- Awarded first place in the 2022 AJN Book of the Year Award in Gerontologic Nursing Category - 4 Stars from Doody's Review Service
Cultivate confident, wellness-oriented care for older adults across a changing healthcare environment with the latest evidence-based coverage of gerontological nursing. Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults, 9th Edition, fosters students’ understanding of both the physiologic and psychosocial aspects of aging, as well as common risk factors that may interfere with optimal health and functioning.
Organized around the author’s Functional Consequences Theory for Promoting Wellness in Older Adults and extensively updated to reflect current issues in gerontological practice, this trusted text equips students to work proactively with older adults to promote high levels of functioning and quality of life, despite limitations that may accompany aging, disease, and related conditions.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
8 3/8 x 10 7/8
Publication Date
September 1, 2022
Carol A Miller
Carol A. Miller MSN, RN-BC Gerontological Clinical Nurse Specialist and Nurse Care Manager Care & Counseling, Miller/Wetzler Associates Cleveland, Ohio
Faculty Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio
Part 1 Older Adults and Wellness
Chapter 1 Seeing Older Adults Through the Eyes of Wellness
Chapter 2 Addressing Diversity of Older Adults
Chapter 3 Applying a Nursing Model for Promoting Wellness in Older Adults
Chapter 4 Theoretical Perspectives on Aging Well
Part 2 Nursing Considerations for Older Adults
Chapter 5 Gerontological Nursing and Health Promotion
Chapter 6 Current Foci of Nursing Care for Older Adults
Chapter 7 Health Care for Older Adults in Various Settings
Chapter 8 Assessment of Health and Functioning
Chapter 9 Medications and Other Bioactive Substances
Chapter 10 Legal and Ethical Concerns
Chapter 11 Elder Abuse and Neglect
Part 3 Promoting Wellness in Psychosocial Function
Chapter 12 Cognitive Wellness
Chapter 13 Psychosocial Wellness
Chapter 14 Psychosocial Assessment
Chapter 15 Impaired Cognitive Function: Delirium and Dementia
Chapter 16 Impaired Affective Function: Depression and Suicide
Part 4 Promoting Wellness in Physical Function
Chapter 17 Hearing
Chapter 18 Vision
Chapter 19 Digestion and Nutrition
Chapter 20 Urinary Function
Chapter 21 Cardiovascular Function
Chapter 22 Respiratory Function
Chapter 23 Safe Mobility
Chapter 24 Integumentary Function
Chapter 25 Sleep and Rest
Chapter 26 Thermoregulation
Chapter 27 Sexual Function
Part 5 Promoting Wellness During Illness and Transitions in Care
Chapter 28 Caring for Older Adults During Illness
Chapter 29 Caring for Older Adults Experiencing Pain
Chapter 30 Caring for Older Adults at the End of Life
NEW! Health Inequitiesboxes alert students to common inequities that may impact the care of older populations.
NEW! Expanded coverage of health inequity, health literacy, and social determinants of health familiarizes students with current information on these important topics.
NEW! Added content helps students implement principles of the Age-Friendly Health Systems initiative and keeps students current with the latest insights on Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN), transitional care, interprofessional collaboration, technology to promote wellness in older adults, and addressing needs of caregivers.
Multipart Clinical Judgment Unfolding Cases, including a Transitional Care case, illustrate the cumulative effects of age-related changes and risk factors with real-life examples. Think Like a Nurse questions and Nursing Care Plans in each unfolding case hone students’ clinical judgment and application skills.
Single-partCase Studies in some chapters illustrate application of content to clinical settings.
Unfolding Patient Stories, written by the National League for Nursing, encourage classroom discussion and engage students in realistic patient encounters.
Technology to Promote Wellness in Older Adults boxes demystify technological approaches to gerontological care.
Interprofessional Collaboration (IPC) content helps students work efficiently alongside other health care professionals and paraprofessionals.
Quality and Safety Education in Nursing (QSEN) examples guide students in applying knowledge and skills to care plans for unfolding cases.
Online Learning Activities enhance students’ understanding of concepts in the text.
Wellness Opportunities highlight ways students can promote wellness in everyday practice.
Learning Objectives and Key Terms keep students focused on essential chapter content.
Assessment boxes detail specific approaches and tools for nursing assessment.
Interventions boxes deliver succinct guidelines with an emphasis on health promotion.
Evidence-Based Practice boxes reinforce connections between research and clinical application.
Cultural Considerations boxes broaden students’ awareness of possible cultural variations.
Chapter Highlights and Critical Thinking Exercises at the end of each chapter emphasize key takeaways.
Doody’s 4 Star! Review “This book is a comprehensive manual for hitting the highlights of geriatric clinical care. It delves deep into the biggest clinical issues facing today's seniors and provides areas for further information and study in specific areas, should readers need it. As compared to other books of similar interest, this book goes above and beyond what nursing students today need to hear. The emphasis on wellness, not just short-term treatment, allows new nurses to understand that nursing isn't a quick fix; rather, it is a life-long journey.”
— Wendy Boren, RN, BSN, (University of Missouri) for Doody’s Review Service
Awarded first place in the 2022AJNBook of the Year Award in Gerontologic Nursing Category
“Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults provides comprehensive coverage of gerontologic nursing. It addresses key considerations in the care of older adults, from age-related changes to theoretical perspectives to health inequities. It is written from a wellness perspective; there is an upbeat tone to the entire book. I also like that it includes older adults across the continuum of care, not just in the hospital or long-term care settings. The case studies in this text are well-written, thorough, and interesting. The content is contemporary (for example, technology to promote wellness is discussed) and integrates current literature. The layout of the book is logical, moving from the general to specific systems. As a long-time faculty member who teaches gerontology, that is the way I have always taught, as it makes the content easier for students to understand and learn.”
—Chosen by Sharon Stahl Wexler, Ph.D., RN, FNGNA, Amelia A. Gould Endowed Professor and Chairperson, Department of Ph.D. in Nursing, Lienhard School of Nursing at the College of Health Professions, Pace University, Pleasantville, NY.
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