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Pediatric Retina

Edition: 3
Publication Date:
October 2, 2020
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An essential resource for both general ophthalmologists and pediatric and retina specialists, Pediatric Retina, Third Edition, offers a comprehensive overview ...
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  • An essential resource for both general ophthalmologists and pediatric and retina specialists, Pediatric Retina, Third Edition, offers a comprehensive overview of all aspects of diagnosis and treatment of major medical and surgical diseases in this challenging field. Dr. Mary Elizabeth Hartnett, along with internationally acclaimed physicians, surgeons, and scientists, guides you through today’s best practices for retinal diseases in infants and children. Hundreds of superb, full-color images (many new to this edition), as well as clinical videos online, provide clear visual support. 
    • Covers the development of the eye and retina, relevant basic/translational science, telemedicine, international ophthalmology, and international approaches to care with focus on retinopathy of prematurity.
    • Includes new and expanded information on pediatric retinal imaging, genetics, pathophysiology of disease, clinical diagnostics, and care including surgery, gene therapy, and methods to restore vision.
    • Features an atlas of retinal images grouped by fundus appearance to aid in diagnosis.
    • Discusses advances in posterior segment imaging with spectral domain hand-held OCT, along with endoscope in vitreoretinal surgery. 
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    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    8 3/8 x 10 7/8
    Publication Date
    October 2, 2020
  • Mary Elizabeth Hartnett
  • xx
    Contributors ......................................................................................................................................................................vii
    Foreword ......................................................................................................................................................................... xvii
    Preface ........................................................................................................................................................................... xviii
    Acknowledgments ....................................................................................................................................................... xix
    DEVELOPMENT OF THE EYE AND RETINA ...............................................................................1
    1 Embryology of the r etina and Developmental Disorders ........................................................ 3
    Yomtov Robert Barishak and Abraham Spierer
    2 The Hyaloidal Vasculature and its r ole in Development..........................................................12
    Charles M. Calvo, Ronald P. Hobbs, and M. Elizabeth Hartnett
    3 Vitreous and Developmental Vitreoretinopathies .......................................................................17
    Samuel Asanad and J. Sebag
    4 Vitreous biochemistry and Pharmacologic Vitreolysis ............................................................32
    Sasha Rosen, Matin Khoshnevis, and J. Sebag
    5 r etinal Vascular Development ........................................................................................................... 44
    Michelle E. LeBlanc, Jinling Yang, and Patricia A. D’Amore
    6 Human Choriocapillaris Development .............................................................................................55
    Gerard A. Lutty and D. Scott McLeod
    7 Development of Cone Photoreceptors and the Fovea Centralis and the impact of
    Prematurity .................................................................................................................................................67
    Jan M. Provis and Michele C. Madigan
    8 r etinal Development...............................................................................................................................76
    Thomas A. Reh and Anna La Torre
    RETINAL CONDITIONS ................................................................................................................... 89
    9 Assessment of Vision and r etinal Function in infants and Children ...................................91
    Anne B. Fulton, Ronald M. Hansen, Bridget J. Peterson,
    Laura Bagdonaite-Bejarano, and James D. Akula
    10 ErG Waveforms in inherited Pediatric r etinal Diseases .......................................................107
    Hanna M. De Bruyn, Wanda Pfeifer, Arlene V. Drack,
    Ronald M. Hansen, and Anne B. Fulton
    11 Amblyopia in Pediatric r etinal Conditions ..................................................................................116
    Alina V. Dumitrescu and Pavlina S. Kempxxi ConTEnTS
    12 Workup of infantile/Congenital nystagmus ............................................................................... 128
    Brittni A. Scruggs and Arlene V. Drack
    13 Early intervention and r ehabilitation in infants and Children With
    Visual impairment .................................................................................................................................. 142
