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Scientific and Clinical Solutions for Orthopaedic Surgeons
Edition: 1
Publication Date:
February 9, 2023
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Developed in partnership with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and edited by internationally renowned experts Drs. Scott P. ...
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  • Developed in partnership with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and edited by internationally renowned experts Drs. Scott P. Bruder and Roy K. Aaron, Orthobiologics: Scientific and Clinical Solutions for Orthopaedic Surgeons provides authoritative, comprehensive coverage of this fast-growing field. This one-stop reference is an ideal resource, covering technology and basic science through specific clinical applications.
    • Covers the basic science clinicians need to know to understand the mechanisms of action of orthobiologic therapies for tissue repair and regeneration, as well as technology development, regulation, and the commercialization pathway
    • Provides thorough discussions of current standards of care and clinical applications across all subspecialty areas, including upper and lower extremity pathology, as well as spinal pathology
    • Uses a reader-friendly approach with more than 100 illustrations and dozens of helpful tables throughout
    • Discusses options and solutions for intervertebral disc repair, spinal fusion, rotator cuff repair, peripheral nerve regeneration in the hand, challenging bone repairs and nonunion, skeletal muscle repair, meniscal repair and replacement, articular cartilage repair, knee and ankle osteoarthritis, ligament regeneration, and more.

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  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    8 3/8 x 10 7/8
    AAOS - American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
    Publication Date
    February 9, 2023
  • Scott P. Bruder MD, PhD
    Roy Aaron MD
  • Contents
    Editorial Board v
    Contributors vii
    Foreword xiii
    Acknowledgments xv
    Introduction xvii
    PART 1: Foundational Principles
    Section 1: Biologic Options for Tissue Repair and Regeneration
    Section Editors: Robert E. Guldberg, PhD; Edward M. Schwarz, PhD; Christopher H. Evans, PhD
    1 Cell Biology and Cell Sources ........................................................................5
    Frank Barry, PhD; Mary Murphy, PhD, DSc
    2 Materials Science and Biodegradable Scaffolds ........................................................17
    Kenneth S. Ogueri, BS, MSc, PhD; Kevin Grassie, BS; Yusuf Khan, PhD; Cato T. Laurencin, MD, PhD, FAAOS
    3 Bioactive Factors and Designer Molecules ............................................................33
    Vicki Rosen, PhD
    4 Gene Therapy ....................................................................................43
    Steven C. Ghivizzani, PhD; Christopher H. Evans, PhD
    5 Clinically Applicable and Translatable Animal Models in Orthobiologic Research for
    Cartilage Repair and Osteoarthritis in Humans........................................................61
    Laurie Goodrich, DVM, MS, PhD
    6 Overview of Orthobiologics for Articular Cartilage Repair ..............................................85
    Erica G. Gacasan, MS; Robert L. Sah, MD, ScD
    7 Overview of Orthobiologics for Bone Repair .........................................................103
    Mirtijn van Griensven, MD, PhD; Elizabeth Rosado Balmayor, PhD
    8 Orthobiologics for Tendon and Ligament Repair ..................................................... 119
    Hani Awad, PhD; Rahul Alenchery, MSc; Raquel Ajalik, MSc; Victor Z. Zhang, BSc
    9 Summary and Perspectives ........................................................................141
    Edward M. Schwarz, PhD; Christopher H. Evans, PhD; Robert E. Guldberg, PhD
    Section 2 Technology Development, Regulation, and the Commercialization Pathway
    Section Editors: Scott P . Bruder, MD, PhD, FORS; Anthony Ratcliffe, PhD
    10 Pitfalls in the Assessment of Outcomes in Randomized Clinical Trials ...................................147
    Joseph Harrington, BS; Jennifer Racine- Avila, MBA; Roy K. Aaron, MD, FAAOS, FORS
    11 Measuring and Reporting Outcomes................................................................155
    Joel J. Gagnier, ND, MSc, PhD; Matthew J. Hadad, MD; Nicolas S. Piuzzi, MD; Evangeline Fumina Kobayashi, MD
    12 The US FDA Regulatory Landscape and Compliance..................................................169
    Aric Kaiser, MS 13 Product Development ............................................................................185
    Lara Ionescu Silverman, PhD; Daniel Rodriguez- Granrose, PhD; Niloofar Farhang, PhD;
    Angelica Adrian Highsmith, MS
    14 Allograft and Xenograft Tissue Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .195
    Stephen F. Badylak, DVM, PhD, MD; Emily Dianne Henderson, BS
    15 Product and Provider Reimbursement in the Field of Orthobiologics ....................................205
    Spencer B. Bailey, MBA, CPC
    16 Summary and Perspectives ........................................................................215
    Anthony Ratcliffe, PhD; Scott P . Bruder, MD, PhD, FORS
    PART 2: Clinical Applications
