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Paul's Fundamental Immunology: eBook with Multimedia

Edition: 8
Publication Date:
July 19, 2022
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  • Your enhanced VST eBook includes a full suite of study tools on any device—both online and offline:
    • Anytime, anywhere access – study on the go with 100% offline access to your downloaded title
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    Defining the field of immunology for nearly 40 years, Paul’s Fundamental Immunology continues to provide detailed, authoritative, up-to-date information that uniquely bridges the gap between basic immunology and the disease process. The fully revised 8th edition maintains the excellence established by Dr. William E. Paul, who passed away in 2015 and is now under new editorial leadership of Drs. Martin F. Flajnik, Nevil J. Singh, and Steven M. Holland. It’s an ideal reference and gold standard text for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, basic and clinical immunologists, microbiologists and infectious disease physicians, and any physician treating diseases in which immunologic mechanisms play a role. 
    • Reflects the latest advances in the field, including current insights on immune system function, both basic and translational. 

    • Contains 51 chapters written by leaders in all subfields of immunology. 

    • Provides extensive coverage of molecular biology that explains the dynamics underlying immune disorders and their treatment 

    • Includes 11 all-new chapters covering invertebrate and plant immunity, eosinophils, innate lymphoid cells, gamma/delta T cells, NKT and MAIT cells, immunometabolism, systems immunology, maternal-fetal immunology and more. 

    • Contains abundant full-color illustrations and tables that provide essential information at a glance. 

    • Features annual updates from the authors to the VST version, keeping you current with changes in this dynamic field. 

    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience 

    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. 

    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech. 

  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    July 19, 2022
  • Martin Flajnik PhD


    Professor, University of Maryland Baltimore School of Medicine 

    Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology 

    Baltimore, MD USA 21201 



    Martin Flajnik graduated from the Pennsylvania State University in 1978 with a BS in Biology. He earned an MS in 1979 and a PhD in 1983 from the University of Rochester (NY) in Microbiology and Immunology. He was a postdoc (and completed his PhD) from 1983-1988 at the Basel Institute for Immunology under Louis Du Pasquier, and rose to professor in his first independent academic position at the University of Miami (FL) (1988-97). He has been a professor at the University of Maryland Baltimore School of Medicine since 1998. 


    Honors and Awards 

    • "Faculty Member of the Year Award," teaching award sponsored by the Microbiology and Immunology University of Miami undergraduates, 1995 

    • Plenary talks at the International Immunology Meetings of 1989 and 1995 

    • Co-editor of the journal Immunogenetics since 2001 

    • Vice President of the International Society of Developmental and Comparative Immunology (ISDCI) (2001-2007) 

    • GPILS teacher of the year, UMB Graduate School, 2008 

    • "Immunological Guru” and plenary speaker at the NIH Immunology Retreat, 2010 

    • Funded by the NIH continually from 1988-present 

    • Contributed a chapter to Fundamental Immunology editions 5-7 (1992-2012) and co-editor of the 8th edition (2022) 


    Research Interests 

    My work is centered on the evolution of the adaptive immune system, with the major goal being to understand the origins of adaptive immunity. I was involved in the early biochemical and molecular characterization of lower vertebrate MHC, and have identified several immunoglobulin and T cell receptor isotypes in ectothermic vertebrates. Our lab recently has become interested in the evolution of lymphoid tissues. 