    Lea V. M. Hyvärinen
    14 Low Vision Management of Children and Teens With r etinal Disorders ....................... 158
    Mark E. Wilkinson and Khadija S. Shahid
    AND RETINA .......................................................................................................................................171
    15 r etinal Photography and Multi-Wavelength imaging in infants and Children ............. 173
    C. K. Patel and Andrew Blaikie
    16 optical Coherence Tomography in infants and Children ...................................................... 189
    Lejla Vajzovic, Anand Vinekar, and Cynthia A. Toth
    17 Fluorescein Angiography in Pediatric r etinal Diseases .......................................................200
    Nikisha Kothari, Niranjan Manoharan, and Irena Tsui
    18 ultrasonographic imaging in infants and Children .................................................................. 213
    Roger P. Harrie
    19 imaging Analysis in infants and Children ..................................................................................... 221
    Sang Jin Kim, John Peter Campbell, and Michael F. Chiang
    20 image Storage and r etrieval and Telemedicine ....................................................................... 227
    Marco H. Ji, Darius M. Moshfeghi, and Antonio Capone Jr
    21 Genetic Counseling for Pediatric r etinal Diseases ................................................................. 243
    Karmen M. Trzupek and Briana L. Sawyer
    22 Anomalies of the optic nerve ......................................................................................................... 255
    Chrysanthi Basdekidou and George Caputo
    23 Albinism .....................................................................................................................................................280
    Katherine Ann Lee, Sylvia R. Kodsi, Joseph Carroll, and C. Gail Summers
    24 neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses and Lysosomal Storage Diseases .................................. 301
    Sana Idrees and Mina Chung
    25 r etinal Manifestations of Metabolic Disease in Children .....................................................320
    Arif O. Khan
    26 Generalized r etinal and Choroidal Diseases ............................................................................. 339
    Meghan M. Brown and Kean T. Oh
    27 Leber Congenital Amaurosis ............................................................................................................ 355
    Razek Georges Coussa, Robert K. Koenekoop, and Elias I. Traboulsixxii ConTE nTS
    28 Gene Therapy ...........................................................................................................................................372
    Tomas S. Aleman, Albert M. Maguire, and Jean Bennett
    29 Congenital Stationary night blindness (CSnb)....................................................................... 400
    Christina Zeitz, Juliette Varin, and Isabelle Audo
    30 Stargardt Macular Dystrophy/Fundus Flavimaculatus: From Disease and Gene
    Discovery to identification of Disease Pathways to the Development of
    Therapies .....................................................................................................................................................411
    Robert K. Koenekoop and Thomas M. Aaberg Sr
    31 Mitochondrial, Peroxisomal, Glycosylation Disorders ............................................................430
    Samer Khateb, Ann Saada, Patrick Yu-Wai-Man, John B. Kerrison,
    and Itay Chowers
    32 bardet-biedl Syndrome ...................................................................................................................... 449
    Seongjin Seo and Arlene V. Drack
    33 usher Syndrome .....................................................................................................................................460
    Alaa Koleilat, Raymond Iezzi Jr, and Lisa A. Schimmenti
    34 X-Linked r etinoschisis ........................................................................................................................468
    Catherine A. Cukras, Laryssa A. Huryn, Michael T. Trese, and Paul A. Sieving
    35 norrie Disease .......................................................................................................................................... 481
    Kimberly A. Drenser
    36 incontinentia Pigmenti ........................................................................................................................ 485
    T. Y. Alvin Liu and Morton F. Goldberg
    37 High Myopia and Vitreoretinopathies ...........................................................................................494
    Sherveen S. Salek and G. Baker Hubbard III
    PATHOPHYSIOLOGY IN RETINAL DISEASES ......................................................................503
    38 Mechanisms of VEGF Signaling in Developmental and Pathologic
    Angiogenesis r elated to r etinopathy of Prematurity...........................................................505
    M. Elizabeth Hartnett, Haibo Wang, Aaron B. Simmons, Colin A. Bretz,
    Eric Kunz, and Aniket Ramshekar
    39 Weight Gain and r etinopathy of Prematurity ........................................................................... 515
