to-navigate, pocket-sized notebook.
Provides quick and thorough guidelines for each disease on how to work up initial diagnosis and follow-up steps
Covers the latest updates on pharmacologic management of obesity, algorithms for patients presenting with chest pain, and coronary revascularization guidelines. Contains new information on molecular therapies for cardiomyopathies, transcatheter interventions for tricuspid valve disease, new approaches to AF ablation and physiologic pacing; new chapters for congenital coronary anomalies and genetic syndromes; and much more
Follows the bestselling, looseleaf Pocket Notebook format, featuring bulleted lists, tables, diagrams, and algorithms that make essential facts easy to find and retain
Contains current, evidence-based clinical recommendations, supported by key references to the most recent practice guidelines, high-tier reviews, and important clinical trials
Includes useful illustrations of echocardiography, cardiac nuclear imaging, and coronary angiography, as well as EKG tracings and a color photo insert
An invaluable tool for cardiovascular physicians and fellows, medical residents, NPs and PAs, and others who are interested in cardiology
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