Judith A. Halstead, PhD, RN, ANEF, FAAN is executive director of the National League for Nursing Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation in Washington, DC, a position she has held since July 2014. She has over thirty-five years of experience in nursing education with expertise in online education, nurse educator competencies, and evidence-based teaching in nursing education. She is co-editor of the widely referenced book on nursing education, Teaching in Nursing: A Guide for Faculty. Dr. Halstead is the recipient of numerous awards including the MNRS Advancement of Science Award for the Nursing Education Research Section and the Sigma Theta Tau International Elizabeth Russell Belford Excellence in Education Award. She is a fellow in the NLN Academy of Nursing Education and the American Academy of Nursing. She served as the president of the National League for Nursing from 2011-2013.
NLN Core Competencies for Nurse Educators: A Decade of Influence
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