Make sure your students get a good grasp of how to apply what they learn in the classroom to the real world of advanced practice nursing. Advancing Nursing Practice: Exploring Roles and Opportunities for Clinicians, Educators, and Leaders eases them into the world of professional practice, discussing what it means to be successful in clinical roles such as a CRNA, CNM, CNS, or NP/DNP. But it doesn’t just cover clinical roles—students will discover how they can use their practice in nursing education and administration. This practical guide helps you focus students’ attention on the topics that matter most: core competencies aligned to AACN essential competencies, best practices, reimbursement, and what it means to be a leader.
In addition to a clear and conversational writing style—well-suited to the quick absorption of material—this brand-new textbook features video clips, numerous illustrations, and, more importantly, interviews with real-life advanced practice nurses. Readers will get a clearer picture of what it’s like day to day interacting with patients and their families, physicians and other healthcare practitioners, and management.
Easy-to-understand descriptions of a variety of roles: clinical—CRNAs, CNMs, CNSs, and NPs/DNPs—as well as educational and administrative positions
Compresses a range of material into a practical, no-nonsense compendium for instructors pressed for time
Interviews with real-life APNs—on video and or in the text—tell students what it’s really like
Succinct, conversational writing style is designed to appeal to students juggling multiple courses
Comprehensive coverage of professional competencies, best practices, leadership, and other core elements of each role
Numerous illustrations bring concepts and principles to life for all students
Alignment with AACN core competencies underscores the book’s adherence to the highest industry standards
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Trim Size
7 x 9
Publication Date
January 18, 2021
Caroline Coburn
Deena Gilland
Beth Ann Swan
PART ONE: ROLE PREPARATION AND EXPECTATIONS Chapter 1: Introduction to Advanced Nursing Roles Chapter 2: Education and Licensure Considerations Chapter 3: Educating Nursing: Standards and Essentials
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