    Section 3: Solutions for Upper Extremity Pathology
    Section Editors: Kathleen A. Derwin, PhD; Adam Yanke, MD, PhD, FAAOS
    17 Rotator Cuff Repair...............................................................................223
    Scott A. Rodeo, MD, FAAOS; Janice Havasy, BS, MD; Claire D. Eliasberg, MD; Camila B. Carballo, PhD, PT
    18 Tendon Management, Protection, and Repair ........................................................233
    Allan Mishra, MD, FAAOS; Michael W. Heffner, MD; Christopher Frey, MD
    19 Fresh Fracture, Challenging Bone Repair, and Nonunions .............................................245
    J. Tracy Watson, MD, FAAOS
    20 Peripheral Nerve Regeneration in the Hand .........................................................265
    Minh Hoang Nguyen, MD; Amy M. Moore, MD; Ryan W. Schmucker, MD
    21 Skeletal Muscle Regeneration ......................................................................277
    George J. Christ, PhD; Brian C. Werner, MD, FAAOS; Sarah E. Dyer, BS; Shep Hurwitz, MD, FAAOS
    22 Measurement of Clinical Outcomes in the Upper Extremity ............................................293
    Vahid Entezari, MD, MSc; Jason C. Ho, MD; Joseph P . Iannotti, MD, PhD, FAAOS;
    Kathleen A. Derwin, PhD; Eric T. Ricchetti, MD, FAAOS
    23 Summary and Perspectives ........................................................................305
    Adam Yanke, MD, PhD, FAAOS; Kevin Credille, BSE, MS; Mario Hevesi, MD, PhD; Kathleen A. Derwin, PhD
    Section 4: Solutions for Lower Extremity Pathology
    Section Editors: Robert H. Brophy, MD, FAAOS; Regis J. O’Keefe, MD, PhD, FAAOS
    24 Segmental Defect Repair and Nonunion............................................................. 311
    Joseph T. Patterson, MD; Jay R. Lieberman, MD, FAAOS
    25 Meniscal Repair and Replacement ..................................................................327
    Suhas P . Dasari, MD; Safa Gursoy, MD, PhD; Robert F . LaPrade, MD, PhD, F AAOS; Jorge Chahla, MD, PhD
    26 Articular Cartilage Repair—Cells and Biomaterials ...................................................345
    Michael J. Sayegh, MD; Daniel A. Grande, PhD; Nicholas A. Sgaglione, MD, FAAOS;
    Kenneth R. Zaslav, MD, FAAOS
    27 Knee and Ankle Osteoarthritis—Injectables ..........................................................359
    Hannah Bradsell, BS; Rachel M. Frank, MD, FAAOS
    28 Ligament Repair and Regeneration .................................................................369
    Natalie L. Leong, MD, FAAOS; Jie Jiang, PhD
    29 Clinical Outcomes in the Hip and Knee Following Arthroplasty ........................................381
    Caroline Taber, AB; Robert G. Marx, MD, FAAOS; Alissa J. Burge, MD 30 Biologic Considerations for Clinical Study Design: Cartilage Repair.....................................391
    James L. Cook, DVM, PhD; David P . Trofa, MD; Clayton W. Nuelle, MD, FAAOS; Clark T. Hung, PhD
    31 Summary and Perspectives ........................................................................401
    Robert H. Brophy, MD, FAAOS; Regis J. O’Keefe, MD, PhD, FAAOS
    Section 5: Solutions for Spinal Pathology
    Section Editors: Wellington K. Hsu, MD, FAAOS; Kevin C. Baker, PhD
    32 Intervertebral Disk Repair and Regeneration—Bioactive Factors and Cell- Based Therapy ..................407
    Koichi Masuda, MD; Koji Akeda, MD, PhD; Kenji Kato, MD, PhD; Jordy Schol, MSc; Daisuke Sakai, MD, PhD
    33 Spine Fusion—Bioactive Factor Based...............................................................435
    Hyun W. Bae, MD; Michael Eng, MD; Linda E. A. Kanim, MA; Justin D. Cohen, MD; Juliane Glaeser, PhD;
    Julie L. Chan, MD, PhD
    34 Measurement of Clinical Outcomes in Spine .........................................................469
    Athan G. Zavras, BA, MD; Ishan Agarwal, BS; Bryce A. Basques, MD; Frank M. Phillips, MD, FAAOS
    35 Biologic Considerations for Clinical Study Design: Fusion .............................................479
    S. Raymond Golish, MD, PhD, MBA, FAAOS
    36 Summary and Perspectives ........................................................................487
    Kevin C. Baker, PhD; Wellington K. Hsu, MD, FAAOS
    Index ...............................................................................................489
    • Covers the basic science clinicians need to know to understand the mechanisms of action of orthobiologic therapies for tissue repair and regeneration, as well as technology development, regulation, and the commercialization pathway
    • Provides thorough discussions of current standards of care and clinical applications across all subspecialty areas, including upper and lower extremity pathology, as well as spinal pathology
    • Uses a reader-friendly approach with more than 100 illustrations and dozens of helpful tables throughout
    Discusses options and solutions for intervertebral disc repair, spinal fusion, rotator cuff repair, peripheral nerve regeneration in the hand, challenging bone repairs and nonunion, skeletal muscle repair, meniscal repair and replacement, articular cartilage repair, knee and ankle osteoarthritis, ligament regeneration, and more.

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    • Easily convert to audiobook,powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
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