The purpose of this book is to provide residents, fellows, and general practitioners a comprehensive yet concise review of pediatric radiology. It describes all of the primary pathologies that afflict the pediatric population, supplemented with an abundance of detailed imaging. The content is subdivided within organ systems, which is consistent with both prior pediatric radiology texts and the resident curriculum set forth by the Society for Pediatric Radiology. Learning objectives are clearly presented at the outset of each chapter. References are listed at the end of each chapter for further in-depth reading. The final chapter consists of self-assessment questions, which are consistent with the new certification examination. The format will be similar to Chest Radiology: The Essentials and Clinical Breast Imaging: The Essentials currently in print.
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Trim Size
8.375 x 10.875
Essentials Series
Publication Date
November 6, 2015
Ramesh Iyer M.D.
Associate Professor of Radiology University of Washington School of Medicine Director, Radiology Quality Improvement Seattle Children's Hospital
Teresa Chapman M.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Radiology University of Washington School of Medicine Seattle Children’s Hospital 4800 Sand Point Way, NE Seattle, WA 98105
1. Upper Airway Obstruction 2. Lower Airway Obstruction 3. The Neonatal Chest 4. Congenital Lung Lesions 5. Pulmonary Infections 6. Mediastinal and Chest Wall Masses 7. Chest Trauma 8. Multisystem Disorders with Pulmonary Manifestations 9. Introduction to Cardiac Imaging 10. Left-to-Right Cardiovascular Shunts 11. Complex Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease 12. Upper Gastrointestinal Obstruction 13. Distal Intestinal Obstruction in a Neonate 14. Abdominal Wall Disorders 15. Acute and Inflammatory Disorders of the Lower Intestinal Tract 16. Solid Abdominal Organs 17. Mesenteric Abnormalities 18. Abdominal Trauma 19. Congenital Urinary Tract Abnormalities 20. Urinary Tract Infection 21. Multicystic Renal Disease 22. The Female Pediatric Pelvis 23. Tumors of the Kidney, Adrenals and Pelvis 24. Scrotum 25. Skeletal Trauma 26. Musculoskeletal Infection and Inflammation 27. Hip Disorders 28. Musculoskeletal Constitutional Disorders 29. Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors 30. Congenital Brain Malformations 31. Vascular and Traumatic Brain Injury 32. Phakomatoses 33. Intracranial Infection and Inflammation 34. Brain Tumors 35. Head, Neck, and Craniofacial Pathology 36. Spine Self-Assessment Exam
USD $122.99
USD $98.39
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