Companion to the Fabrication Process Manual for Orthotic Intervention for the Hand and Upper Extremity, now published as a separate text.
This comprehensive text is the perfect resource for use in the classroom, during labs, and in clinical practice for both occupational and physical therapists. Additionally, it is a great reference for those studying to become a Certified Hand Therapist (CHT). Orthotic Intervention for the Hand and Upper Extremity: Splinting Principles and Process superbly highlights anatomical and mechanical principles; discusses associated indications and precautions; and promotes clinical reasoning skills by presenting various patient examples, therefore allowing you to confidently utilize techniques in clinical practice.
This updated third edition is divided into the following sections: fundamentals necessary for successful orthotic fabrication, additional intervention methods, and orthoses for specific diagnoses and patient populations. Now with a larger format for more generous pattern appreciation, as well as incorporated and revised evidence-based content from an expanded list of contributing authors, it remains the go-to resource for every level of usage.
New Chapters on Relative Motion Orthoses, Prosthetics, Orficast,Delta-Cast, and Tendon & Nerve Transfers.
Fabrication Process Manual is now a separate supplemental resource including comprehensive step-by-step directions for more than 60 orthoses in addition to dozens more orthosis options included within the Clinical and Expert Pearls.
Full-color photographs of actual patients provide hundreds of new clinical examples demonstrating the direct link to clinical practice.
Larger Format of textbook allowing for larger images and additional content.
Addition of Expert Pearls generously shared by dozens of hand therapy experts from around the world including unique orthotic ideas, tips, and material usage.
Field Notes written by chosen clinical experts highlighting a unique perspective on that chapter’s content.
FAQs list common questions therapists have related to orthotic fabrication and other intervention strategies for a specific patient population.
Respected Surgeons contributed their thoughts highlighting the important collaborative relationship between a surgeon and hand therapist.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
9 x 12
Lippincott Connect
Publication Date
April 22, 2021
MaryLynn Jacobs
Noelle M. Austin MS, PT, CHT
New Chapters on Relative Motion Orthoses, Prosthetics, Orficast,Delta-Cast, and Tendon & Nerve Transfers.
Fabrication Process Manualis a separate companion resource including comprehensive step-by-step directions for more than 60 orthoses in addition to dozens more orthosis options included within the Clinical and Expert Pearls.
Full-color photographs of actual patients provide hundreds of new clinical examples demonstrating the direct link to clinical practice.
Larger Format of textbook allowing for larger images and additional content.
Addition of Expert Pearls generously shared by dozens of hand therapy experts from around the world including unique orthotic ideas, tips, and material usage.
Field Notes written by chosen clinical experts highlighting a unique perspective on that chapter’s content.
FAQs list common questions therapists have related to orthotic fabrication and other intervention strategies for a specific patient population.
Respected Surgeons contributed their thoughts highlighting the important collaborative relationship between a surgeon and hand therapist.
Lippincott® Connect features:
Full access to the digital version of the book with the ability to highlight and take notes on key passages for a more personal, efficient study experience.
Carefully curated resources, such as interactive diagrams, audio and video tutorials, and self-assessment, all designed to facilitate further comprehension.
Lippincott® Connect also allows users to create Study Collections to further personalize the study experience. With Study Collections you can:
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USD $123.04
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Orthotic Intervention for the Hand and Upper Extremity
ISBN/ISSN: 9781975140953
USD $123.04 Quantity:
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