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NMS Surgery

Edition: 7
Publication Date:
August 28, 2020
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Now in a portable pocket-sized format packed with high-yield information, updates, and revisions that reflect the current practice of surgery, ...
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  • Now in a portable pocket-sized format packed with high-yield information, updates, and revisions that reflect the current practice of surgery, NMS Surgery, Seventh Edition, is an ideal guide for effective study and review. The new edition retains the elements that have made it a dependable, go-to resource for a generation of medical students and a quick review resource for practitioners preparing for recertification.

    ​Featuring new study aids, full-color illustrations, concise, high-yield coverage, and USMLE-format questions, the new edition helps students successfully complete their clerkship and prepare for the shelf/end-of-rotation exam. In addition, this valuable resource is packaged with access to the interactive eBook version with an online quiz bank at no additional cost.
    • Meticulously integrated high-yield features include Chapter Cuts (approach to disease), Quick Cuts (pearls), and Critical Surgical Associations that facilitate different levels of topic review.
    • A standardized at-a-glance outline format makes it easy to navigate from chapter to chapter when reviewing for the rotation shelf exam.
    • NEW- Trusted Sources boxes highlight the best, most trusted resources for surgical guidelines to further clinical knowledge.
    • New- A Cut to Casebook feature provides handy cross-referencing to cases in the NMS Surgery Casebook, 3rd Edition.
    • REVISED- Chapter Cuts that call out the chapter’s most important principles now begin each chapter rather than each section, making vital information more immediately accessible.
    • REVISED- Highly visual Critical Surgical Associations now begin each chapter and have been expanded to include additional associations and important sequences.
    • REVISED- Quick Cuts for each outline topic are now consolidated into a box to improve text flow and better serve as a quick refresher of the topic.
    • Higher quality radiographic images better illustrate the conditions discussed.
    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience with Enhanced Video, Audio and Interactive Capabilities!  
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.  
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.  
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    August 28, 2020
  • Bruce Jarrell M.D.
    Eric D. Strauch MD
    Stephen M. Kavic MD
  • Foreword vi
    Preface vii
    Contributors viii
    Part I: Foundations
    1 Principles of Surgical Physiology ...................... 1
    Ace St. John, Matthew Lissauer and Helena Crowley
    Fluid and Electrolytes 2
    Acid–Base Disturbances 11
    Coagulation 13
    Packed Red Blood Cell Transfusion Therapy 16
    Nutrition and the Surgical Patient 18
    The Intensive Care Unit 24
    Shock 30
    2 Preoperative Considerations ........................ 34
    Silke V. Niederhaus
    General Principles for Evaluation and Management of the Surgical
    Patient 35
    Prevention of Cardiac Complications 38
    Prevention of Perioperative Infection 41
    Prevention of Bleeding Complications 43
    Prevention of Thromboembolic Disease 44
    Prevention of Pulmonary Complications 45
    Prevention of Renal Complications 47
    Prevention of Hepatic Complications 50
    Contents3 Postoperative Considerations ....................... 53
    Kerri Lopez and Kimberly Lumpkins
    Drains and Tubes 54
    Postoperative Complications 56
    Review Questions for Part I 60
    Answers and Explanations 67
    Part II: Thoracic Disorders
    4 Principles of Thoracic Surgery ....................... 73
    Tara Talaie, Laura DiChiacchio and Whitney Burrows
    General Principles of Thoracic Surgery 74
    Chest Wall Disorders 80
    Pleural and Pleural Space Disorders 81
    Pulmonary Infections 82
    Solitary Pulmonary Nodules (Coin Lesions) 83
    Bronchogenic Carcinoma 83
    Bronchial Adenomas 87
    Metastatic Tumor 88
    Tracheal Disorders 88
    Mediastinal Lesions 89
    5 Cardiac Disorders ................................. 91
    Laura DiChiacchio, A. Claire Watkins and James S. Gammie
    Anatomy and General Principles 92
    Aortic Valve Stenosis 95
    Aortic Insufficiency 96
    Mitral Stenosis 97
    Mitral Insufficiency 98
    Tricuspid Stenosis and Insufficiency 100
    Pulmonic Valve Disease 101
    Coronary Artery Disease 102
    Cardiac Tumors 104
    Pericardial Disorders 105
    Patent Ductus Arteriosus 106
    Atrial Septal Defects 106
    Ventricular Septal Defects 108
    Tetralogy of Fallot 109
    Transposition of the Great Arteries 111Review Questions for Part II 112
    Answers and Explanations 118
