Neurology for the Non-Neurologist, Sixth Edition is a practical guide for primary care physicians, psychiatrists, and other non-neurologist clinicians who ...
Neurology for the Non-Neurologist, Sixth Edition is a practical guide for primary care physicians, psychiatrists, and other non-neurologist clinicians who encounter patients with neurologic problems. The book begins with overviews of neurologic symptoms, the neurologic examination, diagnostic tests, and neuroradiology, and then covers the full range of neurologic disorders that non-neurologists encounter.
Chapters follow a consistent structure with key elements highlighted for quick scanning. Each chapter begins with Key Points and includes Special Clinical Points interspersed with the text to focus readers on the most crucial details. The authors alert readers to Special Considerations in the Hospitalized Patient and When a Non-neurologist Should Consider Referring to a Neurologist . Each chapter ends with an Always Remember section emphasizing the most important practical issues and a series of self-study questions.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
7 x 9
Publication Date
July 30, 2010
William J. Weiner MD
Professor of Neurology, Chair, Department of Neurology, Director, Maryland Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders Center, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
Christopher G. Goetz
Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, Department of Neurological Sciences, Chicago, IL
Robert K. Shin MD
Assistant Professor in Neurology and Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University of Maryland Medical System; Director of the Baltimore VA Medical Center Multiple Sclerosis Clinic; Director of Neuro-Ophthalmology, University Eye Care, Baltimore, MD
Steven L. Lewis MD
Professor of Neurological Sciences, Associate Chair, Head of Section of General Neurology, and Director of the Neurology Residency Program, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL
1: The Neurologic Examination Robert K. Shin and Neil C. Porter
2: Neurologic Symptoms
3: Diagnostic Tests
4: Neuroradiology
5: Neurologic Emergencies Lisa M. Shulman and Tricia Y. Ting
6: The Comatose Patient
7: Cerebrovascular Disease Roger E. Kelley and Alireza Minagar
8: Headache Disorders Amy Wilcox Voigt and Joel R. Saper
9: Epilepsy Donna C. Bergen
10: Sleep Disorders Ružica Kovačević-Ristanović and Tomasz J. Kuźniar
11: Multiple Sclerosis Peter A. Calabresi and Scott D. Newsome
12: Parkinson's Disease Bradley J. Robottom, Lisa M. Shulman, and William J. Weiner
13: Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders Gonzalo J. Revuelta, William J. Weiner, and Stewart A. Factor
14: Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias Neelum T. Aggarwal and Raj C. Shah
15: Behavioral Neurology Robert S. Wilson and Christopher G. Goetz
16: Traumatic Brain Injury for the Non-neurologist Michael J. Makley
17: Neuromuscular Diseases Dianna Quan and Steven P. Ringel
18: Peripheral Neuropathy Joshua Gordon and Morris A. Fisher
19: Neurologic Evaluation of Low Back Pain Megan M. Shanks
20: Eye Signs in Neurologic Diagnosis James A. Goodwin
21: Vertigo and Dizziness Judd M. Jensen
22: An Approach to the Falling Patient Kathryn A. Chung and Fay B. Horak
23: Neurotoxic Effects of Drugs Prescribed by Non-neurologists Katie Kompoliti
24: Neurologic Complications of Alcoholism Allison L. Weathers
25: Central Nervous System Infections Larry E. Davis
26: Neurologic Aspects of Cancer
27: Principles of Neurorehabilitation David S. Kushner
28: Medicolegal Issues in the Care of Patients With Neurologic Illness Maria R. Schimer and Lois Margaret Nora
--Covers the major neurologic disorders with attention to the more commonly encountered diseases, but with careful signaling to signs or symptoms that can suggest more unusual disorders --Begins with overview chapters on neurologic symptoms, the neurologic examination, diagnostic tests, and neuroradiology --Covers all major neurologic dilemmas that non-neurologists will encounter, ranging from epilepsy; dementia; infections; and sleep disorders to peripheral neuropathy; neuromuscular disease; movement disorders, including Parkinson's disease; multiple sclerosis; and cerebrovascular disease, including stroke --Several chapters focus on patient complaints such as vertigo and dizziness, headaches, low back pain, and falls --Includes chapters on behavioral neurology, drug-induced disorders, medical-legal issues, neurologic emergencies, eye signs in neurologic diagnosis, and rehabilitation --Chapters follow a consistent template with key elements clearly highlighted for quick scanning: -- Key Points at the beginning -- Special Clinical Points focusing on the most important details -- Special Considerations in the Hospitalized Patient -- When a Non-neurologist Should Consider Referring to a Neurologist -- Always Remember section at the end emphasizing the most important practical issues --Each chapter ends with a series of self-study questions --Charts and diagrams simplify complex neurologic situations
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