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Publisher's Note:Get essential pediatric nursing guidance and vital information in your pocket, with the freshly updated Pediatric Facts Made Incredibly ...
Publisher's Note: Get essential pediatric nursing guidance and vital information in your pocket, with the freshly updated Pediatric Facts Made Incredibly Quick!® , 3rd Edition . Like having a friendly, experienced coworker at your side, this enjoyable, colorfully illustrated guide clarifies vital pediatric nursing skills and concepts, with easy-to-remember how-to’s on pediatric vital signs, pain assessments, meds administration, and more. Whether you’re a nursing student or a nurse who is new to pediatrics, this must-have quick-reference delivers on-the-spot knowledge and confidence needed to provide safe, effective care . Get the know-how you need to succeed, with this colorful in-your-pocket guide, featuring: · NEWand updated content on crucial pediatric nursing skills
Spiral-bound format that easily fits in your pocket for at-a-glance answers or as an on-the-unit shelf reference
Laminated, wipe-clean pages that are perfect for notetaking
Dozens of color photos, drawings, and diagrams that demonstrate the concise, easy-to-remember text
Clear directions and helpful tables delineating vital technical information, including:
Meds / IV Therapy – Immunization schedules, calculations, conversions, BSA, administration methods and sites, fluid needs, IV solutions, blood compatibility, insulin
IV solutions – Infusion therapy and rates
Color-coded tabs that provide quick access to a broad range of techniques, data, and information on areas such as:
Growth and Patterns of Development – Theories of development; expected growth rates; height and weight tables; stages of development – language, play, psychosocial, moral, intuitive; sexual maturity; preparation for hospitalization and surgery
Assessment – Health history; length and head circumference; physical exams; abuse assessments; burns; mental health; vital signs – normal heart rates; assessment of body systems – eyes and ears, respiratory, cardiovascular, GI, urinary, nervous, musculoskeletal, hematological, immune, and endocrine
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