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Oncology Times

The Independent Hem/Onc News Source
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Publication Frequency:
Published 24 times per year (Biweekly)
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    This award-winning, independent newspaper, mailed to over 39,000 cancer specialists, reports on breaking clinical news in oncology, radiology, surgery, chemotherapy, and biological and gene therapy, as well as the professional, political, reimbursement, and practice management issues that affect those treating cancer patients. Included in this publication--the leading newspaper in oncology--are hard-hitting editorials and special reports
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    An individual subscription includes 24 print issues, full-text online access to all current and back issues.
    Visit the journal online at Oncology-times.com
    Product Format
    Print Journal + Online Access
    Publication Frequency
    Published 24 times per year (Biweekly)
  • George W. Sledge M.D.
  • Quarterly HemOnc Times supplement
    Monthly CME/NCPD articles
    Popular regular departments and blogs such as:
    • Dr. George Sledge’s Musings from a Cancer Doctor
    • Dr. Wendy Harpham’s View from the Other Side of the Stethoscope
    • Dr. Brian J. Bolwell's Straight Talk: Today's Cancer Centers
    • UpToDate synopses
    • Pharmacy Forum
    • Oncologists' Guide to Genomics
    • 3 Questions on…
    • Journal Snapshot 
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Oncology Times

Oncology Times

ISBN/ISSN: 0276-2234
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