    Assistant Professor 

    University of Maryland Baltimore 

    Baltimore, Maryland 



    Bethesda, Maryland 

  • C ontents
    Contributors vii
    Foreword xiii
    Preface xvii
    Section I. Introduction to Immunology
    1 Overview of the Immune System ............... 1
    Martin F. Flajnik, Steven M. Holland, Nevil J. Singh
    2 History of Immunology ....................... 29
    Edward J. Moticka
    Section II. Evolution of the Immune System
    3 The Insect Immune System ................... 52
    Sara Cherry, Nicolas Buchon
    4 Evolution of the Vertebrate and Lower
    Deuterostome Immune System ................ 79
    Martin F. Flajnik
    5 The Plant Immune System ................... 134
    Roger W. Innes
    Section III. Cellular Pathways and
    Processes in Immunity
    6 Immunometabolism ........................ 161
    Jonathan D. Powell, Chirag H. Patel, Im- Hong Sun
    7 Regulated Cell Death in the Immune System .. 204
    Douglas R. Green, Sebastian Ruehl
    8 Lymphoid Tissues and Organs ............... 228
    Martin F. Flajnik, Nancy H. Ruddle
    9 Type I Cytokines, Interferons, and Their
    Receptors ................................. 258
    Achsah D. Keegan, Warren J. Leonard
    10 Tumor Necrosis Factor Superfamily of Cytokines
    and Receptors ............................. 308
    Carl F. Ware, Nancy H. Ruddle
    11 Chemokines and Chemokine Receptors ....... 344
    Philip M. Murphy
    Section IV. Innate Immunity
    12 Pattern Recognition Receptors and
    the IL- 1 Family ............................. 386
    Rajendra Karki, Thirumala- Devi Kanneganti
    13 The Complement System .................... 416
    Erin E. West, Claudia Kemper
    14 Neutrophils ............................... 455
    Andres Hidalgo, Mariana J. Kaplan
    15 Macrophages .............................. 469
    Gwendalyn J. Randolph
    16 Mast Cells and Basophils ................... 487
    Mindy Tsai, Stephen J. Galli
    17 Eosinophils ................................ 519
    Elizabeth A. Jacobsen, Hirohito Kita
    18 The Biology of Natural Killer Cells and Innate
    Lymphoid Cells ............................ 537
    Vincent Peng, Marco Colonna
    Section V. Adaptive Immunity
    19 The Major Histocompatibility Complex ....... 573
    David H. Margulies, Kannan Natarajan, Jamie Rossjohn,
    James McCluskey
    20 Classical Antigen Processing and
    Presentation ............................... 622
    Jonathan W. Yewdell, Paul Roche, Laurence C. Eisenlohr
    21 Immunoglobulins: Structure and
    Function .................................. 644
    Mohamed Khass, David Wald, Neil S. Greenspan, Harry W. Schroeder, Jr
    22 Immunoglobulins: Molecular Genetics ....... 671
    Sebastian D. Fugmann
    23 T Cell Antigen Receptors and Antigen
    Recognition ............................... 702
    Mark M. Davis, Yueh- Hsiu Chien
    24 Antigen Receptor Signaling ................. 734
    Nevil J. Singh, Gideon Wolf 25 B Cell Development in Mice ................. 774
    Nicole Baumgarth
    26 B Cell Responses .......................... 798
    Claude- Agnès Reynaud, Jean- Claude Weill
    27 T Cell Development in the Thymus ........... 823
    Avinash Bhandoola, Remy Bosselut, Yousuke Takahama
    28 CD4+ Helper T Cells: Differentiation,
    Flexibility, and Heterogeneity ............... 856
    John J. O’Shea, Marion Pepper, Marc K. Jenkins, Danielle A. Chisolm
    29 Regulatory T Cells .......................... 874
    Ethan M. Shevach
    30 CD8+ T Cell Memory ........................ 924
    Francis R. Carbone, Thomas Gebhardt
    31 Cytotoxic Effector Functions ................. 944
    Morgan Huse
    Section VI. Integrative Immunology
    32 Immunologic Tolerance ..................... 971
    Colin C. Anderson, Troy A. Baldwin, Peter A. Bretscher
    33 Fc Receptors and Their Role in Immune
    Regulation and Inflammation ............... 1008
    Jeffrey V. Ravetch, Aaron Gupta, Falk Nimmerjahn
    34 Dendritic cells ............................ 1034
    Roxane Tussiwand, Pierre Guermonprez, Simon Yona
    35 Gamma Delta T Cells ...................... 1054
    Adrian C. Hayday
    36 CD1- Restricted T Cells ..................... 1102
    Pankaj Sharma, Florian Winau
    37 Mucosal- Associated Invariant T Cells and
    Other MR1- Reactive T Cells ................ 1137
    Sidonia B. G. Eckle, Wael Awad, Jamie Rossjohn, James McCluskey,
    Alexandra J. Corbett
    38 The Mucosal Immune System .............. 1178
    Yasmine Belkaid, Brian L. Kelsall, Warren Strober
    39 Introduction to Neuroimmunology ........... 1212
    Andrea Francesca Salvador, Jonathan Kipnis
    40 Vaccines ................................. 1231
    Bali Pulendran
    41 Maternal- Fetal Immunology ................ 1283
    Gabrielle Rizzuto, Adrian Erlebacher
    Section VII. Immune Responses to
    42 Response to Parasites ..................... 1325
    David Sacks, Marion Pepper, Mary F. Fontana, P’ng Loke
    43 Immune Responses to Bacteria ............. 1355
    S. Celeste Morley, Moon H. Nahm
    44 Response to Viruses ....................... 1399
    Hildegund C. J. Ertl
    45 Immunology of HIV Infection ............... 1445
    Gaurav D. Gaiha, Douglas S. Kwon
    Section VIII. Immunological Disease
    States and Immunodeficiency
    46 Autoimmunity and Autoimmune Diseases .... 1465
    Gustaf Christoffersson, Ken T. Coppieters, Matthias von Herrath,
    Dirk Homann
    47 Immunologic Mechanisms of Allergic
    Disorders ................................ 1515
    Stéphanie Lejeune, Kari C. Nadeau, David W. Scott, Joshua D. Milner
    48 Transplantation Immunology ............... 1549
    Megan Sykes, Anita S. Chong, Markus Y. Mapara
    49 Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy ..... 1589
    Thomas F. Gajewski, Justin Kline
    50 Inborn Errors of Immunity .................. 1619
    Isabelle Meyts, Jean- Laurent Casanova, Luigi D. Notarangelo
    Index 1649
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Paul's Fundamental Immunology: eBook with Multimedia

Paul's Fundamental Immunology: eBook with Multimedia

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