Packing essential abdominal imaging protocols in a compact format, this handy reference makes it easy to access the most up-to-date protocols, organ-specific measurements, and echogenicities for abdominal sonography. Organized logically by the organs of the abdomen, this succinct, image-based quick-reference presents imaging and line drawings side-by-side to help you make confident, accurate observations.
Up-to-date protocol guidelines reflect the most current clinical approaches and relevant research.
Organ-based organization provides fast access to patient preparation and suggested transducer, scanning tips, laboratory values tables, sonography anatomy, common pathology and references in each section.
Concise, pocket-sized presentation puts essential information at your fingertips from the sonography lab to the point of imaging.
Side-by-side imaging and line drawings reinforce your understanding and ensure the most accurate imaging observations.
“Cine” loop short video clips clarify normal anatomy in vibrant detail.
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
August 1, 2019
Steven M. Penny M.A., RT (R), RDMS
Medical Sonography Lead Instructor, Johnston Community College, Smithfield, NC
REVIEWERS vi • PREFACE vii • ACKNOWLEDGMENTS x 1: Abdominal Sonography Overview 1 2: Pancreas 30 3: Liver 55 4: Gallbladder and Biliary Tract 86 5: Urinary Tract 122 6: Spleen 154 7: Abdominal Aorta and Inferior Vena Cava 173 8: Gastrointestinal Tract 198 9: Male Pelvis 239 10: Neck and Face 263 11: Breast 292 12: Infant Hips, Neonatal Brain, and Neonatal Spine 319 INDEX 371 CONTENTS
Up-to-date protocol guidelines reflect the most current clinical approaches and relevant research.
Organ-based organization provides fast access to patient preparation and suggested transducer, scanning tips, laboratory values tables, sonography anatomy, common pathology and references in each section.
Concise, pocket-sized presentation puts essential information at your fingertips from the sonography lab to the point of imaging.
Side-by-side imaging and line drawings reinforce your understanding and ensure the most accurate imaging observations.
“Cine” loop short video clips clarify normal anatomy in vibrant detail.
Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Pocket Anatomy and Protocols for Abdominal Ultrasound
ISBN/ISSN: 9781975119447
USD $63.99 Quantity :
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