    Part III: Vascular Disorders
    6 Arterial Disease .................................. 123
    Alison O. Flentje and Khanjan H. Nagarsheth
    Limb Ischemia 124
    Extracranial Cerebrovascular Disease 129
    Aortic Dissection 130
    Aneurysms 132
    Mesenteric Ischemia 136
    Renal Artery Stenosis 138
    7 Venous and Lymphatic Disease ..................... 140
    Brittany Aicher, R. Gregory Conway and Rajabrata Sarkar
    Anatomy and General Principles 140
    Acute Deep Venous Thrombosis 141
    Pulmonary Embolism 145
    Chronic Venous Disorders: Varicose Veins and Chronic Venous
    Insufficiency 148
    Superficial Venous Thrombophlebitis 150
    Lymphedema 151
    Review Questions for Part III 153
    Answers and Explanations 158
    Part IV: Gastrointestinal Disorders
    8 Esophageal Disorders ............................. 163
    Jonathan P. Pearl
    Anatomy and Physiology 164
    Esophageal Motility Disorders 166
    Esophageal Strictures 170
    Esophageal Tumors 171
    Esophageal Perforation 173
    Mallory–Weiss Syndrome 1749 Stomach and Duodenal Disorders ................... 175
    Natalie A. O’Neill and Cherif Boutros
    Stomach 176
    Benign Stomach Disease 180
    Gastric Cancer 186
    Postgastrectomy Syndromes 191
    10 Liver, Gallbladder, and Biliary Tree Disorders .......... 193
    Arielle Cimeno and John C. LaMattina
    General Principles 194
    Hemangioma 197
    Hepatic Adenoma 198
    Focal Nodular Hyperplasia 198
    Hepatocellular Carcinoma 198
    Cholangiocarcinoma 199
    Metastatic Malignant Tumors 200
    Pyogenic Liver Abscess 200
    Amebic Liver Abscess 201
    Hydatid Cysts 201
    Portal Hypertension 202
    Cholelithiasis (Gallstones) 204
    Gallbladder Carcinoma 205
    Choledocholithiasis 205
    Cholangitis 206
    Biliary Dyskinesia 206
    Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis 207
    Primary Biliary Cholangitis 207
    Choledochal Cysts 207
    11 Pancreatic Disease ............................... 209
    Richelle Williams, Peter Darwin and H. Richard Alexander
    Anatomy and Physiology 210
    Acute Pancreatitis 212
    Relapsing Pancreatitis 216
    Chronic Pancreatitis 217
    Pseudocyst 218
    Pancreatic Malignancies 22012 Spleen Disorders ................................. 225
    Shannon M. Larabee, Ajay Jain and Stephen M. Kavic
    General Principles 225
    Pathology 228
    Splenectomy 232
    13 Small Intestine Disorders .......................... 234
    Olivia A. Martin and Douglas Turner
    Anatomy and Physiology 235
    Small Bowel Obstruction 238
    Tumors 240
    Crohn Disease 242
    Diverticular Disease 243
    Short Gut Syndrome 244
    14 Colon, Rectal, and Anal Disorders ................... 245
    Jessica Felton, Ilaria Caturegli, Bryce Haac, Christine Schad
    and Andrea Bafford
    Anatomy and Physiology 246
    Patient Evaluation 250
    Bowel Preparation 252
    Benign and Malignant Colorectal Tumors 252
    Diverticular Disease 259
    Angiodysplasia 262
    Inflammatory Bowel Disease 263
    Anorectal Dysfunction 271
    Obstructed Defecation (Pelvic Floor–Outlet Obstruction) 272
    Benign Anorectal Disease 273
    Perianal and Anal Canal Neoplasms 278
    15 Hernia Disorders ................................. 281
    Hossam Abdou, Ifeanyi Chinedozi and Stephen M. Kavic
    General Principles 282
    Inguinal Hernia 283
    Ventral Hernia 286
    Femoral Hernia 287
    Obturator Hernia 287
    Lumbar Hernia 288
    Parastomal Hernia 288
    Spigelian Hernia 289Review Questions for Part IV 291
    Answers and Explanations 308
    Part V: Breast and Endocrine Disorders
    16 Breast Disorders ................................. 319
    Christina Paluskievicz, Steven Feigenberg and Emily Bellavance
    General Principles 320
    Breast Evaluation 320
    Benign Breast Disease 324
    Malignant Diseases 327
    17 Thyroid, Parathyroid, and Adrenal Gland Disorders ..... 335
    Shannon M. Larabee and John A. Olson, Jr
    Thyroid Gland 336
    Thyroid Dysfunction Requiring Surgery 341
    Parathyroid Glands 352
    Adrenal Gland 358
    Tumors of the Endocrine Pancreas 367
    Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia 370
    Review Questions for Part V 373
    Answers and Explanations 377
    Part VI: Special Subjects
    18 Acute Abdominal Surgical Emergencies .............. 381
    Megan Birkhold, Laura S. Buchanan and Jose J. Diaz
    Acute Abdomen 382
    Obstruction 389
    Hemorrhage 392
    19 Trauma and Burns ................................ 395
    Amanda M. Chipman, Brandon Bruns and Thomas Scalea
    Trauma 396
    Specific Injuries 402
    Burn Injury 40820 Pediatric Surgery ................................. 411
    Chris T. Laird, Clint D. Cappiello and Eric D. Strauch
    General Principles 412
    Congenital Pulmonary Malformations (CPAM) 412
    Esophageal Atresia (EA) and Tracheoesophageal Fistula (TEF) 413
    Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) 415