    Ann Hellström, Lois E. H. Smith, and Anna-Lena Hård
    40 o xygen as a Pathogenic Factor in r etinopathy of Prematurity (roP) .......................... 527
    Dolly A. Padovani-Claudio, Megan E. Capozzi, Colin A. Bretz, and John S. Penn
    41 o xidative Mechanisms and Signaling Pathways r elated to Pathogenesis of
    r etinopathy of Prematurity ...............................................................................................................541
    Haibo Wang and M. Elizabeth Hartnett
    42 Signaling Pathways in Wnt and Effects on Disease ................................................................554
    Eric Nudleman, Geoffrey Weiner, and Kimberly A. Drenser
    43 Hypoxia-inducible Factors and Prevention of roP ................................................................ 563
    Jonathan E. Sears and George Hoppexxiii ConTEnTS
    TUMORS ...............................................................................................................................................571
    44 retinoblastoma .......................................................................................................................................573
    Jesse L. Berry and Joan Marie O'Brien
    45 Treatment of r etinoblastoma ..........................................................................................................599
    Lauren A. Dalvin, David Ancona-Lezama, and Carol L. Shields
    46 Tumors in infants and Children.........................................................................................................619
    Victor M. Villegas and Timothy G. Murray
    UVEITIS IN INFANTS AND CHILDREN ...................................................................................647
    47 uveitis and Endophthalmitis Affecting infants and Children ............................................. 649
    Christopher D. Conrady, Stephen D. Anesi, C. Stephen Foster, and Albert T. Vitale
    48 Surgical Approaches to uveitis ........................................................................................................722
    Stavros N. Moysidis, Edward H. Wood, Baruch D. Kuppermann, and Lisa J. Faia
    49 uveitis Masquerade Syndromes ....................................................................................................... 747
    Mikel Mikhail and Lisa J. Faia
    RETINOPATHY OF PREMATURITY ............................................................................................761
    50 Worldwide Causes of Childhood blindness ............................................................................... 763
    Clare E. Gilbert and Nathalie Lepvrier-Chomette
    51 Education and Management of r etinopathy of Prematurity Worldwide ...................... 784
    Tala Al-Khaled, Samir N. Patel, and R. V. Paul Chan
    52 Clinical Trials and Management of r etinopathy of Prematurity ....................................... 796
    Julia P. Shulman and M. Elizabeth Hartnett
    53 Anti-VEGF Treatment in r etinopathy of Prematurity ............................................................. 821
    Anna L. Ells, Wei-Chi Wu, and Darius M. Moshfeghi
    54 Evolution of Stage 4 r etinopathy of Prematurity ................................................................... 832
    Antonio Capone Jr and Michael T. Trese
    55 Treatment of Stages 4 and 5 r etinopathy of Prematurity .................................................. 838
    Antonio Capone Jr, Michael T. Trese, and M. Elizabeth Hartnett
    56 General Surgical Considerations and Preoperative Management in infants
    and Children ............................................................................................................................................849
    Michael T. Trese and Antonio Capone Jr
    57 Anesthesia for infants and Children .............................................................................................. 852
    P. Anthony Mezaxxiv ConTE nTS
    58 External and Minor Surgical Procedures .....................................................................................860
    Emmanuel Y. Chang, Antonio Capone Jr, and Michael T. Trese
    59 Anterior Segment Surgery Combinations With Posterior Segment Diseases .............868
    Mark K. Walsh
    60 Surgical Approaches to infant and Childhood r etinal Diseases: Scleral buckles ......875
    Jessica G. Lee and Philip J. Ferrone
    61 Surgical Approaches to infant and Childhood r etinal Diseases:
    intravitreal Surgery ............................................................................................................................... 884
    Jonathan E. Sears
    62 Endoscopic Vitreous Surgery in infants and Children ............................................................ 891
    Sui Chien Wong and Thomas C. Lee
    AND CHILDREN ...............................................................................................................................897
    63 Pediatric rhegmatogenous r etinal Detachment .....................................................................899
    Lejla Vajzovic
    64 Coats Disease ...........................................................................................................................................910
    J. Michael Jumper
