Master essential procedures with ease and build the clinical confidence for success in practice with this concise, easy-to-use guide. Step-by-step instructions walk you through 65 key scan procedures—complete with listings of possible artifacts and issues that may arise during each scan with added relevant information for each scan—to help you ensure the most effective imaging outcomes. Students of Medicine and Physicians may quickly review the indications, contraindications, expected normal and abnormal findings for any included test.
Updated content reflects the latest imaging technology and the most clinically relevant scanning procedures.
Enhanced design makes key content more accessible.
Updated suggested readings familiarize you with the latest clinical literature in nuclear medicine technology.
Concise, bulleted outline format guides you step-by-step through 65 essential scan procedures.
Complete list of indications, contraindications, normal and abnormal findings for all studies listed in the book.
Detailed anatomic illustrations reinforce your understanding of human anatomy and body systems.
Patient History sections help you ensure effective patient communication before exams and during scanning.
An extensive quick-reference section provides fast access to conversion tables, radiopharmaceutical dose ranges, pediatric dosing, anatomic drawings, standard drug interventions, lab tests, language translations, thyroid therapy information, billing codes, and reproducible patient history sheets for over 25 scans.
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
August 21, 2019
Pete Shackett BA, CNMT, ARRT(N)
Updated content reflects the latest imaging technology and the most clinically relevant scanning procedures.
Enhanced design makes key content more accessible.
Updated suggested readings familiarize you with the latest clinical literature in nuclear medicine technology.
Concise, bulleted outline format guides you step-by-step through 65 essential scan procedures.
Complete list of indications, contraindications, normal and abnormal findings for all studies listed in the book.
Detailed anatomic illustrations reinforce your understanding of human anatomy and body systems.
Patient History sections help you ensure effective patient communication before exams and during scanning.
An extensive quick-reference section provides fast access to conversion tables, radiopharmaceutical dose ranges, pediatric dosing, anatomic drawings, standard drug interventions, lab tests, language translations, thyroid therapy information, billing codes, and reproducible patient history sheets for over 25 scans.
Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Nuclear Medicine Technology: Procedures and Quick Reference
ISBN/ISSN: 9781975150648
USD $119.99 Quantity:
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