Home / Medicine / Operative Techniques in Joint Reconstruction Surgery

Operative Techniques in Joint Reconstruction Surgery

Edition: 3
Publication Date:
August 12, 2021
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  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    August 12, 2021
    Seth Jerabek MD
  • vii
    13. Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty with Femoral Bone Loss:
    Proximal Femoral Replacement 144
    Kamolsak Sukhonthamarn, Erik C. Zachwieja, and Javad Parvizi
    14. Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty with Acetabular Bone Loss:
    Impaction Allografting 154
    Matthew J. Wilson and A. John Timperley
    15. Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty with Acetabular Bone Loss:
    Antiprotrusio Cage 160
    Alexander J. Rondon, Patrick Kane, Matthew S. Austin,
    James J. Purtill, and Brian A. Klatt
    16. Revision Acetabulum with Augments 168
    Lazaros I. Kostretzis and Peter K. Sculco
    17. Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty: Pelvic Discontinuity 178
    Robert Pivec and Matthew S. Austin
    18. Hemiarthroplasty of the Hip 189
    Hari P. Bezwada and Brian M. Culp
    19. Resection Arthroplasty and Spacer Insertion 210
    Mark J. Spangehl and Christopher P. Beauchamp
    20. Hip Reimplantation Surgery 222
    Peter N. Misur, Winston Y. Kim, and Bassam A. Masri
    21. Navigation and Enabling Technologies in Total Hip
    Arthroplasty 230
    K. Keely Boyle, Scott R. Nodzo, Kaitlin Carroll, Michael Alexiades,
    and Seth Jerabek
    22. Management of Recurrent Instability in Total Hip
    Arthroplasty 243
    Abhinav K. Sharma and David J. Mayman
    23. Fixation of Periprosthetic Fractures above/below Total Hip
    Arthroplasty 247
    Aaron Nauth, Amir Khoshbin, and Emil H. Schemitsch
    SECTION II Hip Preservation
    24. Proximal Femoral Osteotomy 260
    Claudio Diaz Ledezma, Philipp Henle, Moritz Tannast,
    and Klaus A. Siebenrock
    25. Pelvic Osteotomy 268
    Lucas A. Anderson, Michael J. Beebe, Jill Erickson, and
    Christopher L. Peters
    26. Surgical Hip Dislocation (Femoroacetabular
    Impingement) 282
    Luis Pulido and Rafael J. Sierra
    Preface xiii
    Preface to the Second Edition xv
    Preface to the First Edition xvii
    SECTION I Hip Reconstruction
    1. Basics of Total Hip Arthroplasty: The Preoperative Patient
    Evaluation and Templating 1
    David A. Silva Iacobelli, Kate A. Shanagan,
    Alejandro Gonzalez Della Valle, and Eduardo A. Salvati
    2. Bearing Surface Options for Total Hip Arthroplasty 9
    Eric A. Levicoff, Robert P. Good, and Peter F. Sharkey
    3. Prevention of Complications in Total Hip Arthroplasty 20
    Eric B. Smith
    4. Anterior, Lateral, and Posterior Approaches for Total Hip
    Replacement 33
    Edwin P. Su, Yannick Goeb, K. Keely Boyle, Michael Alexiades,
    Alberto Carli, and Robert Feibel
    5. Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty 51
    Matthew S. Hepinstall, Brandon H. Naylor, Chelsea N. Matzko,
    and José A. Rodriguez
    6. Uncemented Total Hip Arthroplasty 66
    Matthew J. Grosso and Matthew S. Austin
    7. Total Hip Arthroplasty in Severe Deformity 75
    Chloe E.H. Scott, Liam Z. Yapp, Frazer A. Wade,
    and Colin R. Howie
    8. Hip Resurfacing 91
    Ajay Premkumar and Edwin P. Su
    9. Total Hip Arthroplasty for Malignant Lesions 100
    R. Lor Randall and Lisa A. Kafchinski
    10. Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty with Well-Fixed
    Components 111
    Derek F. Amanatullah, Vinay Aggarwal, and Mark W. Pagnano
    11. Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty with Femoral Bone Loss:
    Impaction Allografting 123
    Vishnu Prasad, Bas Weerts, Michael Dunbar,
    and Glen Richardson
    12. Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty with Femoral Bone Loss:
    Fluted Stems 135
    Patrick O’Toole, Robert Pivec, and Gregory K. Deirmengianviii
    27. Treatment of Anterior Femoroacetabular Impingement
    through the Mini-Open Anterior Approach 292
    Steven Yacovelli, Diana Bitar, and Javad Parvizi
    28. Hip Arthroscopy 312
    John P. Salvo and Anant Dixit
    SECTION III Knee Reconstruction
    29. Unicondylar Knee Arthroplasty 323
    Danielle Y. Ponzio, Courtney D. Bell, Robert J. Ponzio,
    and Jess H. Lonner
    30. Proximal Tibial Osteotomy (High Tibial Osteotomy) 337
    Taylor J. Reif, Austin T. Fragomen, and S. Robert Rozbruch
    31. Distal Femur Osteotomy 349
    Taylor J. Reif, S. Robert Rozbruch, and Austin T. Fragomen
    32. Cemented Total Knee Arthroplasty 362
    Eric A. Levicoff and Robert P. Good
    33. Navigation and Robotics in Partial and Total Knee
    Arthroplasty 380
    Joost Burger and Andrew Pearle
    34. Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty with Femoral Bone Loss:
    Metal Augments 400
    Gwo-Chin Lee
    35. Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty with Tibial Bone Loss: Metal
    Augments 409
    Kevin A. Sonn and R. Michael Meneghini
    36. Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty with Femoral Bone
    Loss 419
    B. Afamefuna Nduaguba, Lee E. Rubin, Courtney Toombs,
    and Sonny Bal
    37. Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty with Tibial Bone Loss: Bone
    Grafting 428
    Emmanuel Thienpont
    38. Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty with Removal of Well-Fixed
    Components 436
    Friedrich Boettner
    39. Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty: Exposures Including V-Y
    Quadricepsplasty and Tibial Tubercle Osteotomy 441
    Russell E. Windsor and Alberto Carli
    40. Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty with Extensor Mechanism
    Reconstruction with Auto/Allograft 447
    Courtney D. Bell and Alvin Ong
    41. Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty with Extensor Mechanism
    Reconstruction Utilizing Synthetic Mesh 453
    Nicholas A. Bedard and Matthew P. Abdel
    42. Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty to Correct Stiffness 462
    Charles P. Hannon and Craig J. Della Valle
    43. Knee Arthrodesis 473
    Hytham S. Salem, John M. Tarazi, Joseph O. Ehiorobo,
    and Michael A. Mont
    44. Fixation of Periprosthetic Fractures above Total Knee
    Arthroplasty 485
    Richard S. Yoon, Derek J. Donegan, and Frank A. Liporace
    Exam Table for Adult Reconstruction
    Index I-1
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Operative Techniques in Joint Reconstruction Surgery

Operative Techniques in Joint Reconstruction Surgery

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