Home / Allied Health / One-Pound Fat Replica

One-Pound Fat Replica

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A grossly dramatic three-dimensional visual replica of 1 lb of human fat is a shocking but strongly motivating attention-getter. The ...
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  • A grossly dramatic three-dimensional visual replica of 1 lb of human fat is a shocking but strongly motivating attention-getter. The model shows the vast network of blood vessels needed to maintain additional fat. It dramatically visualizes the important and motivating fact that "every extra pound of fat requires an additional mile of blood vessels." The replica represents approximate volume of real fat tissue; weights vary. Please note this model is a replica that is intended to be used for dramatic effect and not for comparison of fat density and volume vs. muscle density and volume.
    Made of pliable, long-lasting Life /Form® plastic
    Made in USA
    Also available 5 lb Fat replica WA4313
    For more information see the following charts: Understanding Your Weight ISBN 9780781773225
    Maintaining a Healthy Weight ISBN 9781587794100
    BMI and Waist Circumference ISBN 9781781772273
    Product Format
  • Anatomical Chart Company
$ 34.99 USD $34.99

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One-Pound Fat Replica

One-Pound Fat Replica

USD $34.99 Quantity:
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WA7173 One-Pound Fat Replica WA7173 Home / Allied Health / One-Pound Fat Replica 3 https://shop.lww.com/One-Pound-Fat-Replica/p/WA7173 //cdn-tp2.mozu.com/16833-25855/cms/25855/files/1f5855fc-9fd4-49cf-8d03-77969be8f06c 34.99 34.99 34.99 1

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