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Operative Techniques in Plastic Surgery: Lower Limb Surgery

Publication Date:
June 3, 2019
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Part of the best-selling Operative Techniques series, Operative Techniques in Plastic Surgery provides superbly illustrated, authoritative guidance on operative techniques ...
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  • Part of the best-selling Operative Techniques series, Operative Techniques in Plastic Surgery provides superbly illustrated, authoritative guidance on operative techniques along with a thorough understanding of how to select the best procedure, how to avoid complications and what outcomes to expect. This stand-alone book offers focused, easy-to-follow coverage of lower limb reconstruction and amputation, all taken directly from the larger text. It covers nearly all plastic surgery operations for these specific areas that are in current use and is ideal for residents and physicians in daily practice.
    • Comprehensively covers anesthesia and emergency procedures; foot, ankle, and lower leg; knee; thigh; amputation and replantation; lymphedema; and burns.
    • Succinct text, bulleted points, and quick-reference tables allow you to review information quickly and understand best practices and potential problems for each procedure.
    • Hundreds of full-color intraoperative photographs and illustrations, as well as numerous high-quality videos, capture procedures step by step and help you immediately apply your knowledge.
    • Each clinical problem is discussed in the same templated format: definition, anatomy, patient history and physical findings, imaging, differential diagnosis, nonoperative management where applicable, surgical management including preoperative planning and approach, step-by-step surgical techniques, pearls and pitfalls, postoperative care, outcomes, complications and references.
    • Perfect for a quick preoperative review of the steps of a procedure.
    • Editors and contributors are globally renowned authorities in their respective subspecialties and are known for their surgical expertise.
    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience with Enhanced Video, Audio and Interactive Capabilities!
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    June 3, 2019
  • Kevin C Chung MD, MS
    Levin Lee MD
  • Contributors vi
    Preface ix
    1 Femoral and Adductor Canal Blocks 2
    Sarah Madison and Jean-Louis Horn
    2 Popliteal Nerve Blocks 7
    Ming Zhuo-Stine and Sarah Madison
    3 Ankle Block 14
    Andrew Lyons and Fred G. Mihm
    4 Epidural Anesthesia 18
    Rachel C. Steckelberg, Jean-Louis Horn,
    and Sarah Madison
    5 Fasciotomy of the Thigh, Lower Leg, and Foot 23
    Graeme E. McFarland and Jason T. Lee
    6 Drainage of Abscesses of Lower Leg and Foot 27
    Michael C. Holland and Scott L. Hansen
    7 Excision of Soft Tissue Tumors
    of the Foot and Ankle 30
    Raffi S. Avedian, Robert J. Steffner, and Subhro K. Sen
    8 Ankle and Foot Bone Tumors 34
    Robert J. Steffner, Raffi S. Avedian,
    and Sahitya K. Denduluri
    9 Debridement of Soft Tissue Infections
    of the Foot and Ankle 41
    Hunter S. Oliver-Allen, Michael C. Holland,
    and Scott L. Hansen
    10 Debridement of Infected Bone of the Foot and
    Ankle 44
    Michael C. Holland and Scott L. Hansen
    11 Bony Reconstruction of Foot and Ankle (Bone
    Grafts) 47
    Kenneth Hunt and Loretta Chou
    12 Reconstruction of the Forefoot 55
    Rachel Hein and Scott T. Hollenbeck
    13 The Medial Plantar Flap 65
    Arash Momeni and Subhro K. Sen
    14 Reconstruction of Heel and Plantar Defects:
    Free Flap 70
    Goo-Hyun Mun and Kyong-Je Woo
    15 The Reverse Sural Artery Flap for Lower Extremity
    Reconstruction 80
