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Pediatric Nursing Made Incredibly Easy

Edition: 3
Publication Date:
September 12, 2019
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Create a strong foundation in pediatric nursing care — and gain empowering skills and confidence — with the fully updated ...
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  • Create a strong foundation in pediatric nursing care — and gain empowering skills and confidence — with the fully updated Pediatric Nursing made Incredibly Easy!®, 3rd Edition.

    This fully illustrated, enjoyable guide offers easy-to-remember ways to strengthen your understanding and retention of common pediatric conditions at every level of child development. An irreplaceable on-the-job reference for all new nurses, this go-to resource supports class materials, is the ideal study partner for NCLEX®, HESI or CPN exam preparation, and is an excellent refresher for experienced nurses.
    Absorb expert knowledge and real-life guidance on pediatric nursing care:
    • NEW and updated content in concise, bulleted format for easy quick-reference
    • End-of-book learning support – the “Practice Makes Perfect” practice test that mimics NCLEX® style and content
    • Dozens of colorful diagrams and illustrations that outline core terms and concepts, with easy-to-retain definitions and clinical guidance on topics such as:
      • The role of the pediatric nurse, family-centered care, and pediatric care standards
      • Pediatric pain assessment and management
      • Meeting the needs of the hospitalized and special needs child
      • Developmental aspects of pediatric care – factors that influence growth and development in infancy, early childhood, middle childhood and adolescence
      • Common pediatric conditions affecting different body systems, including problems in the neurologic, cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary, musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, endocrine and metabolic, hematologic and immunologic, and dermatologic systems
      • Infectious diseases and immunizations
    • Special chapter features include:
      • Just the facts – a quick summary of content at the start of each chapter
      • “Nurse Joy and Jake” – expert insights that explain key concepts, provide important care reminders and offer reassurance
      • Cultured pearls – insights on unique cultural aspects of care, by cultural group
      • Memory joggers – memory aids that help you grasp and retain difficult concepts
      • Growing pains – descriptions, expectations and risks for each developmental stage
      • It’s all relative – teaching tips and checklists for family education
      • Advice from experts – helpful tips and insights from experienced pediatric nurses
      • Education edge – teaching tips and checklists for patient education
      • Quick quiz – multiple-choice, end-of-chapter questions written in NCLEX® format, followed by answers and rationales
    About the Clinical Editor

    Mikki Meadows-Oliver, PhD, MPH, PNP-BC, RN, is an Assistant Professor at the Yale University School of Nursing and holds a joint clinical appointment at the Pediatric Lead Poisoning Prevention Program at Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, Connecticut.

  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    7 x 9
    Publication Date
    September 12, 2019
  • Mikki Meadows-Oliver PhD, RN, PNP-BC
  • Contents
    1 Introduction to pediatric nursing 1
    Alison Moriarty Daley, PhD, APRN, PPCNP-BC, FAAN
    2 Concepts in pediatric nursing care 14
    Mikki Meadows-Oliver , PhD, RN, F AAN
    3 Infancy 63
    Mary Agnes Gallagher, MSN, MPH, CPNP-BC
    4 Early childhood 92
    Angela Orsini-Garry , MSN, APRN, PPCNP-BC
    5 Middle childhood and adolescence 126
    Allison Grady , MSN
    6 Infectious diseases and immunizations 169
    Nancy Banasiak, DNP , PPCNP-BC
    7 Neurologic problems 209
    Anna Goddard, PhD, APRN
    8 Cardiovascular problems 268
    Mikki Meadows-Oliver , PhD, RN, F AAN
    9 Respiratory problems 332
    Amanda Filippelli, MSN, MPH, AE-C
    10 Urinary problems 384
    Mary Agnes Gallagher, MSN, MPH, CPNP-BC
    11 Musculoskeletal problems 422
    Angela Orsini-Garry , MSN, APRN, PPCNP-BC
    12 Gastrointestinal problems 471
    Cheryl L. DeGraw, EdS, RN, MSN, CRNP
    13 Endocrine and metabolic problems 518
    Mikki Meadows-Oliver , PhD, RN, F AAN
    14 Hematologic and immunologic problems 561
    Allison Grady , MSN
    15 Dermatologic problems 613
    Vera C. Brancato, EdD, MSN, BSN, RN, CNE
    Glossary 646
    Index 649
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Pediatric Nursing Made Incredibly Easy

Pediatric Nursing Made Incredibly Easy

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975124830
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