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NMS Surgery Casebook

Edition: 2
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Ideal as a stand-alone review or as a companion to NMS Surgery , this highly practical casebook presents a series of ...
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  • Ideal as a stand-alone review or as a companion to NMS Surgery , this highly practical casebook presents a series of surgical cases that begin with a clinical scenario and progress step by step through the decision-making process of patient management. It offers medical students a structured subject review, practice questions to prepare for the USMLE Step 2 exam, and an opportunity to work through clinical cases with a unique “what next” approach to decision making.

    Updates include a new two-color design, “Deep Thoughts” and “Quick Cuts” text features that clearly call out high-yield information in every chapter, and an all-new chapter on pediatrics covering common congenital anomalies. Clinical images and illustrations offer the opportunity to detect visual clues, and the new pocket-sized format makes it easy to carry and study anytime, anywhere. In addition, this title is packaged with access to the interactive eBook version at no additional cost!
    • Provides an excellent review for exams and an opportunity to practice real-world clinical decision making.
    • Features a new, two-color design and a handy new pocket-sized format.
    • Emphasizes high-yield information with easy-to-spot “Deep Thoughts” and “Quick Cuts” boxes throughout.
    • Contains a new pediatrics chapter that brings you up to date with common congenital anomalies.
    • Includes case variations so you can consider patients with complications or co-existing conditions.
    • Uses an extensive illustration program that provides opportunities to make patient management decisions based on visual cues.
    • The perfect companion to Jarrell's NMS Surgery, 6th Edition.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    National Medical Series for Independent Study
  • Bruce Jarrell MD
    University of Maryland
    • Provides an excellent review for exams and an opportunity to practice real-world clinical decision making.
    • Features a new, two-color design and a handy new pocket-sized format.
    • Emphasizes high-yield information with easy-to-spot “Deep Thoughts” and “Quick Cuts” boxes throughout.
    • Contains a new pediatrics chapter that brings you up to date with common congenital anomalies.
    • Includes case variations so you can consider patients with complications or co-existing conditions.
    • Uses an extensive illustration program that provides opportunities to make patient management decisions based on visual cues.
    • The perfect companion to Jarrell's NMS Surgery, 6th Edition.
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NMS Surgery Casebook

NMS Surgery Casebook

ISBN/ISSN: 9781451114676
USD $57.99 Quantity :
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