    Ashkaun Shaterian and Amber R. Leis
    16 Ankle Reconstruction With Free Flap 84
    Sean S. Li, Ahmed Suliman, and Deepak M. Gupta
    17 Vascular Reconstruction of Lower Extremity,
    Foot, and Ankle 92
    Michael D. Sgroi and Jason T. Lee
    18 Management of Diabetic Foot Ulcers 99
    Rahim Nazerali
    19 Nerve Repair and Reconstruction—Peroneal
    Nerve 102
    Shawn Moshrefi and Catherine Curtin
    20 Achilles Tendon Reconstruction 108
    Hani Sbitany
    21 Excision of Soft Tissue Tumors
    of the Lower Leg 112
    Raffi S. Avedian and Robert J. Steffner
    22 Excision of Bone Tumors of the Lower Leg 115
    Raffi S. Avedian and Rohit Khosla
    23 Debridement of Soft Tissue Infections
    of the Lower Leg 119
    L. Scott Levin and Paulo Piccolo
    24 Tibial Reconstruction 123
    Vishwanath R. Chegireddy, Michael J. A. Klebuc, and
    Anthony Echo
    25 Soft Tissue Coverage of Lower Leg—Free
    Flap 130
    Goo-Hyun Mun and Kyong-Je Woo
    26 Soft Tissue Coverage of Lower Leg—Soleus
    Flap 138
    Rahim Nazerali and Lee L. Q. Pu
    27 Nerve Repair and Reconstruction—Tibial
    Nerve 143
    Shawn Moshrefi and Catherine Curtin
    28 Excision of Soft Tissue Tumors of the Knee 148
    Raffi S. Avedian
    29 Excision of Bone Tumors of the Knee 152
    Raffi S. Avedian
    30 Bony and Soft Tissue Debridement
    Around the Knee 157
    Derek F. Amanatullah, Michael J. Chen,
    Sahitya K. Denduluri, and James I. Huddleston
    31 Bone Reconstruction of the Knee 165
    Robert J. Steffner and Raffi S. Avedian
    32 Soft Tissue Coverage of the Knee: Gastrocnemius
    Muscle Flap 174
    Hani Sbitany
    33 Soft Tissue Coverage of the Knee:
    Free Flaps 178
    Goo-Hyun Mun and So Young Kim
    34 Repair of Patella Tendon 185
    Patrick Horrigan, Michael Bellino, and Julius Bishop
    35 Excision of Soft Tissue Tumors of the Thigh 189
    Raffi S. Avedian
    36 Excision of Bone Tumors of the Femur 194
    Raffi S. Avedian
    37 Femoral Bone Debridement 198
    Robert J. Steffner, David W. Lowenberg,
    and Sahitya K. Denduluri
    38 Reconstruction of Femur 202
    Vishwanath R. Chegireddy, Michael J. A. Klebuc,
    and Anthony Echo
    39 Soft Tissue Coverage of the Thigh—Pedicled Rectus
    Flap 209
    Brock Lanier and Alex Wong
    40 Soft Tissue Coverage of Thigh—Free Flaps 214
    Ulrich Kneser and Thomas Kremer
    41 Nerve Repair and Reconstruction—Sciatic Nerve and
    Femoral Nerve 221
    Gabrielle B. Davis and Catherine Curtin
    42 Keystone and Related Perforator Flaps 229
    Michael W. Findlay
    43 Amputation of the Lower Extremity: Toes,
    Foot, Ankle 236
    Kedar S. Lavingia and Jason T. Lee
    44 Amputation of the Lower Extremity:
    Above-Knee Amputation, Below-Knee
    Amputation, Through-Knee Amputation 240
    Anahita Dua and Jason T. Lee
    45 Lymphaticovenous Anastomosis 243
    Ann-Charlott Docherty Skogh and Martin Halle
    46 Lymphedema: Lymph Node Transfer 249
    Adrian S. H. Ooi and David W. Chang
    47 Fasciocutaneous Debulking of Extremity
    Lymphedema: The Charles Procedure 259
    Clifford C. Sheckter and Peter Johannet
    48 Liposuction for Treatment of Lymphedema 263
    Dung Nguyen and Joseph Baylan
    49 Acute Management: Tangential Excision
    and Skin Grafting 267
    Yvonne L. Karanas
    50 Reconstruction of Contractures: Z-Plasty,
    Skin Grafting, and Flaps 272
    Xiangxia Liu
    51 Soft Tissue Reconstruction With Propeller
    Flaps 282
    Adam Jacoby, John T. Stranix, and Pierre Saadeh
    Index 287
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Operative Techniques in Plastic Surgery: Lower Limb Surgery

Operative Techniques in Plastic Surgery: Lower Limb Surgery

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975127367
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