    Congenital Abdominal Wall Defects 416
    Infantile Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis 419
    Biliary Atresia 419
    Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) 420
    Intestinal Malrotation With or Without Midgut Volvulus 423
    Intestinal Atresia 425
    Hirschsprung Disease 426
    Anorectal Malformation 428
    Solid Tumors 429
    21 Surgical Oncology ................................ 430
    Marco Dal Molin, Julia Terhune and Suliat Nurudeen
    Cancer 431
    Cancer Etiology and Epidemiology 431
    Screening and Diagnosis 434
    Di a g n os t ic P r o ce d ur es 436
    Staging 437
    Surgical Treatment 437
    Multidisciplinary Treatment 440
    Research and Training 442
    22 Organ Transplantation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
    Tara Talaie, Joseph R. Scalea, Max Seaton, Silke Niederhaus
    and Jonathan Bromberg
    General Principles 445
    Heart Transplantation 453
    Pulmonary Transplantation 454
    Hepatic Transplantation 455
    Kidney Transplantation 458
    Pancreatic Transplantation 461
    Small Bowel and Multivisceral Transplantation 463
    Composite Tissue Allograft and Vascularized Composite Allograft
    Transplants 46423 Minimally Invasive Surgery and Robotics ............. 466
    Hossam Abdou, Natalia S. Kubicki, Hugo Bonatti and
    Stephen M. Kavic
    General Principles 466
    Selected Laparoscopic Procedures 470
    Robotic Technology 476
    24 Bariatric Surgery ................................. 479
    Nicole Shockcor and Mark D. Kligman
    General Principles 480
    Surgical Treatment of Obesity 481
    25 Head and Neck Surgery ........................... 488
    Jeffrey S. Wolf
    Anatomy 488
    Disease Processes 491
    Head and Neck Cancer 501
    Benign Parotid Neoplasms 513
    Review Questions for Part VI 515
    Answers and Explanations 527
    Part VII: Surgical Subspecialties
    26 Neurosurgery .................................... 535
    Kenneth M. Crandall and Charles A. Sansur
    General Principles 536
    Evaluating the Neurosurgical Patient 540
    Head Injury 541
    Spinal Cord Injury 545
    Neurovascular Disease 547
    Central Nervous System Tumors 549
    Functional Neurosurgery 555
    Degenerative Spine Disease 556
    Tumors of the Spine 559
    Spinal Deformity 561
    Peripheral Nerves 56127 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery ................. 564
    Ledibabari M. Ngaage and Yvonne M. Rasko
    General Principles 565
    Reconstructive Plastic Surgery 565
    Skin and Soft Tissue Reconstruction 570
    Craniofacial Surgery 582
    Hand Surgery 584
    Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 587
    Innovation in Plastic Surgery 590
    28 Urologic Surgery ................................. 591
    Megan Lerner, Meagan Dunne, Jessica Felton and
    Andrew Kramer
    Urologic Emergencies 592
    Urinary Tract Stones 594
    Benign Prostatic Disorders 596
    Genitourinary Malignancies 600
    Erectile Dysfunction 608
    Voiding Dysfunction 609
    29 Orthopedic Surgery ............................... 613
    Alexander J. Kish and R. Frank Henn III
    Orthopedic General Principles 614
    Orthopedic Emergencies 615
    Orthopedic Urgencies 618
    Arthritis 630
    Infections 631
    Tumors 633
    Adult Orthopedics 636
    Review Questions for Part VII 641
    Answers and Explanations 649
    Index 655
    • Meticulously integrated high-yield features include Chapter Cuts (approach to disease), Quick Cuts (pearls), and Critical Surgical Associations that facilitate different levels of topic review.
    • A standardized at-a-glance outline format makes it easy to navigate from chapter to chapter when reviewing for the rotation shelf exam.
    • NEW- Trusted Sources boxes highlight the best, most trusted resources for surgical guidelines to further clinical knowledge.
    • New- A Cut to Casebook feature provides handy cross-referencing to cases in the NMS Surgery Casebook, 3rd Edition.
    • REVISED- Chapter Cuts that call out the chapter’s most important principles now begin each chapter rather than each section, making vital information more immediately accessible.
    • REVISED- Highly visual Critical Surgical Associations now begin each chapter and have been expanded to include additional associations and important sequences.
    • REVISED- Quick Cuts for each outline topic are now consolidated into a box to improve text flow and better serve as a quick refresher of the topic.
    • Higher quality radiographic images better illustrate the conditions discussed.
    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience with Enhanced Video, Audio and Interactive Capabilities!  
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.  
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.  
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NMS Surgery

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