    65 Persistent Fetal Vasculature Syndrome ........................................................................................ 921
    Supalert Prakhunhungsit and Audina M. Berrocal
    66 Pediatric Vitreoretinopathies: Familial Exudative Vitreoretinopathy,
    norrie Disease, and incontinentia Pigmenti ............................................................................... 934
    Lauren M. Wright and Yoshihiro Yonekawa
    67 Epiretinal Membrane and Combined Hamartoma of the r etina
    and r etinal Pigment Epithelium .....................................................................................................949
    Cynthia A. Toth
    68 Surgery for Gene Therapy ................................................................................................................. 958
    Jonathan F. Russell, Albert M. Maguire, and Stephen R. Russell
    69 Childhood ocular Trauma ................................................................................................................... 971
    Mrinali P. Gupta and Philip J. Ferrone
    70 nonaccidental Head Trauma ............................................................................................................. 990
    George Caputo and Wei-Chi Wu
    ATLAS A Hemorrhages .............................................................................................................................999
    George Caputo
    ATLAS b Macula ........................................................................................................................................1003
    George Caputo
    ATLAS C Pigmentary Changes ............................................................................................................ 1022
    George Caputoxxv Con TEnTS
    ATLAS D Posterior Segment Masses ................................................................................................. 1031
    George Caputo
    ATLAS E Flecks and Spots ................................................................................................................... 1036
    Michael T. Trese, Antonio Capone Jr, and M. Elizabeth Hartnett
    ATLAS F Abnormal r etinal Vasculature ......................................................................................... 1038
    George Caputo
    ATLAS G r etinal Detachment and Schisis .....................................................................................1045
    George Caputo
    ATLAS H optic nerve ..............................................................................................................................1050
    George Caputo
    Index ...............................................................................................................................................................................1059
    APPENDIX OF PROCEDURAL VIDEOS ........................................................1083
    George Caputo
    e1 basics of Genetic Testing and Methodology
    Virginia Miraldi Utz and Diana Schorry Brightman
    e2 Selected Pediatric r etinal Differential Diagnosis based on Clinical
    Symptoms and Signs Virginia
    Virginia Miraldi Utz and Elias I. Traboulsi
    e3 online r esources for Pediatric r etinal Disorders
    Arlene V. Drack
    e4 Genetic Mutations and r elated Proteins Associated
    With inherited r etinal Diseases
    Robert S. Molday
    e5 Extracellular Matrix r egulation of Vascular Development in the r etina
    Saptarshi Biswas, William J. Brunken, and Dale D. Hunter
    e6 Visual Anomalies Associated With r educed r etinal Pigmentation
    Donnell J. Creel
    e7 Applications for Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived r etinal Cells
    in Development, Disease and Cellular r eplacement
    Kirstin B. VanderWall, Clarisse M. Fligor, Sailee S. Lavekar,
    Kang-Chieh Huang, and Jason S. Meyer
    e8 Human pluripotent stem cell-derived retinal organoids as in vitro models of
    retinogenesis and therapeutic tools for retinal degeneration
    Clarisse M. Fligor, Kang-Chieh Huang, Kirstin B. VanderWall,
    Sailee S. Lavekar, and Jason S. Meyer
    e9 r egenerative Medicine
    Michael T. Trese, Edward H. Wood, Antonio Capone Jr, and Kimberly A. Drenserxxvi ConTE nTS
    e10 international roP: r etinopathy of Prematurity in Chile
    Andrés Kychenthal Bab and Paola Dorta Salfate
    e11 international roP: r etinopathy of Prematurity in Mexico
    María Ana Martínez-Castellanos, Ana González H. León, and Estephania Feria Anzaldo
    e12 international roP: r etinopathy of Prematurity in india
    Anand Vinekar
    • Covers the development of the eye and retina, relevant basic/translational science, telemedicine, international ophthalmology, and international approaches to care with focus on retinopathy of prematurity.
    • Includes new and expanded information on pediatric retinal imaging, genetics, pathophysiology of disease, clinical diagnostics, and care including surgery, gene therapy, and methods to restore vision.
    • Features an atlas of retinal images grouped by fundus appearance to aid in diagnosis.
    • Discusses advances in posterior segment imaging with spectral domain hand-held OCT, along with endoscope in vitreoretinal surgery. 
    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
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Pediatric Retina

Pediatric Retina

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